Departamento de Engenharia Informática (DEI)
Department of Informatics Engineering

AuthID: I-000-0K9

Publications Count: 3922

48 Team Members
Filters -> Year: 2025
TÍTULO: Readability of web content An analysis by topic
AUTORES: Antunes, H; Lopes, CT ;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2019, FONTE: 14th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI) in 2019 14TH IBERIAN CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES (CISTI), VOLUME: 2019-June
TÍTULO: Regulating Blockchain Smart Contracts with Agent-Based Markets
AUTORES: Rubio, TRPM; Zafeiris Kokkinogenis ; Henrique Lopes Cardoso ; Rosaldo J F Rossetti ; Eugénio Oliveira ;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2019, FONTE: 19th EPIA Conference on Artificial Intelligence, EPIA 2019 in Progress in Artificial Intelligence - 19th EPIA Conference on Artificial Intelligence, EPIA 2019, Vila Real, Portugal, September 3-6, 2019, Proceedings, Part I, VOLUME: 11804, PÁGINAS: 399-411
TÍTULO: Reinforcement learning in multi-agent games: Open AI gym diplomacy environment
AUTORES: Cruz, D; Cruz, JA; Lopes Cardoso, H ;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2019, FONTE: 19th EPIA Conference on Artificial Intelligence, EPIA 2019 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), VOLUME: 11804 LNAI, PÁGINAS: 49-60
TÍTULO: Safe Walking in VR
AUTORES: Maurício Sousa; Daniel Mendes ; Joaquim A Jorge;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2019, FONTE: 17th ACM SIGGRAPH International Conference on Virtual-Reality Continuum and its Applications in Industry, VRCAI 2019 in The 17th International Conference on Virtual-Reality Continuum and its Applications in Industry, VRCAI 2019, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, November 14-16, 2019., PÁGINAS: 54:1-54:2
TÍTULO: Safe Walking In VR using Augmented Virtuality
AUTORES: Maurício Sousa; Daniel Mendes ; Joaquim A Jorge;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2019, FONTE: CoRR, VOLUME: abs/1911.13032
TÍTULO: Scalable eventually consistent counters over unreliable networks
AUTORES: Paulo Sergio Almeida ; Carlos Baquero ;
TÍTULO: Seed: Resynthesizing environmental sounds from examples
AUTORES: Bernardes, G ; Aly, L; Davies, MEP ;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2019, FONTE: 13th Sound and Music Computing Conference, SMC 2016 in SMC 2016 - 13th Sound and Music Computing Conference, Proceedings, PÁGINAS: 55-62
TÍTULO: Self-adaptive Cobots in Cyber-Physical Production Systems
AUTORES: Roberto Nogueira; Joao Reis; Rui Pinto ; Gil Gonçalves ;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2019, FONTE: 24th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA) in 2019 24TH IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES AND FACTORY AUTOMATION (ETFA), VOLUME: 2019-September, PÁGINAS: 521-528
TÍTULO: Self-adaptive Cobots in Cyber-Physical Production Systems
AUTORES: Roberto Nogueira; João Reis; Rui Pinto ; Gil Gonçalves ;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2019, FONTE: 24th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, ETFA 2019, Zaragoza, Spain, September 10-13, 2019, PÁGINAS: 521-528
TÍTULO: Semantics-aware Virtual Machine Image Management in IaaS Clouds
AUTORES: Nishant Saurabh; Julian Remmers; Dragi Kimovski; Radu Prodan; Jorge G Barbosa ;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2019, FONTE: 33rd IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, IPDPS 2019 in CoRR, VOLUME: abs/1906.09122, PÁGINAS: 418-427
TÍTULO: Semantics-aware Virtual Machine Image Management in IaaS Clouds
AUTORES: Saurabh, N; Remmers, J; Kimovski, D; Prodan, R; Barbosa, JG ;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2019, FONTE: 33rd IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS) in 2019 IEEE 33RD INTERNATIONAL PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED PROCESSING SYMPOSIUM (IPDPS 2019), PÁGINAS: 418-427
TÍTULO: Serious games for ageing: a pilot interventional study in a cohort of heterogeneous cognitive impairment
AUTORES: Marco Simões; Rui Abreu ; Hélio Gonçalves; Ana Rodrigues; Inês Bernardino; Miguel Castelo Branco;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2019, FONTE: 7th IEEE International Conference on Serious Games and Applications for Health, SeGAH 2019, Kyoto, Japan, August 5-7, 2019, PÁGINAS: 1-8
TÍTULO: Sharing and Learning Alloy on the Web
AUTORES: Nuno Macedo ; Alcino Cunha ; José Pereira ; Renato Carvalho; Ricardo Silva; Ana C R Paiva ; Miguel S Ramalho; Daniel Castro Silva;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2019, FONTE: CoRR, VOLUME: abs/1907.02275
TÍTULO: Simplifying the Analysis of Software Design Variants with a Colorful Alloy
AUTORES: Chong Liu ; Nuno Macedo ; Alcino Cunha ;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2019, FONTE: 5th International Symposium on Dependable Software Engineering: Theories, Tools, and Applications, SETTA 2019 in Dependable Software Engineering. Theories, Tools, and Applications - 5th International Symposium, SETTA 2019, Shanghai, China, November 27-29, 2019, Proceedings, VOLUME: 11951, PÁGINAS: 38-55
TÍTULO: Simulation under Arbitrary Temporal Logic Constraints
AUTORES: Julien Brunel; David Chemouil; Alcino Cunha ; Nuno Macedo ;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2019, FONTE: 5th Workshop on Formal Integrated Development Environment, F-IDE 2019 in Proceedings Fifth Workshop on Formal Integrated Development Environment, F-IDE@FM 2019, Porto, Portugal, 7th October 2019., VOLUME: 310, PÁGINAS: 63-69
TÍTULO: Static-time Extraction and Analysis of the ROS Computation Graph
AUTORES: Andre Santos ; Alcino Cunha ; Nuno Macedo ;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2019, FONTE: 3rd IEEE International Conference on Robotic Computing (IRC) in 2019 THIRD IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ROBOTIC COMPUTING (IRC 2019), PÁGINAS: 62-69
TÍTULO: Stop PropagHate at SemEval-2019 Tasks 5 and 6: Are abusive language classification results reproducible?
AUTORES: Paula Fortuna; Juan Soler Company; Sérgio Nunes ;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2019, FONTE: Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation, SemEval@NAACL-HLT 2019, Minneapolis, MN, USA, June 6-7, 2019, PÁGINAS: 745-752
TÍTULO: Supporting the Scale-up of High Performance Application to Pre-Exascale Systems: The ANTAREX Approach
AUTORES: Silvano, C; Agosta, G; Bartolini, A; Beccari, AR; Benini, L; Besnard, L; Bispo, J ; Cmar, R; Cardoso, JMP ; Cavazzoni, C; Cesarini, D; Cherubin, S; Ficarelli, F; Gadioli, D; Golasowski, M; Lasri, I; Libri, A; Manelfi, C; Martinovic, J; Palermo, G; Pinto, P; Rohou, E; Sanna, N; Slaninova, K; Vitali, E; ...Mais
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2019, FONTE: 27th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based Processing (PDP) in 2019 27TH EUROMICRO INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PARALLEL, DISTRIBUTED AND NETWORK-BASED PROCESSING (PDP), PÁGINAS: 116-123
TÍTULO: Tactical Level Decision-Making for Platoons of Autonomous Vehicles Using Auction Mechanisms
AUTORES: Zafeiris Kokkinogenis ; Miguel Teixeira; Pedro M d'Orey ; Rosaldo J F Rossetti ;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2019, FONTE: 30th IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV) in 2019 30TH IEEE INTELLIGENT VEHICLES SYMPOSIUM (IV19), VOLUME: 2019-June, PÁGINAS: 1632-1638
TÍTULO: Techniques and Analysis for Mixed-criticality Scheduling with Mode-dependent Server Execution Budgets
AUTORES: Awan, MA; Bletsas, KN; Souto, PF ; Akesson, B; Tovar, E ;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2019, FONTE: Embedded Systems Week / Int Conf on Compilers, Architecture, and Synthesis for Embedded Systems (CASES) / International Conference on Hardware/Software Codesign and System Synthesis (CODES+ISSS) / Int Conf on Embedded Software (EMSOFT) in ACM TRANSACTIONS ON EMBEDDED COMPUTING SYSTEMS, VOLUME: 18, NÚMERO: 5, PÁGINAS: 109:1-109:23

Results per Page: 20.
Página 58 de 197. Total de resultados: 3922.