Rui Ferreira Marques
AuthID: R-000-FTK
TÃTULO: Measurement of the K-line intensity ratios in muonic hydrogen between 0.25 and 150 torr gas pressures Full Text
AUTORES: Anderhub, H; H.P von Arb; Böcklin, J; Dittus, F; Ferreira Marques, R; Hoper, H; Kottmann, F; Taqqu, D; Unternährer, J;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 1984, FONTE: Physics Letters B, VOLUME: 143, NÚMERO: 1-3
AUTORES: Anderhub, H; H.P von Arb; Böcklin, J; Dittus, F; Ferreira Marques, R; Hoper, H; Kottmann, F; Taqqu, D; Unternährer, J;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 1984, FONTE: Physics Letters B, VOLUME: 143, NÚMERO: 1-3
TÃTULO: A large-area xenon gas scintillation proportional counter (GSPC) with timing information for the detection of low energy X-rays
AUTORES: Von Arb, HP; Bocklin, J; Dittus, F; Ferreira Marques, R; Hofer, H; Kottmann, F; Schaeren, R; Taqqu, D; Walchli, M;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 1983, FONTE: Nuclear Instruments and Methods In Physics Research, VOLUME: 207, NÚMERO: 3
AUTORES: Von Arb, HP; Bocklin, J; Dittus, F; Ferreira Marques, R; Hofer, H; Kottmann, F; Schaeren, R; Taqqu, D; Walchli, M;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 1983, FONTE: Nuclear Instruments and Methods In Physics Research, VOLUME: 207, NÚMERO: 3
TÃTULO: A large-area xenon gas scintillation proportional counter (GSPC) with timing information for the detection of low energy X-rays
AUTORES: H.P Von Arb; Böcklin, J; Dittus, F; Ferreira Marques, R; Hofer, H; Kottmann, F; Schaeren, R; Taqqu, D; Wälchli, M;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 1983, FONTE: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, VOLUME: 207, NÚMERO: 3
AUTORES: H.P Von Arb; Böcklin, J; Dittus, F; Ferreira Marques, R; Hofer, H; Kottmann, F; Schaeren, R; Taqqu, D; Wälchli, M;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 1983, FONTE: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, VOLUME: 207, NÚMERO: 3
TÃTULO: A large-area xenon gas scintillation proportional counter (GSPC) with timing information for the detection of low energy muonic X-rays
AUTORES: Böcklin, J; Dittus, F; Ferreira Marques, R; Hofer, H; Kottmann, F; Schären, R; Taqqu, D; Wälchli, M; W.-D Herold; Kaspar, H;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 1980, FONTE: Nuclear Instruments and Methods, VOLUME: 176, NÚMERO: 1-2
AUTORES: Böcklin, J; Dittus, F; Ferreira Marques, R; Hofer, H; Kottmann, F; Schären, R; Taqqu, D; Wälchli, M; W.-D Herold; Kaspar, H;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 1980, FONTE: Nuclear Instruments and Methods, VOLUME: 176, NÚMERO: 1-2