TÍTULO: Evolutionary dynamics of immune-related genes and pathways in disease-vector mosquitoes
AUTORES: Waterhouse, RM; Kriventseva, EV; Meister, S; Xi, Z; Alvarez, KS; Bartholomay, LC; Barillas Mury, C; Bian, G; Blandin, S; Christensen, BM; Dong, Y; Jiang, H; Kanost, MR; Koutsos, AC; Levashina, EA; Li, J; Ligoxygakis, P; MacCallum, RM; Mayhew, GF; Mendes, A ; Michel, K; Osta, MA; Paskewitz, S; Sang, WS; Vlachou, D; Wang, L; Wei, Q; Zheng, L; Zou, Z; Severson, DW; Raikhel, AS; Kafatos, FC; Dimopoulos, G; Zdobnov, EM; Christophides, GK; ...Mais
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2007, FONTE: Science, VOLUME: 316, NÚMERO: 5832
INDEXADO EM: Scopus CrossRef
TÍTULO: The developmental migration of Plasmodium in mosquitoes  Full Text
AUTORES: Vlachou, D; Schlegelmilch, T; Runn, E; Mendes, A ; Kafatos, FC;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2006, FONTE: Current Opinion in Genetics and Development, VOLUME: 16, NÚMERO: 4
INDEXADO EM: Scopus CrossRef
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