Pedro Manuel Brito da Silva Girão
AuthID: R-000-EV7
TÃTULO: Smart Sensor Architecture for Vital Signs and Motor Activity Monitoring of Wheelchair' Users
AUTORES: Octavian Postolache ; Joao Freire; Pedro Silva Girao; Dias Pereira, JMD;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2012, FONTE: 6th International Conference on Sensing Technology (ICST) in 2012 SIXTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SENSING TECHNOLOGY (ICST)
AUTORES: Octavian Postolache ; Joao Freire; Pedro Silva Girao; Dias Pereira, JMD;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2012, FONTE: 6th International Conference on Sensing Technology (ICST) in 2012 SIXTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SENSING TECHNOLOGY (ICST)
TÃTULO: A Smart Sensing System to Analyze Piping Vibrations in Industrial Installations
AUTORES: Dias Pereira, JMD; Postolache, O ; Mario Lopes Cesar; Pedro Silva Girao;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2012, FONTE: 6th International Conference on Sensing Technology (ICST) in 2012 SIXTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SENSING TECHNOLOGY (ICST)
AUTORES: Dias Pereira, JMD; Postolache, O ; Mario Lopes Cesar; Pedro Silva Girao;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2012, FONTE: 6th International Conference on Sensing Technology (ICST) in 2012 SIXTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SENSING TECHNOLOGY (ICST)
TÃTULO: Unobtrusive Cardio-Respiratory Monitoring Based on Microwave Doppler Radar
AUTORES: Octavian Postolache ; Pedro Silva Girao; Eduard Lunca; Paul Bicleanu; Mihai Andrusca;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2012, FONTE: International Conference and Exposition on Electrical and Power Engineering (EPE) in PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2012 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE AND EXPOSITION ON ELECTRICAL AND POWER ENGINEERING (EPE 2012)
AUTORES: Octavian Postolache ; Pedro Silva Girao; Eduard Lunca; Paul Bicleanu; Mihai Andrusca;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2012, FONTE: International Conference and Exposition on Electrical and Power Engineering (EPE) in PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2012 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE AND EXPOSITION ON ELECTRICAL AND POWER ENGINEERING (EPE 2012)
TÃTULO: DSP Based Real-Time Adaptive Vital Signals Extraction Algorithm Using CW-Radar for Wheelchair Users
AUTORES: Abbas Abdolalipour; Octavian Postolache ; Pedro Silva Girao;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2012, FONTE: International Conference and Exposition on Electrical and Power Engineering (EPE) in PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2012 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE AND EXPOSITION ON ELECTRICAL AND POWER ENGINEERING (EPE 2012)
AUTORES: Abbas Abdolalipour; Octavian Postolache ; Pedro Silva Girao;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2012, FONTE: International Conference and Exposition on Electrical and Power Engineering (EPE) in PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2012 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE AND EXPOSITION ON ELECTRICAL AND POWER ENGINEERING (EPE 2012)
TÃTULO: Greenhouse environment: Air and water monitoring
AUTORES: Postolache, O ; Pereira, JM; Girao, PS; Monteiro, AA;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2012, FONTE: Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, VOLUME: 146 LNEE
AUTORES: Postolache, O ; Pereira, JM; Girao, PS; Monteiro, AA;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2012, FONTE: Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, VOLUME: 146 LNEE
TÃTULO: Systems for remote monitoring of indoor air quality and respiration of wheelchair users
AUTORES: Postolache, O ; Pereira, JMD; Girao, PS; Postolache, G ;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2012, FONTE: 9th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals and Devices, SSD 2012 in International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals and Devices, SSD 2012 - Summary Proceedings
AUTORES: Postolache, O ; Pereira, JMD; Girao, PS; Postolache, G ;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2012, FONTE: 9th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals and Devices, SSD 2012 in International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals and Devices, SSD 2012 - Summary Proceedings
TÃTULO: IEEE 1451.4 embedded smart sensors architecture for wheelchair user monitoring
AUTORES: Postolache, O ; Girao, PS; Ijaz, H; Freire, J;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2012, FONTE: 2012 IEEE Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications, MeMeA 2012 in MeMeA 2012 - 2012 IEEE Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications, Proceedings
AUTORES: Postolache, O ; Girao, PS; Ijaz, H; Freire, J;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2012, FONTE: 2012 IEEE Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications, MeMeA 2012 in MeMeA 2012 - 2012 IEEE Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications, Proceedings
TÃTULO: Treat me well: Affective and physiological feedback for wheelchair users
AUTORES: Postolache, O ; Girao, PS; Ribeiro, M; Carvalho, H ; Catarino, A ; Postolache, G ;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2012, FONTE: 2012 IEEE Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications, MeMeA 2012 in MeMeA 2012 - 2012 IEEE Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications, Proceedings
AUTORES: Postolache, O ; Girao, PS; Ribeiro, M; Carvalho, H ; Catarino, A ; Postolache, G ;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2012, FONTE: 2012 IEEE Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications, MeMeA 2012 in MeMeA 2012 - 2012 IEEE Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications, Proceedings
TÃTULO: Sensor network for water quality assesment
AUTORES: Damian, C; Fosalau, C; Dias Pereira, JM; Postolache, O ; Girao, PS;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2012, FONTE: 2012 7th International Conference and Exposition on Electrical and Power Engineering, EPE 2012 in EPE 2012 - Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference and Exposition on Electrical and Power Engineering
AUTORES: Damian, C; Fosalau, C; Dias Pereira, JM; Postolache, O ; Girao, PS;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2012, FONTE: 2012 7th International Conference and Exposition on Electrical and Power Engineering, EPE 2012 in EPE 2012 - Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference and Exposition on Electrical and Power Engineering
TÃTULO: A practical approach concerning the capacitive acquisition of the electrocardiogram in a moving wheelchair
AUTORES: Pinheiro, E; Postolache, O ; Girao, P;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2012, FONTE: 20th IMEKO World Congress 2012 in 20th IMEKO World Congress 2012, VOLUME: 2
AUTORES: Pinheiro, E; Postolache, O ; Girao, P;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2012, FONTE: 20th IMEKO World Congress 2012 in 20th IMEKO World Congress 2012, VOLUME: 2