Departamento de Física e Astronomia (DFA-FCUP)
Department of Physics and Astronomy

Universidade do Porto (UP) :: Faculdade de Ciências (FCUP)

Publications Actions
Publicações no Perfil Institucional do Authenticus

Uma Instituição (Grupo) no Authenticus é uma organização que engloba um conjunto de Investigadores (equipa da Instituição ou do Grupo). O conjunto de Investigadores depende da estrutura organizacional da instituição em cada ano e pode ser definido no perfil da Instituição, na secção “Investigadores”. Com base na equipa definida, o Authenticus produz listas de publicações, estatísticas e relatórios institucionais.

As publicações listadas no perfil da Instituição no Authenticus dependem de dois parâmetros:

  • Investigadores associados à equipa da Instituição em cada ano.
  • Origem das Publicações.

As publicações associadas à Instituição podem ter três origens:

  • Publicações validadas pelos membros da equipa - Inclui todas as publicações validadas pelos membros da equipa; é necessário que a equipa da Instituição esteja definida.
  • Todas as Publicadas pelos membros da equipa - Inclui todas as anteriores mais aquelas em que um dos autores foi identificado com um membro da equipa, ainda que não tenha sido validada; é necessário que a equipa da Instituição esteja definida.
  • Com Base na Afiliação - inclui todas as publicações que têm a Instituição ou o Grupo mencionado na afiliação; não é necessário que a equipa da Instituição esteja definida mas, por outro lado, não é garantido que todas as publicações da Instituição sejam listadas.
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 This actions updates publications citations of every team member.
 Only validated by team members publications are included.
 Only the current year team is included in this action.>
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 This actions can be executed only once a month!

Update PrePrints

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 This actions updates all pre print publications of the group/institution.
 Only validated by current year team members publications are included.
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 This actions can be executed only once a day!

Publications Count: 6082

110 Team Members
Filters -> Year: 2024
TÍTULO: Exploiting timing capabilities of the CHEOPS mission with warm-Jupiter planets  Full Text
AUTORES: Borsato, L.; Piotto, G.; Gandolfi, D.; Nascimbeni, V; Lacedelli, G.; Marzari, F.; Billot, N.; Maxted, P. F. L.; Sousa, S. ; Cameron, A. C.; Bonfanti, A.; Wilson, T. G.; Serrano, L. M.; Garai, Z.; Alibert, Y.; Alonso, R.; Asquier, J.; Barczy, T.; Bandy, T.; Barrado, D.; Barros, S. C. C. ; Baumjohann, W.; Beck, M.; Beck, T.; Benz, W.; Bonfils, X.; Brandeker, A.; Broeg, C.; Cabrera, J.; Charnoz, S.; Csizmadia, S.; Davies, M. B.; Deleuil, M.; Delrez, L.; Demangeon, O. ; Demory, B O; des Etangs, A. L.; Ehrenreich, D.; Erikson, A.; Escude, G. A.; Fortier, A.; Fossati, L.; Fridlund, M.; Gillon, M.; Guedel, M.; Hasiba, J.; Heng, K.; Hoyer, S.; Isaak, K. G.; Kiss, L.; Kopp, E.; Laskar, J.; Lendl, M.; Lovis, C.; Magrin, D.; Munari, M.; Olofsson, G.; Ottensamer, R.; Pagano, I; Palle, E.; Peter, G.; Pollacco, D.; Queloz, D.; Ragazzoni, R.; Rando, N.; Rauer, H.; Ribas, I; Segransan, D.; Santos, N. C. ; Scandariato, G.; Simon, A.; Smith, A. M. S.; Steller, M.; Szabo, G.; Thomas, N.; Udry, S.; Van Grootel, V.; Walton, N.; ...Mais
INDEXADO EM: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 17
TÍTULO: Exploring HeII lambda 1640 emission line properties at z similar to 2-4 (vol 624, A89, 2019)
AUTORES: Nanayakkara, T; Brinchmann, J ; Boogaard, L; Bouwens, R; Cantalupo, S; Feltre, A; Kollatschny, W; Marino, RA; Maseda, M; Matthee, J; Paalvast, M; Richard, J; Verhamme, A;
INDEXADO EM: Scopus WOS CrossRef
TÍTULO: Exploring New Redshift Indicators for Radio-Powerful AGN
AUTORES: Carvajal, R; Matute, I; Afonso, J; Amarantidis, S; Barbosa, D; Cunha, P; Humphrey, A ;
INDEXADO EM: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 8
TÍTULO: Exploring quantum-like turbulence with a two-component paraxial fluid of light
AUTORES: Nuno Azevedo Silva ; Tiago D Ferreira ; Ariel Guerreiro ;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2021, FONTE: Conference on Nonlinear Optics and Applications XII in NONLINEAR OPTICS AND APPLICATIONS XII, VOLUME: 11770, PÁGINAS: 100025
INDEXADO EM: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 3
TÍTULO: Few-cycle all-fiber temporally coherent supercontinuum sources
AUTORES: Almagro Ruiz, A; Torres Peiró, S; Muñoz Marco, H; Dauliat, R; Jamier, R; Romero, R; Guerreiro, PT ; Cunquero, M; Castro, G; Loza Álvarez, P; Crespo, H; Roy, P; Pérez Millán, P;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2021, FONTE: Frontiers in Ultrafast Optics: Biomedical, Scientific, and Industrial Applications XXI 2021 in Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, VOLUME: 11676
INDEXADO EM: Scopus CrossRef: 1
TÍTULO: Fiber-Integrated Phase Change Metasurfaces with Switchable Group Delay Dispersion
AUTORES: Martins, T; Cui, YH; Gholipour, B; Ou, JY; Frazao, O ; MacDonald, KF;
TÍTULO: Fiction, Truth and Method
AUTORES: Orfeu Bertolami ;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2021, FONTE: SSRN Electronic Journal
INDEXADO EM: CrossRef Unpaywall
TÍTULO: Food Waste and Qualitative Evaluation of Menus in Public University Canteens-Challenges and Opportunities
AUTORES: Aires, C; Saraiva, C; Fontes, MC; Moreira, D ; Moura Alves, M; CARLA GONÇALVES ;
INDEXADO EM: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 9
TÍTULO: Fractal-Stereometric Correlation of Nanoscale Spatial Patterns of GdMnO3 Thin Films Deposited by Spin Coating
AUTORES: Romaguera Barcelay, Y; Talu, S; Matos, RS; Oliveira, RMPB; Moreira, JA ; de Cruz, JP; da Fonseca, HD;
INDEXADO EM: Scopus WOS CrossRef
TÍTULO: Functionalized magnetic composite nano/microfibres with highly oriented van der Waals CrI3 inclusions by electrospinning  Full Text
AUTORES: Isfahani, VB; da Silva, JFHB ; Boddapati, L; Rolo, AG; Baptista, RMF; Deepak, FL; de Araujo, JPE; Gomes, ED; Almeida, BG;
INDEXADO EM: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 3
TÍTULO: Fundamental physics with ESPRESSO: Towards an accurate wavelength calibration for a precision test of the fine-structure constant
AUTORES: Schmidt, TM; Molaro, P; Murphy, MT; Lovis, C; Cupani, G; Cristiani, S; Pepe, FA; Rebolo, R; Santos, NC ; Abreu, M; Adibekyan, V ; Alibert, Y; Aliverti, M; Allart, R; Prieto, CA; Alves, D; Baldini, V; Broeg, C; Cabral, A; Calderone, G; Cirami, R; Coelho, J; Coretti, I; D'Odorico, V; Di Marcantonio, P; Ehrenreich, D; Figueira, P ; Genoni, M; Santos, RG; Hernandez, JIG; Kerber, F; Landoni, M; Leite, ACO; Lizon, JL; Lo Curto, G; Manescau, A; Martins, CJAP ; Megevand, D; Mehner, A; Micela, G; Modigliani, A; Monteiro, M ; Mário J. P. F. G. Monteiro ; Mueller, E; Nunes, NJ; Oggioni, L; Oliveira, A; Pariani, G; Pasquini, L; Redaelli, E; Riva, M; Santos, P; Sosnowska, D; Sousa, SG ; Sozzetti, A; Mascareno, AS; Udry, S; Osorio, MRZ; Zerbi, F; ...Mais
INDEXADO EM: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 14
TÍTULO: Fundamental properties of a selected sample of Ap stars: Inferences from interferometric and asteroseismic constraints
AUTORES: Deal, M ; Cunha, MS ; Keszthelyi, Z; Perraut, K; Holdsworth, DL;
INDEXADO EM: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 10
TÍTULO: Gaia Early Data Release 3. The <i>Gaia</i> Catalogue of Nearby Stars
AUTORES: Smart, RL; Sarro, LM; Rybizki, J; Reylé, C; Robin, AC; Hambly, NC; Abbas, U; Barstow, MA; de Bruijne, JHJ; Bucciarelli, B; Carrasco, JM; Cooper, WJ; Hodgkin, ST; Masana, E; Michalik, D; Sahlmann, J; Sozzetti, A; Brown, AGA; Vallenari, A; Prusti, T; Babusiaux, C; Biermann, M; Creevey, OL; Evans, DW; Eyer, L; Hutton, A; Jansen, F; Jordi, C; Klioner, SA; Lammers, U; Lindegren, L; Luri, X; Mignard, F; Panem, C; Pourbaix, D; Randich, S; Sartoretti, P; Soubiran, C; Walton, NA; Arenou, F; Bailer-Jones, CAL; Bastian, U; Cropper, M; Drimmel, R; Katz, D; Lattanzi, MG; van Leeuwen, F; Bakker, J; Castañeda, J; De Angeli, F; Ducourant, C; Fabricius, C; Fouesneau, M; Frémat, Y; Guerra, R; Guerrier, A; Guiraud, J; Jean-Antoine Piccolo, A; Messineo, R; Mowlavi, N; Nicolas, C; Nienartowicz, K; Pailler, F; Panuzzo, P; Riclet, F; Roux, W; Seabroke, GM; Sordo, R; Tanga, P; Thévenin, F; Gracia-Abril, G; Portell, J; Teyssier, D; Altmann, M; Andrae, R; Bellas-Velidis, I; Benson, K; Berthier, J; Blomme, R; Brugaletta, E; Burgess, PW; Busso, G; Carry, B; Cellino, A; Cheek, N; Clementini, G; Damerdji, Y; Davidson, M; Delchambre, L; Dell’Oro, A; Fernández-Hernández, J; Galluccio, L; García-Lario, P; Garcia-Reinaldos, M; González-Núñez, J; Gosset, E; Haigron, R; J.-L Halbwachs; Harrison, DL; Hatzidimitriou, D; Heiter, U; Hernández, J; Hestroffer, D; Holl, B; Janßen, K; Jevardat de Fombelle, G; Jordan, S; Krone-Martins, A; Lanzafame, AC; Löffler, W; Lorca, A; Manteiga, M; Marchal, O; Marrese, PM; Moitinho, A; Mora, A; Muinonen, K; Osborne, P; Pancino, E; Pauwels, T; Recio-Blanco, A; Richards, PJ; Riello, M; Rimoldini, L; Roegiers, T; Siopis, C; Smith, M; Ulla, A; Utrilla, E; van Leeuwen, M; van Reeven, W; Abreu Aramburu, A; Accart, S; Aerts, C; Aguado, JJ; Ajaj, M; Altavilla, G; Álvarez, MA; Álvarez Cid-Fuentes, J; Alves, J; Anderson, RI; Anglada Varela, E; Antoja, T; Audard, M; Baines, D; Baker, SG; Balaguer-Núñez, L; Balbinot, E; Balog, Z; Barache, C; Barbato, D; Barros, M; Bartolomé, S; J.-L Bassilana; Bauchet, N; Baudesson-Stella, A; Becciani, U; Bellazzini, M; Bernet, M; Bertone, S; Bianchi, L; Blanco-Cuaresma, S; Boch, T; Bombrun, A; Bossini, D ; Bouquillon, S; Bragaglia, A; Bramante, L; Breedt, E; Bressan, A; Brouillet, N; Burlacu, A; Busonero, D; Butkevich, AG; Buzzi, R; Caffau, E; Cancelliere, R; Cánovas, H; Cantat-Gaudin, T; Carballo, R; Carlucci, T; Carnerero, MI; Casamiquela, L; Castellani, M; Castro-Ginard, A; Castro Sampol, P; Chaoul, L; Charlot, P; Chemin, L; Chiavassa, A; M.-R L Cioni; Comoretto, G; Cornez, T; Cowell, S; Crifo, F; Crosta, M; Crowley, C; Dafonte, C; Dapergolas, A; David, M; David, P; de Laverny, P; De Luise, F; De March, R; De Ridder, J; de Souza, R; de Teodoro, P; de Torres, A; del Peloso, EF; del Pozo, E; Delgado, A; Delgado, HE; J.-B Delisle; Di Matteo, P; Diakite, S; Diener, C; Distefano, E; Dolding, C; Eappachen, D; Edvardsson, B; Enke, H; Esquej, P; Fabre, C; Fabrizio, M; Faigler, S; Fedorets, G; Fernique, P; Fienga, A; Figueras, F; Fouron, C; Fragkoudi, F; Fraile, E; Franke, F; Gai, M; Garabato, D; Garcia-Gutierrez, A; García-Torres, M; Garofalo, A; Gavras, P; Gerlach, E; Geyer, R; Giacobbe, P; Gilmore, G; Girona, S; Giuffrida, G; Gomel, R; Gomez, A; Gonzalez-Santamaria, I; González-Vidal, JJ; Granvik, M; Gutiérrez-Sánchez, R; Guy, LP; Hauser, M; Haywood, M; Helmi, A; Hidalgo, SL; Hilger, T; Hładczuk, N; Hobbs, D; Holland, G; Huckle, HE; Jasniewicz, G; Jonker, PG; Juaristi Campillo, J; Julbe, F; Karbevska, L; Kervella, P; Khanna, S; Kochoska, A; Kontizas, M; Kordopatis, G; Korn, AJ; Kostrzewa-Rutkowska, Z; Kruszyńska, K; Lambert, S; Lanza, AF; Lasne, Y; J.-F Le Campion; Le Fustec, Y; Lebreton, Y; Lebzelter, T; Leccia, S; Leclerc, N; Lecoeur-Taibi, I; Liao, S; Licata, E; Lindstrøm, HEP; Lister, TA; Livanou, E; Lobel, A; Madrero Pardo, P; Managau, S; Mann, RG; Marchant, JM; Marconi, M; Marcos Santos, MMS; Marinoni, S; Marocco, F; Marshall, DJ; Martin Polo, L; Martín-Fleitas, JM; Masip, A; Massari, D; Mastrobuono-Battisti, A; Mazeh, T; McMillan, PJ; Messina, S; Millar, NR; Mints, A; Molina, D; Molinaro, R; Molnár, L; Montegriffo, P; Mor, R; Morbidelli, R; Morel, T; Morris, D; Mulone, AF; Munoz, D; Muraveva, T; Murphy, CP; Musella, I; Noval, L; Ordénovic, C; Orrù, G; Osinde, J; Pagani, C; Pagano, I; Palaversa, L; Palicio, PA; Panahi, A; Pawlak, M; Peñalosa Esteller, X; Penttilä, A; Piersimoni, AM; F.-X Pineau; Plachy, E; Plum, G; Poggio, E; Poretti, E; Poujoulet, E; Prša, A; Pulone, L; Racero, E; Ragaini, S; Rainer, M; Raiteri, CM; Rambaux, N; Ramos, P; Ramos-Lerate, M; Re Fiorentin, P; Regibo, S; Ripepi, V; Riva, A; Rixon, G; Robichon, N; Robin, C; Roelens, M; Rohrbasser, L; Romero-Gómez, M; Rowell, N; Royer, F; Rybicki, KA; Sadowski, G; Sagristà Sellés, A; Salgado, J; Salguero, E; Samaras, N; Sanchez Gimenez, V; Sanna, N; Santoveña, R; Sarasso, M; Schultheis, M; Sciacca, E; Segol, M; Segovia, JC; Ségransan, D; Semeux, D; Shahaf, S; Siddiqui, HI; Siebert, A; Siltala, L; Slezak, E; Solano, E; Solitro, F; Souami, D; Souchay, J; Spagna, A; Spoto, F; Steele, IA; Steidelmüller, H; Stephenson, CA; Süveges, M; Szabados, L; Szegedi-Elek, E; Taris, F; Tauran, G; Taylor, MB; Teixeira, R; Thuillot, W; Tonello, N; Torra, F; Torra, J; Turon, C; Unger, N; Vaillant, M; van Dillen, E; Vanel, O; Vecchiato, A; Viala, Y; Vicente, D; Voutsinas, S; Weiler, M; Wevers, T; Wyrzykowski, Ł; Yoldas, A; Yvard, P; Zhao, H; Zorec, J; Zucker, S; Zurbach, C; Zwitter, T; ...Mais
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2021, FONTE: Astronomy & Astrophysics, VOLUME: 649
INDEXADO EM: CrossRef: 188
TÍTULO: Gaia Early Data Release 3. Structure and properties of the Magellanic Clouds
AUTORES: Luri, X; Chemin, L; Clementini, G; Delgado, HE; McMillan, PJ; Romero-Gómez, M; Balbinot, E; Castro-Ginard, A; Mor, R; Ripepi, V; Sarro, LM; M.-R L Cioni; Fabricius, C; Garofalo, A; Helmi, A; Muraveva, T; Brown, AGA; Vallenari, A; Prusti, T; de Bruijne, JHJ; Babusiaux, C; Biermann, M; Creevey, OL; Evans, DW; Eyer, L; Hutton, A; Jansen, F; Jordi, C; Klioner, SA; Lammers, U; Lindegren, L; Mignard, F; Panem, C; Pourbaix, D; Randich, S; Sartoretti, P; Soubiran, C; Walton, NA; Arenou, F; Bailer-Jones, CAL; Bastian, U; Cropper, M; Drimmel, R; Katz, D; Lattanzi, MG; van Leeuwen, F; Bakker, J; Castañeda, J; De Angeli, F; Ducourant, C; Fouesneau, M; Frémat, Y; Guerra, R; Guerrier, A; Guiraud, J; Jean-Antoine Piccolo, A; Masana, E; Messineo, R; Mowlavi, N; Nicolas, C; Nienartowicz, K; Pailler, F; Panuzzo, P; Riclet, F; Roux, W; Seabroke, GM; Sordo, R; Tanga, P; Thévenin, F; Gracia-Abril, G; Portell, J; Teyssier, D; Altmann, M; Andrae, R; Bellas-Velidis, I; Benson, K; Berthier, J; Blomme, R; Brugaletta, E; Burgess, PW; Busso, G; Carry, B; Cellino, A; Cheek, N; Damerdji, Y; Davidson, M; Delchambre, L; Dell’Oro, A; Fernández-Hernández, J; Galluccio, L; García-Lario, P; Garcia-Reinaldos, M; González-Núñez, J; Gosset, E; Haigron, R; J.-L Halbwachs; Hambly, NC; Harrison, DL; Hatzidimitriou, D; Heiter, U; Hernández, J; Hestroffer, D; Hodgkin, ST; Holl, B; Janßen, K; Jevardat de Fombelle, G; Jordan, S; Krone-Martins, A; Lanzafame, AC; Löffler, W; Lorca, A; Manteiga, M; Marchal, O; Marrese, PM; Moitinho, A; Mora, A; Muinonen, K; Osborne, P; Pancino, E; Pauwels, T; Recio-Blanco, A; Richards, PJ; Riello, M; Rimoldini, L; Robin, AC; Roegiers, T; Rybizki, J; Siopis, C; Smith, M; Sozzetti, A; Ulla, A; Utrilla, E; van Leeuwen, M; van Reeven, W; Abbas, U; Abreu Aramburu, A; Accart, S; Aerts, C; Aguado, JJ; Ajaj, M; Altavilla, G; Álvarez, MA; Álvarez Cid-Fuentes, J; Alves, J; Anderson, RI; Anglada Varela, E; Antoja, T; Audard, M; Baines, D; Baker, SG; Balaguer-Núñez, L; Balog, Z; Barache, C; Barbato, D; Barros, M; Barstow, MA; Bartolomé, S; J.-L Bassilana; Bauchet, N; Baudesson-Stella, A; Becciani, U; Bellazzini, M; Bernet, M; Bertone, S; Bianchi, L; Blanco-Cuaresma, S; Boch, T; Bombrun, A; Bossini, D ; Bouquillon, S; Bragaglia, A; Bramante, L; Breedt, E; Bressan, A; Brouillet, N; Bucciarelli, B; Burlacu, A; Busonero, D; Butkevich, AG; Buzzi, R; Caffau, E; Cancelliere, R; Cánovas, H; Cantat-Gaudin, T; Carballo, R; Carlucci, T; Carnerero, MI; Carrasco, JM; Casamiquela, L; Castellani, M; Castro Sampol, P; Chaoul, L; Charlot, P; Chiavassa, A; Comoretto, G; Cooper, WJ; Cornez, T; Cowell, S; Crifo, F; Crosta, M; Crowley, C; Dafonte, C; Dapergolas, A; David, M; David, P; de Laverny, P; De Luise, F; De March, R; De Ridder, J; de Souza, R; de Teodoro, P; de Torres, A; del Peloso, EF; del Pozo, E; Delgado, A; J.-B Delisle; Di Matteo, P; Diakite, S; Diener, C; Distefano, E; Dolding, C; Eappachen, D; Enke, H; Esquej, P; Fabre, C; Fabrizio, M; Faigler, S; Fedorets, G; Fernique, P; Fienga, A; Figueras, F; Fouron, C; Fragkoudi, F; Fraile, E; Franke, F; Gai, M; Garabato, D; Garcia-Gutierrez, A; García-Torres, M; Gavras, P; Gerlach, E; Geyer, R; Giacobbe, P; Gilmore, G; Girona, S; Giuffrida, G; Gomez, A; Gonzalez-Santamaria, I; González-Vidal, JJ; Granvik, M; Gutiérrez-Sánchez, R; Guy, LP; Hauser, M; Haywood, M; Hidalgo, SL; Hilger, T; Hładczuk, N; Hobbs, D; Holland, G; Huckle, HE; Jasniewicz, G; Jonker, PG; Juaristi Campillo, J; Julbe, F; Karbevska, L; Kervella, P; Khanna, S; Kochoska, A; Kontizas, M; Kordopatis, G; Korn, AJ; Kostrzewa-Rutkowska, Z; Kruszyńska, K; Lambert, S; Lanza, AF; Lasne, Y; J.-F Le Campion; Le Fustec, Y; Lebreton, Y; Lebzelter, T; Leccia, S; Leclerc, N; Lecoeur-Taibi, I; Liao, S; Licata, E; Lindstrøm, HEP; Lister, TA; Livanou, E; Lobel, A; Madrero Pardo, P; Managau, S; Mann, RG; Marchant, JM; Marconi, M; Marcos Santos, MMS; Marinoni, S; Marocco, F; Marshall, DJ; Martin Polo, L; Martín-Fleitas, JM; Masip, A; Massari, D; Mastrobuono-Battisti, A; Mazeh, T; Messina, S; Michalik, D; Millar, NR; Mints, A; Molina, D; Molinaro, R; Molnár, L; Montegriffo, P; Morbidelli, R; Morel, T; Morris, D; Mulone, AF; Munoz, D; Murphy, CP; Musella, I; Noval, L; Ordénovic, C; Orrù, G; Osinde, J; Pagani, C; Pagano, I; Palaversa, L; Palicio, PA; Panahi, A; Pawlak, M; Peñalosa Esteller, X; Penttilä, A; Piersimoni, AM; F.-X Pineau; Plachy, E; Plum, G; Poggio, E; Poretti, E; Poujoulet, E; Prša, A; Pulone, L; Racero, E; Ragaini, S; Rainer, M; Raiteri, CM; Rambaux, N; Ramos, P; Ramos-Lerate, M; Re Fiorentin, P; Regibo, S; Reylé, C; Riva, A; Rixon, G; Robichon, N; Robin, C; Roelens, M; Rohrbasser, L; Rowell, N; Royer, F; Rybicki, KA; Sadowski, G; Sagristà Sellés, A; Sahlmann, J; Salgado, J; Salguero, E; Samaras, N; Sanchez S Gimenez; Sanna, N; Santoveña, R; Sarasso, M; Schultheis, M; Sciacca, E; Segol, M; Segovia, JC; Ségransan, D; Semeux, D; Siddiqui, HI; Siebert, A; Siltala, L; Slezak, E; Smart, RL; Solano, E; Solitro, F; Souami, D; Souchay, J; Spagna, A; Spoto, F; Steele, IA; Steidelmüller, H; Stephenson, CA; Süveges, M; Szabados, L; Szegedi-Elek, E; Taris, F; Tauran, G; Taylor, MB; Teixeira, R; Thuillot, W; Tonello, N; Torra, F; Torra, J; Turon, C; Unger, N; Vaillant, M; van Dillen, E; Vanel, O; Vecchiato, A; Viala, Y; Vicente, D; Voutsinas, S; Weiler, M; Wevers, T; Wyrzykowski, Ł; Yoldas, A; Yvard, P; Zhao, H; Zorec, J; Zucker, S; Zurbach, C; Zwitter, T; ...Mais
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2021, FONTE: Astronomy & Astrophysics, VOLUME: 649
INDEXADO EM: CrossRef: 87
TÍTULO: GaiaEarly Data Release 3. Summary of the contents and survey properties
AUTORES: Brown, AGA; Vallenari, A; Prusti, T; de Bruijne, JHJ; Babusiaux, C; Biermann, M; Creevey, OL; Evans, DW; Eyer, L; Hutton, A; Jansen, F; Jordi, C; Klioner, SA; Lammers, U; Lindegren, L; Luri, X; Mignard, F; Panem, C; Pourbaix, D; Randich, S; Sartoretti, P; Soubiran, C; Walton, NA; Arenou, F; Bailer-Jones, CAL; Bastian, U; Cropper, M; Drimmel, R; Katz, D; Lattanzi, MG; van Leeuwen, F; Bakker, J; Cacciari, C; Castañeda, J; De Angeli, F; Ducourant, C; Fabricius, C; Fouesneau, M; Frémat, Y; Guerra, R; Guerrier, A; Guiraud, J; Jean-Antoine Piccolo, A; Masana, E; Messineo, R; Mowlavi, N; Nicolas, C; Nienartowicz, K; Pailler, F; Panuzzo, P; Riclet, F; Roux, W; Seabroke, GM; Sordo, R; Tanga, P; Thévenin, F; Gracia-Abril, G; Portell, J; Teyssier, D; Altmann, M; Andrae, R; Bellas-Velidis, I; Benson, K; Berthier, J; Blomme, R; Brugaletta, E; Burgess, PW; Busso, G; Carry, B; Cellino, A; Cheek, N; Clementini, G; Damerdji, Y; Davidson, M; Delchambre, L; Dell’Oro, A; Fernández-Hernández, J; Galluccio, L; García-Lario, P; Garcia-Reinaldos, M; González-Núñez, J; Gosset, E; Haigron, R; J.-L Halbwachs; Hambly, NC; Harrison, DL; Hatzidimitriou, D; Heiter, U; Hernández, J; Hestroffer, D; Hodgkin, ST; Holl, B; Janßen, K; Jevardat de Fombelle, G; Jordan, S; Krone-Martins, A; Lanzafame, AC; Löffler, W; Lorca, A; Manteiga, M; Marchal, O; Marrese, PM; Moitinho, A; Mora, A; Muinonen, K; Osborne, P; Pancino, E; Pauwels, T; J.-M Petit; Recio-Blanco, A; Richards, PJ; Riello, M; Rimoldini, L; Robin, AC; Roegiers, T; Rybizki, J; Sarro, LM; Siopis, C; Smith, M; Sozzetti, A; Ulla, A; Utrilla, E; van Leeuwen, M; van Reeven, W; Abbas, U; Abreu Aramburu, A; Accart, S; Aerts, C; Aguado, JJ; Ajaj, M; Altavilla, G; Álvarez, MA; Álvarez Cid-Fuentes, J; Alves, J; Anderson, RI; Anglada Varela, E; Antoja, T; Audard, M; Baines, D; Baker, SG; Balaguer-Núñez, L; Balbinot, E; Balog, Z; Barache, C; Barbato, D; Barros, M; Barstow, MA; Bartolomé, S; J.-L Bassilana; Bauchet, N; Baudesson-Stella, A; Becciani, U; Bellazzini, M; Bernet, M; Bertone, S; Bianchi, L; Blanco-Cuaresma, S; Boch, T; Bombrun, A; Bossini, D ; Bouquillon, S; Bragaglia, A; Bramante, L; Breedt, E; Bressan, A; Brouillet, N; Bucciarelli, B; Burlacu, A; Busonero, D; Butkevich, AG; Buzzi, R; Caffau, E; Cancelliere, R; Cánovas, H; Cantat-Gaudin, T; Carballo, R; Carlucci, T; Carnerero, MI; Carrasco, JM; Casamiquela, L; Castellani, M; Castro-Ginard, A; Castro Sampol, P; Chaoul, L; Charlot, P; Chemin, L; Chiavassa, A; M.-R L Cioni; Comoretto, G; Cooper, WJ; Cornez, T; Cowell, S; Crifo, F; Crosta, M; Crowley, C; Dafonte, C; Dapergolas, A; David, M; David, P; de Laverny, P; De Luise, F; De March, R; De Ridder, J; de Souza, R; de Teodoro, P; de Torres, A; del Peloso, EF; del Pozo, E; Delbo, M; Delgado, A; Delgado, HE; J.-B Delisle; Di Matteo, P; Diakite, S; Diener, C; Distefano, E; Dolding, C; Eappachen, D; Edvardsson, B; Enke, H; Esquej, P; Fabre, C; Fabrizio, M; Faigler, S; Fedorets, G; Fernique, P; Fienga, A; Figueras, F; Fouron, C; Fragkoudi, F; Fraile, E; Franke, F; Gai, M; Garabato, D; Garcia-Gutierrez, A; García-Torres, M; Garofalo, A; Gavras, P; Gerlach, E; Geyer, R; Giacobbe, P; Gilmore, G; Girona, S; Giuffrida, G; Gomel, R; Gomez, A; Gonzalez-Santamaria, I; González-Vidal, JJ; Granvik, M; Gutiérrez-Sánchez, R; Guy, LP; Hauser, M; Haywood, M; Helmi, A; Hidalgo, SL; Hilger, T; Hładczuk, N; Hobbs, D; Holland, G; Huckle, HE; Jasniewicz, G; Jonker, PG; Juaristi Campillo, J; Julbe, F; Karbevska, L; Kervella, P; Khanna, S; Kochoska, A; Kontizas, M; Kordopatis, G; Korn, AJ; Kostrzewa-Rutkowska, Z; Kruszyńska, K; Lambert, S; Lanza, AF; Lasne, Y; J.-F Le Campion; Le Fustec, Y; Lebreton, Y; Lebzelter, T; Leccia, S; Leclerc, N; Lecoeur-Taibi, I; Liao, S; Licata, E; Lindstrøm, EP; Lister, TA; Livanou, E; Lobel, A; Madrero Pardo, P; Managau, S; Mann, RG; Marchant, JM; Marconi, M; Marcos Santos, MMS; Marinoni, S; Marocco, F; Marshall, DJ; Martin Polo, L; Martín-Fleitas, JM; Masip, A; Massari, D; Mastrobuono-Battisti, A; Mazeh, T; McMillan, PJ; Messina, S; Michalik, D; Millar, NR; Mints, A; Molina, D; Molinaro, R; Molnár, L; Montegriffo, P; Mor, R; Morbidelli, R; Morel, T; Morris, D; Mulone, AF; Munoz, D; Muraveva, T; Murphy, CP; Musella, I; Noval, L; Ordénovic, C; Orrù, G; Osinde, J; Pagani, C; Pagano, I; Palaversa, L; Palicio, PA; Panahi, A; Pawlak, M; Peñalosa Esteller, X; Penttilä, A; Piersimoni, AM; F.-X Pineau; Plachy, E; Plum, G; Poggio, E; Poretti, E; Poujoulet, E; Prša, A; Pulone, L; Racero, E; Ragaini, S; Rainer, M; Raiteri, CM; Rambaux, N; Ramos, P; Ramos-Lerate, M; Re Fiorentin, P; Regibo, S; Reylé, C; Ripepi, V; Riva, A; Rixon, G; Robichon, N; Robin, C; Roelens, M; Rohrbasser, L; Romero-Gómez, M; Rowell, N; Royer, F; Rybicki, KA; Sadowski, G; Sagristà Sellés, A; Sahlmann, J; Salgado, J; Salguero, E; Samaras, N; Sanchez Gimenez, V; Sanna, N; Santoveña, R; Sarasso, M; Schultheis, M; Sciacca, E; Segol, M; Segovia, JC; Ségransan, D; Semeux, D; Shahaf, S; Siddiqui, HI; Siebert, A; Siltala, L; Slezak, E; Smart, RL; Solano, E; Solitro, F; Souami, D; Souchay, J; Spagna, A; Spoto, F; Steele, IA; Steidelmüller, H; Stephenson, CA; Süveges, M; Szabados, L; Szegedi-Elek, E; Taris, F; Tauran, G; Taylor, MB; Teixeira, R; Thuillot, W; Tonello, N; Torra, F; Torra, J; Turon, C; Unger, N; Vaillant, M; van Dillen, E; Vanel, O; Vecchiato, A; Viala, Y; Vicente, D; Voutsinas, S; Weiler, M; Wevers, T; Wyrzykowski, Ł; Yoldas, A; Yvard, P; Zhao, H; Zorec, J; Zucker, S; Zurbach, C; Zwitter, T; ...Mais
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2021, FONTE: Astronomy & Astrophysics, VOLUME: 649
INDEXADO EM: CrossRef: 2578
TÍTULO: GaiaEarly Data Release 3. The Galactic anticentre
AUTORES: Antoja, T; McMillan, PJ; Kordopatis, G; Ramos, P; Helmi, A; Balbinot, E; Cantat-Gaudin, T; Chemin, L; Figueras, F; Jordi, C; Khanna, S; Romero-Gómez, M; Seabroke, GM; Brown, AGA; Vallenari, A; Prusti, T; de Bruijne, JHJ; Babusiaux, C; Biermann, M; Creevey, OL; Evans, DW; Eyer, L; Hutton, A; Jansen, F; Klioner, SA; Lammers, U; Lindegren, L; Luri, X; Mignard, F; Panem, C; Pourbaix, D; Randich, S; Sartoretti, P; Soubiran, C; Walton, NA; Arenou, F; Bailer-Jones, CAL; Bastian, U; Cropper, M; Drimmel, R; Katz, D; Lattanzi, MG; van Leeuwen, F; Bakker, J; Castañeda, J; De Angeli, F; Ducourant, C; Fabricius, C; Fouesneau, M; Frémat, Y; Guerra, R; Guerrier, A; Guiraud, J; Jean-Antoine Piccolo, A; Masana, E; Messineo, R; Mowlavi, N; Nicolas, C; Nienartowicz, K; Pailler, F; Panuzzo, P; Riclet, F; Roux, W; Sordo, R; Tanga, P; Thévenin, F; Gracia-Abril, G; Portell, J; Teyssier, D; Altmann, M; Andrae, R; Bellas-Velidis, I; Benson, K; Berthier, J; Blomme, R; Brugaletta, E; Burgess, PW; Busso, G; Carry, B; Cellino, A; Cheek, N; Clementini, G; Damerdji, Y; Davidson, M; Delchambre, L; Dell’Oro, A; Fernández-Hernández, J; Galluccio, L; García-Lario, P; Garcia-Reinaldos, M; González-Núñez, J; Gosset, E; Haigron, R; J.-L Halbwachs; Hambly, NC; Harrison, DL; Hatzidimitriou, D; Heiter, U; Hernández, J; Hestroffer, D; Hodgkin, ST; Holl, B; Janßen, K; Jevardat de Fombelle, G; Jordan, S; Krone-Martins, A; Lanzafame, AC; Löffler, W; Lorca, A; Manteiga, M; Marchal, O; Marrese, PM; Moitinho, A; Mora, A; Muinonen, K; Osborne, P; Pancino, E; Pauwels, T; Recio-Blanco, A; Richards, PJ; Riello, M; Rimoldini, L; Robin, AC; Roegiers, T; Rybizki, J; Sarro, LM; Siopis, C; Smith, M; Sozzetti, A; Ulla, A; Utrilla, E; van Leeuwen, M; van Reeven, W; Abbas, U; Abreu Aramburu, A; Accart, S; Aerts, C; Aguado, JJ; Ajaj, M; Altavilla, G; Álvarez, MA; Álvarez Cid-Fuentes, J; Alves, J; Anderson, RI; Anglada A Varela; Audard, M; Baines, D; Baker, SG; Balaguer-Núñez, L; Balog, Z; Barache, C; Barbato, D; Barros, M; Barstow, MA; Bartolomé, S; J.-L Bassilana; Bauchet, N; Baudesson-Stella, A; Becciani, U; Bellazzini, M; Bernet, M; Bertone, S; Bianchi, L; Blanco-Cuaresma, S; Boch, T; Bombrun, A; Bossini, D ; Bouquillon, S; Bragaglia, A; Bramante, L; Breedt, E; Bressan, A; Brouillet, N; Bucciarelli, B; Burlacu, A; Busonero, D; Butkevich, AG; Buzzi, R; Caffau, E; Cancelliere, R; Cánovas, H; Carballo, R; Carlucci, T; Carnerero, MI; Carrasco, JM; Casamiquela, L; Castellani, M; Castro-Ginard, A; Castro Sampol, P; Chaoul, L; Charlot, P; Chiavassa, A; M.-R L Cioni; Comoretto, G; Cooper, WJ; Cornez, T; Cowell, S; Crifo, F; Crosta, M; Crowley, C; Dafonte, C; Dapergolas, A; David, M; David, P; de Laverny, P; De Luise, F; De March, R; De Ridder, J; de Souza, R; de Teodoro, P; de Torres, A; del Peloso, EF; del Pozo, E; Delgado, A; Delgado, HE; J.-B Delisle; Di Matteo, P; Diakite, S; Diener, C; Distefano, E; Dolding, C; Eappachen, D; Enke, H; Esquej, P; Fabre, C; Fabrizio, M; Faigler, S; Fedorets, G; Fernique, P; Fienga, A; Fouron, C; Fragkoudi, F; Fraile, E; Franke, F; Gai, M; Garabato, D; Garcia-Gutierrez, A; García-Torres, M; Garofalo, A; Gavras, P; Gerlach, E; Geyer, R; Giacobbe, P; Gilmore, G; Girona, S; Giuffrida, G; Gomez, A; Gonzalez-Santamaria, I; González-Vidal, JJ; Granvik, M; Gutiérrez-Sánchez, R; Guy, LP; Hauser, M; Haywood, M; Hidalgo, SL; Hilger, T; Hładczuk, N; Hobbs, D; Holland, G; Huckle, HE; Jasniewicz, G; Jonker, PG; Juaristi Campillo, J; Julbe, F; Karbevska, L; Kervella, P; Kochoska, A; Kontizas, M; Korn, AJ; Kostrzewa-Rutkowska, Z; Kruszyńska, K; Lambert, S; Lanza, AF; Lasne, Y; J.-F Le Campion; Le Fustec, Y; Lebreton, Y; Lebzelter, T; Leccia, S; Leclerc, N; Lecoeur-Taibi, I; Liao, S; Licata, E; Lindstrøm, HEP; Lister, TA; Livanou, E; Lobel, A; Madrero Pardo, P; Managau, S; Mann, RG; Marchant, JM; Marconi, M; Marcos Santos, MMS; Marinoni, S; Marocco, F; Marshall, DJ; Martin Polo, L; Martín-Fleitas, JM; Masip, A; Massari, D; Mastrobuono-Battisti, A; Mazeh, T; Messina, S; Michalik, D; Millar, NR; Mints, A; Molina, D; Molinaro, R; Molnár, L; Montegriffo, P; Mor, R; Morbidelli, R; Morel, T; Morris, D; Mulone, AF; Munoz, D; Muraveva, T; Murphy, CP; Musella, I; Noval, L; Ordénovic, C; Orrù, G; Osinde, J; Pagani, C; Pagano, I; Palaversa, L; Palicio, PA; Panahi, A; Pawlak, M; Peñalosa Esteller, X; Penttilä, A; Piersimoni, AM; F.-X Pineau; Plachy, E; Plum, G; Poggio, E; Poretti, E; Poujoulet, E; Prša, A; Pulone, L; Racero, E; Ragaini, S; Rainer, M; Raiteri, CM; Rambaux, N; Ramos-Lerate, M; Re Fiorentin, P; Regibo, S; Reylé, C; Ripepi, V; Riva, A; Rixon, G; Robichon, N; Robin, C; Roelens, M; Rohrbasser, L; Rowell, N; Royer, F; Rybicki, KA; Sadowski, G; Sagristà Sellés, A; Sahlmann, J; Salgado, J; Salguero, E; Samaras, N; Sanchez Gimenez, V; Sanna, N; Santoveña, R; Sarasso, M; Schultheis, M; Sciacca, E; Segol, M; Segovia, JC; Ségransan, D; Semeux, D; Siddiqui, HI; Siebert, A; Siltala, L; Slezak, E; Smart, RL; Solano, E; Solitro, F; Souami, D; Souchay, J; Spagna, A; Spoto, F; Steele, IA; Steidelmüller, H; Stephenson, CA; Süveges, M; Szabados, L; Szegedi-Elek, E; Taris, F; Tauran, G; Taylor, MB; Teixeira, R; Thuillot, W; Tonello, N; Torra, F; Torra, J; Turon, C; Unger, N; Vaillant, M; van Dillen, E; Vanel, O; Vecchiato, A; Viala, Y; Vicente, D; Voutsinas, S; Weiler, M; Wevers, T; Wyrzykowski, Ł; Yoldas, A; Yvard, P; Zhao, H; Zorec, J; Zucker, S; Zurbach, C; Zwitter, T; ...Mais
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2021, FONTE: Astronomy & Astrophysics, VOLUME: 649
INDEXADO EM: CrossRef: 63
TÍTULO: GaiaEarly Data Release 3. Acceleration of the Solar System from<i>Gaia</i>astrometry
AUTORES: Klioner, SA; Mignard, F; Lindegren, L; Bastian, U; McMillan, PJ; Hernández, J; Hobbs, D; Ramos-Lerate, M; Biermann, M; Bombrun, A; de Torres, A; Gerlach, E; Geyer, R; Hilger, T; Lammers, U; Steidelmüller, H; Stephenson, CA; Brown, AGA; Vallenari, A; Prusti, T; de Bruijne, JHJ; Babusiaux, C; Creevey, OL; Evans, DW; Eyer, L; Hutton, A; Jansen, F; Jordi, C; Luri, X; Panem, C; Pourbaix, D; Randich, S; Sartoretti, P; Soubiran, C; Walton, NA; Arenou, F; Bailer-Jones, CAL; Cropper, M; Drimmel, R; Katz, D; Lattanzi, MG; van Leeuwen, F; Bakker, J; Castañeda, J; De Angeli, F; Ducourant, C; Fabricius, C; Fouesneau, M; Frémat, Y; Guerra, R; Guerrier, A; Guiraud, J; Jean-Antoine Piccolo, A; Masana, E; Messineo, R; Mowlavi, N; Nicolas, C; Nienartowicz, K; Pailler, F; Panuzzo, P; Riclet, F; Roux, W; Seabroke, GM; Sordo, R; Tanga, P; Thévenin, F; Gracia-Abril, G; Portell, J; Teyssier, D; Altmann, M; Andrae, R; Bellas-Velidis, I; Benson, K; Berthier, J; Blomme, R; Brugaletta, E; Burgess, PW; Busso, G; Carry, B; Cellino, A; Cheek, N; Clementini, G; Damerdji, Y; Davidson, M; Delchambre, L; Dell’Oro, A; Fernández-Hernández, J; Galluccio, L; García-Lario, P; Garcia-Reinaldos, M; González-Núñez, J; Gosset, E; Haigron, R; J.-L Halbwachs; Hambly, NC; Harrison, DL; Hatzidimitriou, D; Heiter, U; Hestroffer, D; Hodgkin, ST; Holl, B; Janßen, K; Jevardat de Fombelle, G; Jordan, S; Krone-Martins, A; Lanzafame, AC; Löffler, W; Lorca, A; Manteiga, M; Marchal, O; Marrese, PM; Moitinho, A; Mora, A; Muinonen, K; Osborne, P; Pancino, E; Pauwels, T; Recio-Blanco, A; Richards, PJ; Riello, M; Rimoldini, L; Robin, AC; Roegiers, T; Rybizki, J; Sarro, LM; Siopis, C; Smith, M; Sozzetti, A; Ulla, A; Utrilla, E; van Leeuwen, M; van Reeven, W; Abbas, U; Abreu Aramburu, A; Accart, S; Aerts, C; Aguado, JJ; Ajaj, M; Altavilla, G; Álvarez, MA; Álvarez Cid-Fuentes, J; Alves, J; Anderson, RI; Anglada Varela, E; Antoja, T; Audard, M; Baines, D; Baker, SG; Balaguer-Núñez, L; Balbinot, E; Balog, Z; Barache, C; Barbato, D; Barros, M; Barstow, MA; Bartolomé, S; J.-L Bassilana; Bauchet, N; Baudesson-Stella, A; Becciani, U; Bellazzini, M; Bernet, M; Bertone, S; Bianchi, L; Blanco-Cuaresma, S; Boch, T; Bossini, D ; Bouquillon, S; Bramante, L; Breedt, E; Bressan, A; Brouillet, N; Bucciarelli, B; Burlacu, A; Busonero, D; Butkevich, AG; Buzzi, R; Caffau, E; Cancelliere, R; Cánovas, H; Cantat-Gaudin, T; Carballo, R; Carlucci, T; Carnerero, MI; Carrasco, JM; Casamiquela, L; Castellani, M; Castro-Ginard, A; Castro Sampol, P; Chaoul, L; Charlot, P; Chemin, L; Chiavassa, A; Comoretto, G; Cooper, WJ; Cornez, T; Cowell, S; Crifo, F; Crosta, M; Crowley, C; Dafonte, C; Dapergolas, A; David, M; David, P; de Laverny, P; De Luise, F; De March, R; De Ridder, J; de Souza, R; de Teodoro, P; del Peloso, EF; del Pozo, E; Delgado, A; Delgado, HE; J.-B Delisle; Di Matteo, P; Diakite, S; Diener, C; Distefano, E; Dolding, C; Eappachen, D; Enke, H; Esquej, P; Fabre, C; Fabrizio, M; Faigler, S; Fedorets, G; Fernique, P; Fienga, A; Figueras, F; Fouron, C; Fragkoudi, F; Fraile, E; Franke, F; Gai, M; Garabato, D; Garcia-Gutierrez, A; García-Torres, M; Garofalo, A; Gavras, P; Giacobbe, P; Gilmore, G; Girona, S; Giuffrida, G; Gomez, A; Gonzalez-Santamaria, I; González-Vidal, JJ; Granvik, M; Gutiérrez-Sánchez, R; Guy, LP; Hauser, M; Haywood, M; Helmi, A; Hidalgo, SL; Hładczuk, N; Holland, G; Huckle, HE; Jasniewicz, G; Jonker, PG; Juaristi Campillo, J; Julbe, F; Karbevska, L; Kervella, P; Khanna, S; Kochoska, A; Kordopatis, G; Korn, AJ; Kostrzewa-Rutkowska, Z; Kruszyńska, K; Lambert, S; Lanza, AF; Lasne, Y; J.-F Le Campion; Le Fustec, Y; Lebreton, Y; Lebzelter, T; Leccia, S; Leclerc, N; Lecoeur-Taibi, I; Liao, S; Licata, E; Lindstrøm, HEP; Lister, TA; Livanou, E; Lobel, A; Madrero Pardo, P; Managau, S; Mann, RG; Marchant, JM; Marconi, M; Marcos Santos, MMS; Marinoni, S; Marocco, F; Marshall, DJ; Martin Polo, L; Martín-Fleitas, JM; Masip, A; Massari, D; Mastrobuono-Battisti, A; Mazeh, T; Messina, S; Michalik, D; Millar, NR; Mints, A; Molina, D; Molinaro, R; Molnár, L; Montegriffo, P; Mor, R; Morbidelli, R; Morel, T; Morris, D; Mulone, AF; Munoz, D; Muraveva, T; Murphy, CP; Musella, I; Noval, L; Ordénovic, C; Orrù, G; Osinde, J; Pagani, C; Pagano, I; Palaversa, L; Palicio, PA; Panahi, A; Pawlak, M; Peñalosa Esteller, X; Penttilä, A; Piersimoni, AM; F.-X Pineau; Plachy, E; Plum, G; Poggio, E; Poretti, E; Poujoulet, E; Prša, A; Pulone, L; Racero, E; Ragaini, S; Rainer, M; Raiteri, CM; Rambaux, N; Ramos, P; Re Fiorentin, P; Regibo, S; Reylé, C; Ripepi, V; Riva, A; Rixon, G; Robichon, N; Robin, C; Roelens, M; Rohrbasser, L; Romero-Gómez, M; Rowell, N; Royer, F; Rybicki, KA; Sadowski, G; Sagristà Sellés, A; Sahlmann, J; Salgado, J; Salguero, E; Samaras, N; Sanchez Gimenez, V; Sanna, N; Santoveña, R; Sarasso, M; Schultheis, M; Sciacca, E; Segol, M; Segovia, JC; Ségransan, D; Semeux, D; Siddiqui, HI; Siebert, A; Siltala, L; Slezak, E; Smart, RL; Solano, E; Solitro, F; Souami, D; Souchay, J; Spagna, A; Spoto, F; Steele, IA; Süveges, M; Szabados, L; Szegedi-Elek, E; Taris, F; Tauran, G; Taylor, MB; Teixeira, R; Thuillot, W; Tonello, N; Torra, F; Torra, J; Turon, C; Unger, N; Vaillant, M; van Dillen, E; Vanel, O; Vecchiato, A; Viala, Y; Vicente, D; Voutsinas, S; Weiler, M; Wevers, T; Wyrzykowski, Ł; Yoldas, A; Yvard, P; Zhao, H; Zorec, J; Zucker, S; Zurbach, C; Zwitter, T; ...Mais
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2021, FONTE: Astronomy & Astrophysics, VOLUME: 649
INDEXADO EM: CrossRef: 62
TÍTULO: gamma*gamma and gamma*p scattering in improved holographic QCD
AUTORES: Amorim, A; Costa, MS ;
TÍTULO: Generalized velocity-dependent one-scale model for current-carrying strings
AUTORES: Martins, CJAP ; Peter, P; Rybak, IY ; Shellard, EPS;
INDEXADO EM: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 12

Results per Page: 20.
Página 41 de 305. Total de resultados: 6082.