The Biology of Legumes and Their Agronomic, Economic, and Social Impact

Grusak M.A.
Ferreira H.
Balázs B.
Centofanti T.
Ntatsi G.
Savvas D.
Karkanis A.
Vandenberg A.
Toma L.
Shrestha S.
Akaichi F.
Barrios C.O.
Gruber S.
James E.K.
Maluk M.
Karley A.
Iannetta P.
Document Type
Book Chapter
Year published
in The Plant Family Fabaceae: Biology and Physiological Responses to Environmental Stresses, ISSN: 9789811547515
Pages: 3-25 (22)
Publication Identifiers
Scopus: 2-s2.0-85135349764
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 9789811547515
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Name Order Name   Name Order Name   Name Order Name
1 Vasconcelos M.W.;   2 Grusak M.A.;   3 Pinto E.;
4 Gomes A.;   5 Ferreira H.;   6 Balázs B.;
7 Centofanti T.;   8 Ntatsi G.;   9 Savvas D.;
10 Karkanis A.;   11 Williams M.;   12 Vandenberg A.;
13 Toma L.;   14 Shrestha S.;   15 Akaichi F.;
16 Barrios C.O.;   17 Gruber S.;   18 James E.K.;
19 Maluk M.;   20 Karley A.;   21 Iannetta P.;