Paulo da Costa Luis da Fonseca Pinto
AuthID: R-000-EB0
TÃTULO: Energy Efficient NDMA Multi-packet Detection with Multiple Power Levels
AUTORES: Francisco Ganhão; Miguel Pereira; Luis Bernardo; Rui Dinis; Rodolfo Oliveira; Paulo Pinto; Mário Macedo; Paulo Pereira;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2011, FONTE: Technological Innovation for Sustainability - IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology
AUTORES: Francisco Ganhão; Miguel Pereira; Luis Bernardo; Rui Dinis; Rodolfo Oliveira; Paulo Pinto; Mário Macedo; Paulo Pereira;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2011, FONTE: Technological Innovation for Sustainability - IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology
TÃTULO: Performance of Hybrid ARQ for NDMA Access Schemes with Uniform Average Power Control Full Text
AUTORES: Francisco Ganhão; Miguel Pereira; Luis Bernardo; Rui Dinis; Rodolfo Oliveira; Paulo Pinto;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2011, FONTE: Journal of Communications - JCM, VOLUME: 6, NÚMERO: 9
AUTORES: Francisco Ganhão; Miguel Pereira; Luis Bernardo; Rui Dinis; Rodolfo Oliveira; Paulo Pinto;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2011, FONTE: Journal of Communications - JCM, VOLUME: 6, NÚMERO: 9
TÃTULO: Delay Analysis for TDMA Schemes with Packet Recombining
AUTORES: Miguel Pereira; Luis Bernardo ; Rui Dinis ; Rodolfo Oliveira ; Paulo Carvalho; Paulo Pinto;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2010, FONTE: 1st IFIP Doctoral Conference on Computing, Electrical and Industrial Systems in EMERGING TRENDS IN TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATION, VOLUME: 314
AUTORES: Miguel Pereira; Luis Bernardo ; Rui Dinis ; Rodolfo Oliveira ; Paulo Carvalho; Paulo Pinto;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2010, FONTE: 1st IFIP Doctoral Conference on Computing, Electrical and Industrial Systems in EMERGING TRENDS IN TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATION, VOLUME: 314
TÃTULO: A MAC protocol for mobile wireless sensor networks with bursty traffic
AUTORES: Bernardo, L ; Agua, H; Pereira, M; Oliveira, R ; Dinis, R ; Pinto, P;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2010, FONTE: IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) in 2010 IEEE WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKING CONFERENCE (WCNC 2010)
AUTORES: Bernardo, L ; Agua, H; Pereira, M; Oliveira, R ; Dinis, R ; Pinto, P;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2010, FONTE: IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) in 2010 IEEE WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKING CONFERENCE (WCNC 2010)
TÃTULO: The Impact of Node's Mobility on Link-detection based on Routing Hello Messages
AUTORES: Rodolfo Oliveira ; Miguel Luis ; Luis Bernardo ; Rui Dinis ; Paulo Pinto;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2010, FONTE: IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) in 2010 IEEE WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKING CONFERENCE (WCNC 2010)
AUTORES: Rodolfo Oliveira ; Miguel Luis ; Luis Bernardo ; Rui Dinis ; Paulo Pinto;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2010, FONTE: IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) in 2010 IEEE WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKING CONFERENCE (WCNC 2010)
TÃTULO: Delay optimization on a p-persistent MAC protocol for a multi-packet detection in SC-FDE system
AUTORES: Pereira, M; Bernardo, L ; Dinis, R ; Oliveira, R ; Carvalho, P; Pinto, P;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2010, FONTE: IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) in 2010 IEEE WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKING CONFERENCE (WCNC 2010)
AUTORES: Pereira, M; Bernardo, L ; Dinis, R ; Oliveira, R ; Carvalho, P; Pinto, P;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2010, FONTE: IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) in 2010 IEEE WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKING CONFERENCE (WCNC 2010)
TÃTULO: Improving routing performance in high mobility and high density ad hoc vehicular networks
AUTORES: Luis, M ; Oliveira, R ; Bernardo, L ; Pinto, P;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2010, FONTE: 33rd IEEE Sarnoff Symposium 2010 in 33rd IEEE Sarnoff Symposium 2010, Conference Proceedings
AUTORES: Luis, M ; Oliveira, R ; Bernardo, L ; Pinto, P;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2010, FONTE: 33rd IEEE Sarnoff Symposium 2010 in 33rd IEEE Sarnoff Symposium 2010, Conference Proceedings
INDEXADO EM: Scopus CrossRef
TÃTULO: Joint topology control and routing in ad hoc vehicular networks
AUTORES: Luis, M ; Oliveira, R ; Bernardo, L ; Garrido, A; Pinto, P;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2010, FONTE: 2010 European Wireless Conference, EW 2010 in 2010 European Wireless Conference, EW 2010
AUTORES: Luis, M ; Oliveira, R ; Bernardo, L ; Garrido, A; Pinto, P;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2010, FONTE: 2010 European Wireless Conference, EW 2010 in 2010 European Wireless Conference, EW 2010
INDEXADO EM: Scopus CrossRef
TÃTULO: Performance comparison of diversity combining ARQ error control schemes with multi-packet detection schemes Full Text
AUTORES: Pereira, M; Bernardo, L ; Dinis, R ; Oliveira, R ; Pinto, P;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2010, FONTE: 2010 19th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks, ICCCN 2010 in Proceedings - International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks, ICCCN
AUTORES: Pereira, M; Bernardo, L ; Dinis, R ; Oliveira, R ; Pinto, P;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2010, FONTE: 2010 19th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks, ICCCN 2010 in Proceedings - International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks, ICCCN
INDEXADO EM: Scopus CrossRef
TÃTULO: The influence of broadcast traffic on IEEE 802.11 DCF networks Full Text
AUTORES: Rodolfo Oliveira ; Luis Bernardo ; Paulo Pinto;
AUTORES: Rodolfo Oliveira ; Luis Bernardo ; Paulo Pinto;