TÍTULO: Improving Pervasive Decision Support System in Critical Care by using Technology Acceptance Model
AUTORES: Ana Nunes; Filipe, Portela ; Manuel Filipe Santos;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2018, FONTE: 9th International Conference on Emerging Ubiquitous Systems and Pervasive Networks (EUSPN) / 8th International Conference on Current and Future Trends of Information and Communication Technologies in Healthcare (ICTH) in 9TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EMERGING UBIQUITOUS SYSTEMS AND PERVASIVE NETWORKS (EUSPN-2018) / 8TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CURRENT AND FUTURE TRENDS OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN HEALTHCARE (ICTH-2018), VOLUME: 141
INDEXADO EM: Scopus WOS DBLP CrossRef: 4
TÍTULO: Introduction to BPM approach in Healthcare and Case Study of End User Interaction with EHR Interface
AUTORES: Joao Gomes; Filipe, Portela ; Manuel Filipe Santos;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2018, FONTE: 9th International Conference on Emerging Ubiquitous Systems and Pervasive Networks (EUSPN) / 8th International Conference on Current and Future Trends of Information and Communication Technologies in Healthcare (ICTH) in 9TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EMERGING UBIQUITOUS SYSTEMS AND PERVASIVE NETWORKS (EUSPN-2018) / 8TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CURRENT AND FUTURE TRENDS OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN HEALTHCARE (ICTH-2018), VOLUME: 141
INDEXADO EM: Scopus WOS DBLP CrossRef: 7
TÍTULO: Message from the FiCloud 2018 Workshops Coordinators
AUTORES: Awan, I; Younas, M; Filipe, Portela ;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2018, FONTE: 6th IEEE International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud Workshops, W-FiCloud 2018 in Proceedings - 2018 IEEE 6th International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud Workshops, W-FiCloud 2018
INDEXADO EM: Scopus CrossRef
TÍTULO: Pervasive Business Intelligence in Misericordias - A Portuguese Case Study
AUTORES: Coelho, D; Guimaraes, T; Filipe, Portela ; Santos, MF; José Machado ; Abelha, A ;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2018, FONTE: 3rd International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and E-Health (ICT4AWE) in INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES FOR AGEING WELL AND E-HEALTH, ICT4AWE 2017, VOLUME: 869
INDEXADO EM: Scopus WOS DBLP CrossRef: 1
TÍTULO: Step Towards a Pervasive Data System for Intensive Care Medicine
AUTORES: Paulo Gonçalves; Filipe, Portela ; Manuel Filipe Santos; José Machado ; António Abelha ; Fernando Rua;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2018, FONTE: 6th World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, WorldCIST 2018 in Trends and Advances in Information Systems and Technologies - Volume 3 [WorldCIST'18, Naples, Italy, March 27-29, 2018]., VOLUME: 747
TÍTULO: TechPaper - An Interactive Learning Information System Game
AUTORES: Filipe, Portela ; José Correira; Bruno Ferreira; Tiago Ribeiro; Carlos Pinheiro; Vitor Costa; Filipe Lameiras; Manuel Filipe Santos;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2018, FONTE: 4th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health, ICT4AWE 2018 in Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health, ICT4AWE 2018, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, March 22-23, 2018., VOLUME: 2018-March
TÍTULO: Towards a Pervasive Intelligent System on Football Scouting - A Data Mining Study Case
AUTORES: Tiago Vilela; Filipe, Portela ; Manuel Filipe Santos;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2018, FONTE: 6th World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, WorldCIST 2018 in Trends and Advances in Information Systems and Technologies - Volume 3 [WorldCIST'18, Naples, Italy, March 27-29, 2018]., VOLUME: 747
TÍTULO: Web Intelligence in Higher Education: A Study on the Usage of Business Intelligence Techniques in Education
AUTORES: Adriano Maia; Filipe, Portela ; Manuel Filipe Santos;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2018, FONTE: 6th IEEE International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud Workshops, W-FiCloud 2018 in 6th International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud Workshops, FiCloud Workshops 2018, Barcelona, Spain, August 6-8, 2018
INDEXADO EM: Scopus DBLP CrossRef: 2
TÍTULO: "Predicting Resurgery in Intensive Care - A data Mining Approach"
AUTORES: Ricardo Peixoto; Lisete Ribeiro; Filipe, Portela ; Manuel Filipe Santos; Fernando Rua;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2017, FONTE: 8th International Conference on Emerging Ubiquitous Systems and Pervasive Networks (EUSPN) / 7th International Conference on Current and Future Trends of Information and Communication Technologies in Healthcare (ICTH) in 8TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EMERGING UBIQUITOUS SYSTEMS AND PERVASIVE NETWORKS (EUSPN 2017) / 7TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CURRENT AND FUTURE TRENDS OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN HEALTHCARE (ICTH-2017) / AFFILIATED WORKSHOPS, VOLUME: 113
INDEXADO EM: Scopus WOS DBLP CrossRef: 3
TÍTULO: 5th International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud Workshops, FiCloud Workshops 2017, Prague, Czech Republic, August 21-23, 2017
AUTORES: Irfan Awan; Filipe, Portela ; Muhammad Younas;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2017, FONTE: FiCloud Workshops
Página 10 de 24. Total de resultados: 239.