Zita Vale
AuthID: R-000-HRR
TÃTULO: Using diverse sensors in load forecasting in an office building to support energy management
AUTORES: Ramos, D; Teixeira, B; Faria, P; Gomes, L; Abrishambaf, O; Vale, Z;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2020, FONTE: 7th International Conference on Energy and Environment Research (ICEER) - Driving Energy and Environment in 2020 Towards A Sustainable Future in ENERGY REPORTS, VOLUME: 6
AUTORES: Ramos, D; Teixeira, B; Faria, P; Gomes, L; Abrishambaf, O; Vale, Z;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2020, FONTE: 7th International Conference on Energy and Environment Research (ICEER) - Driving Energy and Environment in 2020 Towards A Sustainable Future in ENERGY REPORTS, VOLUME: 6
TÃTULO: Online estimation and use of price elasticity of demand for shifting loads through real-time pricing
AUTORES: Faria, P; Corsi, P; Vale, Z;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2020, FONTE: 7th International Conference on Energy and Environment Research (ICEER) - Driving Energy and Environment in 2020 Towards A Sustainable Future in ENERGY REPORTS, VOLUME: 6
AUTORES: Faria, P; Corsi, P; Vale, Z;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2020, FONTE: 7th International Conference on Energy and Environment Research (ICEER) - Driving Energy and Environment in 2020 Towards A Sustainable Future in ENERGY REPORTS, VOLUME: 6
TÃTULO: Laboratory Emulation of Energy Scheduling in an Agriculture System
AUTORES: Abrishambaf, O; Faria, P; Vale, Z;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2020, FONTE: IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition (T and D) in 2020 IEEE/PES TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION CONFERENCE AND EXPOSITION (T&D), VOLUME: 2020-October
AUTORES: Abrishambaf, O; Faria, P; Vale, Z;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2020, FONTE: IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition (T and D) in 2020 IEEE/PES TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION CONFERENCE AND EXPOSITION (T&D), VOLUME: 2020-October
TÃTULO: Probabilistic Determination of Consumers Response and Consumption Management Strategies in Demand Response Programs
AUTORES: Bortolato, A; Faria, P; Vale, Z;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2020, FONTE: IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition (T and D) in 2020 IEEE/PES TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION CONFERENCE AND EXPOSITION (T&D), VOLUME: 2020-October
AUTORES: Bortolato, A; Faria, P; Vale, Z;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2020, FONTE: IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition (T and D) in 2020 IEEE/PES TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION CONFERENCE AND EXPOSITION (T&D), VOLUME: 2020-October
TÃTULO: Aggregation of Prosumers in the Context of Demand Response and Distributed Generation Remuneration and Scheduling
AUTORES: Silva, C; Faria, P; Vale, Z;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2020, FONTE: IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition (T and D) in 2020 IEEE/PES TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION CONFERENCE AND EXPOSITION (T&D), VOLUME: 2020-October
AUTORES: Silva, C; Faria, P; Vale, Z;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2020, FONTE: IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition (T and D) in 2020 IEEE/PES TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION CONFERENCE AND EXPOSITION (T&D), VOLUME: 2020-October
TÃTULO: Multi-Objective Energy Bill Optimization Considering Demand Response in a Residential House
AUTORES: Faia, R; Lezama, F; Faria, P; Vale, Z;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2020, FONTE: IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition (T and D) in 2020 IEEE/PES TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION CONFERENCE AND EXPOSITION (T&D), VOLUME: 2020-October
AUTORES: Faia, R; Lezama, F; Faria, P; Vale, Z;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2020, FONTE: IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition (T and D) in 2020 IEEE/PES TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION CONFERENCE AND EXPOSITION (T&D), VOLUME: 2020-October
TÃTULO: Production scheduling considering dynamic electricity price in energy-efficient factories
AUTORES: Soares, J; Canizes, B; Faria, P; Vale, Z; Ramos, C;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2020, FONTE: 21st IFAC World Congress on Automatic Control - Meeting Societal Challenges in IFAC PAPERSONLINE, VOLUME: 53, NÚMERO: 2
AUTORES: Soares, J; Canizes, B; Faria, P; Vale, Z; Ramos, C;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2020, FONTE: 21st IFAC World Congress on Automatic Control - Meeting Societal Challenges in IFAC PAPERSONLINE, VOLUME: 53, NÚMERO: 2
TÃTULO: Large-scale optimization of households with photovoltaic-battery system and demand response
AUTORES: Lezama, F; Faia, R; Abrishambaf, O; Faria, P; Vale, Z;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2020, FONTE: 21st IFAC World Congress on Automatic Control - Meeting Societal Challenges in IFAC PAPERSONLINE, VOLUME: 53, NÚMERO: 2
AUTORES: Lezama, F; Faia, R; Abrishambaf, O; Faria, P; Vale, Z;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2020, FONTE: 21st IFAC World Congress on Automatic Control - Meeting Societal Challenges in IFAC PAPERSONLINE, VOLUME: 53, NÚMERO: 2
TÃTULO: Key performance indicators to support the participation in demand response programs: A testing framework for end users
AUTORES: de São José, D; Faria, P; Silva, C; Vale, Z;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2020, FONTE: 21st IFAC World Congress 2020 in IFAC-PapersOnLine, VOLUME: 53, NÚMERO: 2
AUTORES: de São José, D; Faria, P; Silva, C; Vale, Z;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2020, FONTE: 21st IFAC World Congress 2020 in IFAC-PapersOnLine, VOLUME: 53, NÚMERO: 2
TÃTULO: A Consumer Trustworthiness Rate for Participation in Demand Response Programs
AUTORES: Silva, C; Faria, P; Vale, Z;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2020, FONTE: 21st IFAC World Congress on Automatic Control - Meeting Societal Challenges in IFAC PAPERSONLINE, VOLUME: 53, NÚMERO: 2
AUTORES: Silva, C; Faria, P; Vale, Z;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2020, FONTE: 21st IFAC World Congress on Automatic Control - Meeting Societal Challenges in IFAC PAPERSONLINE, VOLUME: 53, NÚMERO: 2