AUTORES: Smith, AMS; Anderson, DR; Collier Cameron, A; Gillon, M; Hellier, C; Lendl, M; Maxted, PFL; Queloz, D; Smalley, B; Triaud, AHMJ; West, RG; Barros, SCC ; Jehin, E; Pepe, F; Pollacco, D; Segransan, D; Southworth, J; Street, RA; Udry, S;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2012, FONTE: The Astronomical Journal, VOLUME: 143, NÚMERO: 4
INDEXADO EM: CrossRef: 35
TÍTULO: A lower mass for the exoplanet WASP-21b. A lower mass for the exoplanet WASP-21b  Full Text
AUTORES: Barros, SCC ; Pollacco, DL; Gibson, NP; Howarth, ID; Keenan, FP; Simpson, EK; Skillen, I; Steele, IA;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2011, FONTE: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, VOLUME: 416, NÚMERO: 4
INDEXADO EM: CrossRef: 20
TÍTULO: High-precision transit observations of the exoplanet WASP-13b with the RISE instrument. Transit observations of WASP-13b  Full Text
AUTORES: Barros, SCC ; Pollacco, DL; Gibson, NP; Keenan, FP; Skillen, I; Steele, IA;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2011, FONTE: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, VOLUME: 419, NÚMERO: 2
INDEXADO EM: CrossRef: 20
TÍTULO: Independent discovery of the transiting exoplanet HAT-P-14b
AUTORES: Simpson, EK; Barros, SCC ; Brown, DJA; Collier Cameron, A; Pollacco, D; Skillen, I; Stempels, HC; Boisse, I; Faedi, F; Hebrard, G; McCormac, J; Sorensen, P; Street, RA; Anderson, D; Bento, J; Bouchy, F; Butters, OW; Enoch, B; Haswell, CA; Hebb, L; Hellier, C; Holmes, S; Horne, K; Keenan, FP; Lister, TA; Maxted, PFL; Miller, GRM; Moulds, V; Moutou, C; Norton, AJ; Parley, N; Santerne, A; Smalley, B; Smith, AMS; Todd, I; Watson, CA; West, RG; Wheatley, PJ; ...Mais
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2011, FONTE: Astronomical Journal, VOLUME: 141, NÚMERO: 5
INDEXADO EM: Scopus CrossRef: 7
TÍTULO: New exoplanets from the SuperWASP-North survey
AUTORES: Faedi, F; Barros, SCC ; Pollacco, D; Simpson, EK; McCormac, J; Moulds, V; Watson, C; Todd, I; Keenan, F; Fitzsimmons, A;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2011, FONTE: EPJ Web of Conferences, VOLUME: 11
INDEXADO EM: CrossRef: 1
TÍTULO: Short period eclipsing binary candidates identified using SuperWASP
AUTORES: Norton, AJ; Payne, SG; Evans, T; West, RG; Wheatley, PJ; Anderson, DR; Barros, SCC ; Butters, OW; Collier Cameron, A; Christian, DJ; Enoch, B; Faedi, F; Haswell, CA; Hellier, C; Holmes, S; Horne, KD; Kane, SR; Lister, TA; Maxted, PFL; Parley, N; Pollacco, D; Simpson, EK; Skillen, I; Smalley, B; Southworth, J; Street, RA; ...Mais
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2011, FONTE: Astronomy & Astrophysics, VOLUME: 528
INDEXADO EM: CrossRef: 72
TÍTULO: SuperWASP observations of pulsating Am stars
AUTORES: Smalley, B; Kurtz, DW; Smith, AMS; Fossati, L; Anderson, DR; Barros, SCC ; Butters, OW; Collier Cameron, A; Christian, DJ; Enoch, B; Faedi, F; Haswell, CA; Hellier, C; Holmes, S; Horne, K; Kane, SR; Lister, TA; Maxted, PFL; Norton, AJ; Parley, N; Pollacco, D; Simpson, EK; Skillen, I; Southworth, J; Street, RA; West, RG; Wheatley, PJ; Wood, PL; ...Mais
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2011, FONTE: Astronomy & Astrophysics, VOLUME: 535
INDEXADO EM: CrossRef: 54
TÍTULO: The spin-orbit angles of the transiting exoplanets WASP-1b, WASP-24b, WASP-38b and HAT-P-8b from Rossiter-McLaughlin observations. The spin-orbit alignment of 4 exoplanets  Full Text
AUTORES: Simpson, EK; Pollacco, D; Cameron, AC; Hebrard, G; Anderson, DR; Barros, SCC ; Boisse, I; Bouchy, F; Faedi, F; Gillon, M; Hebb, L; Keenan, FP; Miller, GRM; Moutou, C; Queloz, D; Skillen, I; Sorensen, P; Stempels, HC; Triaud, A; Watson, CA; Wilson, PA; ...Mais
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2011, FONTE: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, VOLUME: 414, NÚMERO: 4
INDEXADO EM: Scopus CrossRef: 44
TÍTULO: WASP-35b, WASP-48b, and HAT-P-30b/WASP-51b: Two new planets and an independent discovery of a HAT planet
AUTORES: Enoch, B; Anderson, DR; Barros, SCC ; Brown, DJA; Cameron, AC; Faedi, F; Gillon, M; Hebrard, G; Lister, TA; Queloz, D; Santerne, A; Smalley, B; Street, RA; Triaud, AHMJ; West, RG; Bouchy, F; Bento, J; Butters, O; Fossati, L; Haswell, CA; Hellier, C; Holmes, S; Jehen, E; Lendl, M; Maxted, PFL; McCormac, J; Miller, GRM; Moulds, V; Moutou, C; Norton, AJ; Parley, N; Pepe, F; Pollacco, D; Segransan, D; Simpson, E; Skillen, I; Smith, AMS; Udry, S; Wheatley, PJ; ...Mais
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2011, FONTE: Astronomical Journal, VOLUME: 142, NÚMERO: 3
INDEXADO EM: Scopus CrossRef: 44
TÍTULO: WASP-37b: A 1.8 MJ exoplanet transiting a metal-poor star
AUTORES: Simpson, EK; Faedi, F; Barros, SCC ; Brown, DJA; Cameron, AC; Hebb, L; Pollacco, D; Smalley, B; Todd, I; Butters, OW; Hebrard, G; McCormac, J; Miller, GRM; Santerne, A; Street, RA; Skillen, I; Triaud, AHMJ; Anderson, DR; Bento, J; Boisse, I; Bouchy, F; Enoch, B; Haswell, CA; Hellier, C; Holmes, S; Horne, K; Keenan, FP; Lister, TA; Maxted, PFL; Moulds, V; Moutou, C; Norton, AJ; Parley, N; Pepe, F; Queloz, D; Segransan, D; Smith, AMS; Stempels, HC; Udry, S; Watson, CA; West, RG; Wheatley, PJ; ...Mais
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2011, FONTE: Astronomical Journal, VOLUME: 141, NÚMERO: 1
INDEXADO EM: Scopus CrossRef: 24
Página 21 de 24. Total de resultados: 234.