Zita Vale
AuthID: R-000-HRR
TÃTULO: Residential load shifting in demand response events for bill reduction using a genetic algorithm
AUTORES: Mota, Bruno; Faria, Pedro; Vale, Zita;
AUTORES: Mota, Bruno; Faria, Pedro; Vale, Zita;
TÃTULO: Classification of New Active Consumers Performance According to Previous Events Using Decision Trees
AUTORES: Silva, Catia; Faria, Pedro; Vale, Zita;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2022, FONTE: 11th IFAC Symposium on Control of Power and Energy Systems (CPES) in IFAC PAPERSONLINE, VOLUME: 55, NÚMERO: 9
AUTORES: Silva, Catia; Faria, Pedro; Vale, Zita;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2022, FONTE: 11th IFAC Symposium on Control of Power and Energy Systems (CPES) in IFAC PAPERSONLINE, VOLUME: 55, NÚMERO: 9
TÃTULO: Retail Electricity Tariffs for Electric Vehicles in Europe: A Multivariate Analysis in 4 European Countries
AUTORES: BAIRRÃO, DIEGO; Soares, J; Canizes, B; Lezama, F; Vale, Z;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2022, FONTE: 11th IFAC Symposium on Control of Power and Energy Systems, CPES 2022 in IFAC-PapersOnLine, VOLUME: 55, NÚMERO: 9
AUTORES: BAIRRÃO, DIEGO; Soares, J; Canizes, B; Lezama, F; Vale, Z;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2022, FONTE: 11th IFAC Symposium on Control of Power and Energy Systems, CPES 2022 in IFAC-PapersOnLine, VOLUME: 55, NÚMERO: 9
TÃTULO: Comparison of PV Power Generation Forecasting in a Residential Building using ANN and DNN
AUTORES: Tavares, Ines; Manfredini, Ricardo; Almeida, Jose; Soares, Joao; Ramos, Sergio; Foroozandeh, Zahra; Vale, Zita;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2022, FONTE: 11th IFAC Symposium on Control of Power and Energy Systems (CPES) in IFAC PAPERSONLINE, VOLUME: 55, NÚMERO: 9
AUTORES: Tavares, Ines; Manfredini, Ricardo; Almeida, Jose; Soares, Joao; Ramos, Sergio; Foroozandeh, Zahra; Vale, Zita;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2022, FONTE: 11th IFAC Symposium on Control of Power and Energy Systems (CPES) in IFAC PAPERSONLINE, VOLUME: 55, NÚMERO: 9
TÃTULO: CECOS: a Centralized Management Platform Supported by Distributed Services to Represent and Manage Resources Aggregation Entities and its End-users in a Smart Grid Context
AUTORES: Pereira, Helder; Ribeiro, Bruno; Gomes, Luis; Vale, Zita;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2022, FONTE: 11th IFAC Symposium on Control of Power and Energy Systems (CPES) in IFAC PAPERSONLINE, VOLUME: 55, NÚMERO: 9
AUTORES: Pereira, Helder; Ribeiro, Bruno; Gomes, Luis; Vale, Zita;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2022, FONTE: 11th IFAC Symposium on Control of Power and Energy Systems (CPES) in IFAC PAPERSONLINE, VOLUME: 55, NÚMERO: 9
TÃTULO: Energy Community Consumption and Generation Dataset with Appliance Allocation
AUTORES: Goncalves, Calvin; Barreto, Ruben; Faria, Pedro; Gomes, Luis; Vale, Zita;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2022, FONTE: 11th IFAC Symposium on Control of Power and Energy Systems (CPES) in IFAC PAPERSONLINE, VOLUME: 55, NÚMERO: 9
AUTORES: Goncalves, Calvin; Barreto, Ruben; Faria, Pedro; Gomes, Luis; Vale, Zita;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2022, FONTE: 11th IFAC Symposium on Control of Power and Energy Systems (CPES) in IFAC PAPERSONLINE, VOLUME: 55, NÚMERO: 9
TÃTULO: A research agenda for open energy science: Opportunities and perspectives of the F1000Research Energy Gateway
AUTORES: Huppmann, D; Browell, J; Nastasi, B; Vale, Z; Süsser, D;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2022, FONTE: F1000Research, VOLUME: 11
AUTORES: Huppmann, D; Browell, J; Nastasi, B; Vale, Z; Süsser, D;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2022, FONTE: F1000Research, VOLUME: 11
TÃTULO: Artificial Neural Network Based Efficient Maximum Power Point Tracking for Photovoltaic Systems
AUTORES: Rehman, Ubaid ur; Faria, Pedro; Gomes, Luis; Vale, Zita;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2022, FONTE: IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering (EEEIC) / IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe (I and CPS Europe) Conference in 2022 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENVIRONMENT AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND 2022 IEEE INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL POWER SYSTEMS EUROPE (EEEIC / I&CPS EUROPE)
AUTORES: Rehman, Ubaid ur; Faria, Pedro; Gomes, Luis; Vale, Zita;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2022, FONTE: IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering (EEEIC) / IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe (I and CPS Europe) Conference in 2022 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENVIRONMENT AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND 2022 IEEE INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL POWER SYSTEMS EUROPE (EEEIC / I&CPS EUROPE)
TÃTULO: Energy Forecast in Buildings Addressing Computation Consumption in a Green Computing Approach
AUTORES: Ramos, Daniel; Faria, Pedro; Gomes, Luis; Vale, Zita;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2022, FONTE: IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering (EEEIC) / IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe (I and CPS Europe) Conference in 2022 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENVIRONMENT AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND 2022 IEEE INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL POWER SYSTEMS EUROPE (EEEIC / I&CPS EUROPE)
AUTORES: Ramos, Daniel; Faria, Pedro; Gomes, Luis; Vale, Zita;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2022, FONTE: IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering (EEEIC) / IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe (I and CPS Europe) Conference in 2022 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENVIRONMENT AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND 2022 IEEE INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL POWER SYSTEMS EUROPE (EEEIC / I&CPS EUROPE)
TÃTULO: Using Supervised Learning to Assign New Consumers to Demand Response Programs According to the Context
AUTORES: Silva, Catia; Faria, Pedro; Vale, Zita;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2022, FONTE: IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering (EEEIC) / IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe (I and CPS Europe) Conference in 2022 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENVIRONMENT AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND 2022 IEEE INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL POWER SYSTEMS EUROPE (EEEIC / I&CPS EUROPE)
AUTORES: Silva, Catia; Faria, Pedro; Vale, Zita;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2022, FONTE: IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering (EEEIC) / IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe (I and CPS Europe) Conference in 2022 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENVIRONMENT AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND 2022 IEEE INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL POWER SYSTEMS EUROPE (EEEIC / I&CPS EUROPE)