TÍTULO: The European hybrid spectrometer  Full Text
AUTORES: Aguilar Benitez, M; Allison, WWM; de Angelis, A; Atkinsson, M; Bailly, JL; Bartl, W; Begalli, M; Bettini, A; Bizzarri, R; Brooks, C; Brun, R; Canale, V; Dicapua, E; Caso, C; Castelli, E; Checcia, P; Colino, N; Colwill, SJ; Contri, R; Crennell, D; Defoix, C; Diez Hedo, F; Dolbeau, J; Duboc, J; Dumarchez, J; Duran, I; Epp, B; Eriksson, M; Falciano, S; Fernandez, C; Fisher, C; Fisjak, YV; Fontanelli, F; Gasparini, U; Gurtu, A; Gensch, U; Gentile, S; Gibaut, DB; Haupt, L; Hellman, S; Hernandez, JJ; Herquet, P; Herve, A; Holmgren, SO; Hrubec, J; Hughes, P; Huss, D; Iori, M; Ivanyushenkov, YM; Jegham, E; Johansson, KE; Josa, MI; Kesteman, J; Kholodenko, AG; Kistenev, EPS; Knauss, D; de Guevara, PL; Leutz, H; Macdermott, M; Mazzucato, M; Michalon, A; Michalon Mentzer, ME; Minaev, NG; Moa, T; Monge, R; Montanet, L; Naumann, T; Neuhofer, G; Nilsson, S; Nowak, H; Otter, G; Ouared, R; Panella, J; Pernicka, M; Pingot, O; Piredda, G; Sudhakar, K; Polyakov, BF; Poppleton, A; Poropat, P; Powell, B; Reucroft, S; Rohringer, H; Roth, A; Salicio, J; Schmidmeyer, J; Schulte, R; Sellden, B; Sessa, M; Shields, PD; Squarcia, S; Starchenko, EA; Strusczinski, W; Touboul, MC; Trevisan, U; Troncon, C; Ventura, L; Vilain, P; Vlasov, EV; Voltolini, C; Vonck, B; Wright, PRS; Zumerle, G; ...Mais
PUBLICAÇÃO: 1987, FONTE: Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A, VOLUME: 258, NÚMERO: 1
TÍTULO: Exclusive hadron branching ratios of the D meson
AUTORES: Aguilar Benitez, M; Allison, WWM; Bailly, JL; Banerjee, S; Bartl, W; Begalli, M; Beilliere, P; Bizzarri, R; Briand, H; Brun, R; Canale, V; Caso, C; Castelli, E; Checchia, P; Chliapnikov, PV; Colino, N; Colwill, SJ; Contri, R; Crennell, D; De Angelis, A; de Billy, L; Defoix, C; Di Marco, R; Di Capua, E; Diez Hedo, F; Dolbeau, J; Duboc, J; Dumarchez, J; Eriksson, M; Falciano, S; Fernandez, C; Fisher, C; Yu V Fisyak; Fontanelli, F; Fry, J; Ganguli, SN; Gasparini, U; Gensch, U; Gentile, S; Gibaut, DB; Goshaw, AT; Hamatsu, R; Haupt, L; Hellman, S; Henri, V; Hernandez, JJ; Holmgren, SO; Houlden, M; Hrubec, J; Hughes, P; Huss, D; Iga, Y; Iori, M; Jegham, E; Johansson, KE; Josa, MI; Kalelkar, M; Kholodenko, AG; Kistenev, EP; Kitamura, S; Knauss, D; Kniazev, VV; Kowald, W; Kuhn, D; Lsberrigue, J; Laloum, M; Legros, P; Leutz, H; Lyons, L; MacDermott, M; Malhotra, PK; Mason, P; Mazzucato, M; Michalon Mentzer, ME; Michalon, A; Moa, T; Monge, R; Montanet, L; Neuhofer, G; Nguyen, HK; Nilsson, S; Nowak, H; Oshima, N; Otter, G; Ouared, R; Panella Comellas, J; Patel, G; Patrignani, C; Pernicka, M; Pilette, P; Pinori, C; Piredda, G; Plano, R; Poppleton, A; Poropat, P; Reucroft, S; Roberts, K; Robertson, WJ; Rohringer, H; Salicio, JM; Schulte, R; Sellden, B; Sessa, M; Squarcia, S; Stamer, P; Stopchenko, VA; Takahashi, K; Touboul, MC; Trevisan, U; Troncon, C; Tsurugai, T; Ventura, L; Vilain, P; Vlasov, EV; Voltolini, C; Vonck, B; Walker, WD; Wild, CF; Yiou, TP; Zumerle, G; ...Mais
PUBLICAÇÃO: 1987, FONTE: Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields, VOLUME: 36, NÚMERO: 4
TÍTULO: Inclusive D-meson branching ratios
AUTORES: Aguilar Benitez, M; Allison, WWM; Bailly, JL; Bartl, W; Begalli, M; Beilliere, P; Bizzarri, R; Briand, H; Brun, R; Canale, V; Caso, C; Castelli, E; Checchia, P; Chliapnikov, PV; Colino, N; Colwill, SJ; Contri, R; Crennell, D; De Angelis, A; de Billy, L; Defoix, C; Di Marco, R; Di Capua, E; Diez Hedo, F; Dolbeau, J; Duboc, J; Dumarchez, J; Eriksson, M; Falciano, S; Fernandez, C; Fisher, C; Yu V Fisyak; Fontanelli, F; Fry, J; Gasparini, U; Gensch, U; Gentile, S; Gibaut, DB; Goshaw, AT; Gurtu, A; Hamatsu, R; Haupt, L; Hellman, S; Henri, V; Hernandez, JJ; Holmgren, SO; Houlden, M; Hrubec, J; Hughes, P; Huss, D; Iga, Y; Iori, M; Jegham, E; Johansson, KE; Josa, MI; Kalelkar, M; Kholodenko, AG; Kistenev, EP; Kitamura, S; Knauss, D; Kniazev, VV; Kowald, W; Kuhn, D; Laberrigue, J; Laloum, M; Legros, P; Leutz, H; Lyons, L; MacDermott, M; Mason, P; Mazzucato, M; Michalon Mentzer, ME; Michalon, A; Moa, T; Monge, R; Montanet, L; Neuhofer, G; Nguyen, HK; Nilsson, S; Nowak, H; Oshima, N; Otter, G; Ouared, R; Panella Comellas, J; Patel, G; Patrignani, C; Pernicka, M; Pilette, P; Pinori, C; Piredda, G; Plano, R; Poppleton, A; Poropat, P; Raghavan, R; Reucroft, S; Roberts, K; Robertson, WJ; Rohringer, H; Salicio, JM; Schulte, R; Sellden, B; Sessa, M; Squarcia, S; Stamer, P; Stopchenko, VA; Subramanian, A; Sudhakar, K; Takahashi, K; Touboul, MC; Trevisan, U; Troncon, C; Tsurugai, T; Ventura, L; Vilain, P; Vlasov, EV; Voltolini, C; Vonck, B; Walker, WD; Wild, CF; Yiou, TP; Zumerle, G; ...Mais
PUBLICAÇÃO: 1987, FONTE: Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields, VOLUME: 36, NÚMERO: 4
TÍTULO: D-meson lifetimes  Full Text
AUTORES: Aguilar Benitez, M; Allison, WWM; Bailly, JL; Bartl, W; Begalli, M; Beilliere, P; Briand, H; Canale, V; Caso, C; Castelli, E; Checchia, P; Chliapnikov, PV; Colino, N; Colwill, SJ; Contri, R; Crennell, D; De Angelis, A; De Billy, L; Defoix, C; Di Marco, R; Di Capua, E; Diez Hedo, F; Dolbeau, J; Duboc, J; Eriksson, M; Falciano, S; Fernandez, C; Fisher, C; Yu V Fisyak; Fontanelli, F; Fry, J; Gasparini, U; Gensch, U; Gentile, S; Gibaut, DB; Goshaw, AT; Grard, F; Hamatsu, R; Haupt, L; Hellman, S; Hernandez, JJ; Holmgren, SO; Houlden, M; Hrubec, J; Hughes, P; Huss, D; Iga, Y; Iori, M; Jegham, E; Johansson, KE; Josa, MI; Kalelkar, M; Kholodenko, AG; Kistenev, EP; Kitamura, S; Knauss, D; Kniazev, VV; Kowald, W; Kuhn, D; Laloum, M; Legros, P; Leutz, H; Lyons, L; Macdermott, M; Malhotra, PK; Mason, P; Mazzucato, M; Michalon, A; Michalon Mentzer, ME; Moa, T; Monge, R; Montanet, L; Neuhofer, G; Nguyen, HK; Nilsson, S; Nowak, H; Oshima, N; Otter, G; Ouared, R; Panella Comellas, J; Patel, G; Pernicka, M; Pilette, P; Pinori, C; Piredda, G; Plano, R; Poppleton, A; Poropat, P; Raghavan, R; Reucroft, S; Roberts, K; Robertson, WJ; Rohringer, H; Salicio, JM; Schulte, R; Sellden, B; Sessa, M; Squarcia, S; Stamer, P; Stopchenko, VA; Subramanian, A; Sudhakar, K; Takahashi, K; Touboul, MC; Trevisan, U; Troncon, C; Tsurugai, T; Vilain, P; Vlasov, EV; Voltolini, C; Vonck, B; Walker, WD; Wild, CF; Zumerle, G; ...Mais
PUBLICAÇÃO: 1987, FONTE: Physics Letters B, VOLUME: 193, NÚMERO: 1
TÍTULO: Inclusive production of ρ0 and f2 mesons in π-p interactions at 360 GeV/c  Full Text
AUTORES: Bailly, JL; Banerjee, S; Castelli, E; Checchia, P; Chliapnikov, PV; Colino, N; Contri, R; De Angelis, A; De Roech, A; De Seriis, N; Duboc, J; Ermolov, PF; Falciano, S; Fisjak, YV; Fontanelli, F; Gasparini, U; Gentile, S; Golubkov, YA; Hernandez, JJ; Holmgren, SO; Hrubec, J; Iori, M; Josa, MI; Johansson, KE; Kistenev, EP; Knauss, D; Kniazev, VV; Kozlowski, EA; Kubik, VM; Mazzucato, M; Monge, R; Montanet, L; Nguyen, HK; Perevoztchikov, VM; Pilette, P; Poppleton, A; Poropat, P; Raghavan, R; Rohringer, H; Salicio, JM; Sessa, M; Shabalina, EK; Sotnikova, NA; Squarcia, S; Stopchenko, VA; Trevisan, U; Troncon, C; Verbeure, F; Yarba, JV; Zumerle, G; ...Mais
PUBLICAÇÃO: 1987, FONTE: Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields, VOLUME: 36, NÚMERO: 4
INDEXADO EM: Scopus CrossRef
TÍTULO: Determination of D-meson lifetimes
AUTORES: Aguilar Benitez, M; Allison, WW; Bailly, JL; Baland, JF; Banerjee, S; Bartl, W; Begalli, M; Belliere, P; Bizzarri, R; Borreani, G; Briand, H; Bugg, WM; Canale, V; Caso, C; Castelli, E; Checchia, P; Chliapnikov, P; Colino, N; Contri, R; Crennell, D; de Billy, L; Defoix, C; De Angelis, A; Dimarco, R; di Capua, E; Dolbeau, J; Dumarchez, J; Epp, B; Falciano, S; Fernandez, C; Fisher, C; Fisyak, Y; Fontanelli, F; Fry, JR; Ganguli, S; Gasparini, U; Gentile, S; Gibaut, D; Goshaw, A; Grard, F; Gurtu, A; Hamatsu, R; Handler, T; Hart, EL; Haupt, L; Hellman, S; Hernandez, JJ; Holmgren, SO; Houlden, MA; Hrubec, J; Hughes, P; Huss, D; Iga, Y; Iori, M; Jegham, E; Johanson, E; Josa, I; Kesteman, J; Kistenev, E; Kita, I; Kitamura, S; Kniazev, V; Kuhn, D; Laloum, M; Lemonne, J; Leutz, H; Lyons, L; MacDermott, M; Malhotra, PK; Marchetto, F; Mason, P; Mazzucato, M; Michalon Mentzer, ME; Michalon, A; Moa, T; Monge, R; Montanet, L; Neuhofer, G; Nguyen, HK; Nilsson, S; Nowak, H; Oshima, N; Otter, G; Panella, J; Patel, GD; Pernicka, M; Pilette, P; Pinori, C; Piredda, G; Plano, R; Poppleton, A; Poropat, P; Raghavan, R; Reucroft, S; Roberts, K; Rohringer, H; Roth, A; Salicio, J; Schulte, R; Sellden, B; Sessa, M; Shankar, K; Squarcia, S; Stamer, P; Stopchenko, V; Struczinski, W; Subramanian, A; Sudhakar, K; Touboul, MC; Trevisan, U; Troncon, C; Tsurugai, T; Uvarov, V; Ventura, L; Vilain, P; Vlasov, E; Voltolini, C; Vonck, B; Whyman, BM; Wickens, J; Wright, P; Yamagata, T; Zumerle, G; ...Mais
PUBLICAÇÃO: 1987, FONTE: Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields, VOLUME: 34, NÚMERO: 2
TÍTULO: D-Meson production from 400 GeV/c pp interactions  Full Text
AUTORES: Aguilar Benitez, M; Allison, WWM; Bailly, JL; Banerjee, S; Bartl, W; Begalli, M; Beilliere, P; Bizzarri, R; Briand, H; Brun, R; Canale, V; Caso, C; Castelli, E; Checchia, P; Chliapnikov, PV; Colino, N; Colwill, SJ; Contri, R; Crennell, D; De Angelis, A; De Billy, L; Defoix, C; Di Marco, R; Di Capua, E; Diez Hedo, F; Dolbeau, J; Dumarchez, J; Eriksson, M; Falciano, S; Fernandez, C; Fisher, C; Yu V Fisyak; Fontanelli, F; Fry, J; Ganguli, SN; Gasparini, U; Gensch, U; Gentile, S; Gibaut, DB; Goshaw, AT; Grard, F; Gurtu, A; Hamatsu, R; Haupt, L; Hellman, S; Hernandez, JJ; Holmgren, SO; Houlden, M; Hrubec, J; Hughes, P; Huss, D; Iga, Y; Iori, M; Jegham, E; Johansson, KE; Josa, MI; Kalelkar, M; Kholodenko, AG; Kistenev, EP; Kitamura, S; Knauss, D; Kniazev, VV; Kowald, W; Kuhn, D; Laloum, M; Legros, P; Leutz, H; Macdermott, M; Mason, P; Mazzucato, M; Michalon Mentzer, ME; Michalon, A; Moa, T; Monge, R; Montanet, L; Naumann, T; Neuhofer, G; Nguyen, HK; Nilsson, S; Nowak, H; Oshima, N; Otter, G; Ouared, R; Panella Comellas, J; Patel, G; Pernicka, M; Pilette, P; Pinori, C; Piredda, G; Plano, R; Poppleton, A; Poropat, P; Raghavan, R; Reucroft, S; Roberts, K; Robertson, WJ; Rohringer, H; Salicio, JM; Schulte, R; Sellden, B; Sessa, M; Squarcia, S; Stamer, P; Stopchenko, VA; Sudhakar, K; Takahashi, K; Touboul, MC; Trevisan, U; Troncon, C; Tsurugai, T; Vlasov, EV; Vilain, P; Voltolini, C; Vonck, B; Walker, WD; Wild, CF; Yiou, TP; Zumerle, G; ...Mais
PUBLICAÇÃO: 1987, FONTE: Physics Letters B, VOLUME: 189, NÚMERO: 4
TÍTULO: Lifetime measurement of Λc  Full Text
AUTORES: Aguilar Benitez, M; Allison, WWM; Bailly, JL; Bartl, W; Begalli, M; Beilliere, P; Bizzarri, R; Briand, H; Brun, R; Canale, V; Caso, C; Castelli, E; Checchia, P; Chliapnikov, PV; Colino, N; Colwill, SJ; Contri, R; Crennell, D; Cresti, M; de Angelis, A; De Billy, L; Defoix, C; Di Marco, R; Di Capua, E; Diez Hedo, F; Dolbeau, J; Duboc, J; Dumarchez, J; Eriksson, M; Falciano, S; Fernandez, C; Fisher, C; Yu V Fisyak; Fontanelli, F; Fry, J; Gasparini, U; Gensch, U; Gentile, S; Gibaut, DB; Goshaw, AT; Gurtu, A; Hamatsu, R; Haupt, L; Hellman, S; Henri, V; Hernandez, JJ; Holmgren, SO; Houlden, M; Hrubec, J; Hughes, P; Huss, D; Iga, Y; Iori, M; Jegham, E; Johansson, KE; Josa, MI; Kalelkar, M; Kholodenko, AG; Kistenev, EP; Kitamura, S; Knauss, D; Kniazev, VV; Kowald, W; Kuhn, D; Laberrigue, J; Laloum, M; Legros, P; Leutz, H; Macdermott, M; Mason, P; Mazzucato, M; Michalon Mentzer, ME; Michalon, A; Moa, T; Monge, R; Montanet, L; Naumann, T; Neuhofer, G; Nguyen, HK; Nilsson, S; Nowak, H; Oshima, N; Otter, G; Ouared, R; Panella Comellas, J; Patel, G; Pernicka, M; Pilette, P; Pinori, C; Piredda, G; Plano, R; Poppleton, A; Poropat, P; Raghavan, R; Reucroft, S; Roberts, K; Robertson, WJ; Rohringer, H; Salicio, JM; Schulte, R; Sellden, B; Sessa, M; Squarcia, S; Stamer, P; Stopchenko, VA; Subramanian, A; Sudhakar, K; Takahashi, K; Touboul, MC; Trevisan, U; Troncon, C; Tsurugai, T; Ventura, L; Vilain, P; Vlasov, EV; Voltolini, C; Vonck, B; Walker, WD; Wild, CF; Yiou, TP; Zumerle, G; ...Mais
PUBLICAÇÃO: 1987, FONTE: Physics Letters B, VOLUME: 189, NÚMERO: 1-2
TÍTULO: Inclusive π0 and η0 production in π- p interactions at 360 GeV/c
AUTORES: Aguilar Benitez, M; Bailly, JL; Baland, JF; Banerjee, S; Bartl, W; Batunion, AV; Begalli, M; Yu Belokopytov; Briand, H; Brun, R; Caso, C; Castelli, E; Checchia, P; Colino, N; Contri, R; de Angelis, A; de Billy, L; Di Capua, E; Dumarchez, J; Epp, B; Falciano, S; Fernandez, C; Yu Fisjak; Fontanelli, F; Fry, JR; Gasparini, U; Gentile, S; Hamatsu, R; Haupt, L; Hellman, S; Hernandez, JJ; Holmgren, SO; Houlden, MA; Hrubec, J; Huss, D; Iga, M; Iori, M; Jegham, E; Johansson, KE; Josa, I; Kholodenko, A; Kistenev, E; Kitamura, S; Leutz, H; Lyons, L; Marel, G; Mason, P; Mazzucato, M; Michalon Mentzer, ME; Michalon, A; Moa, T; Montanet, L; Neuhofer, G; Nguyen, HK; Nilsson, S; Nowak, H; Otter, G; Patel, GD; Pernicka, M; Yu Petrovikch; Pinori, C; Piredda, G; Polyakov, B; Popleton, A; Poropat, P; Powell, B; Reucroft, S; Richardson, J; Roberts, K; Rohringer, H; Roth, A; Salicio, J; Schouten, M; Schulte, R; Sellden, B; Sessa, M; Squarcia, S; Stopchenko, V; Struczinski, W; Sudhakar, K; Takahashi, K; Touboul, MC; Trevisan, U; Troncon, C; Tsugurai, T; Ventura, L; Vilain, P; Voltolini, C; Vonck, B; Whymen, B; Wright, P; Yamagata, T; Zumerle, G; ...Mais
PUBLICAÇÃO: 1987, FONTE: Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields, VOLUME: 34, NÚMERO: 4
TÍTULO: Determination ofD-meson lifetimes  Full Text
AUTORES: Aguilar-Benitez, M; Allison, WW; Bailly, JL; Baland, JF; Banerjee, S; Bartl, W; Begalli, M; Belliere, P; Bizzarri, R; Borreani, G; Briand, H; Bugg, WM; Canale, V; Caso, C; Castelli, E; Checchia, P; Chliapnikov, P; Colino, N; Contri, R; Crennell, D; Billy, L; Defoix, C; Angelis, A; Dimarco, R; Capua, E; Dolbeau, J; Dumarchez, J; Epp, B; Falciano, S; Fernandez, C; Fisher, C; Fisyak, Y; Fontanelli, F; Fry, JR; Ganguli, S; Gasparini, U; Gentile, S; Gibaut, D; Goshaw, A; Grard, F; Gurtu, A; Hamatsu, R; Handler, T; Hart, EL; Haupt, L; Hellman, S; Hernandez, JJ; Holmgren, SO; Houlden, MA; Hrubec, J; Hughes, P; Huss, D; Iga, Y; Iori, M; Jegham, E; Johanson, E; Josa, I; Kesteman, J; Kistenev, E; Kita, I; Kitamura, S; Kniazev, V; Kuhn, D; Laloum, M; Lemonne, J; Leutz, H; Lyons, L; MacDermott, M; Malhotra, PK; Marchetto, F; Mason, P; Mazzucato, M; Michalon-Mentzer, ME; Michalon, A; Moa, T; Monge, R; Montanet, L; Neuhofer, G; Nguyen, HK; Nilsson, S; Nowak, H; Oshima, N; Otter, G; Panella, J; Patel, GD; Pernicka, M; Pilette, P; Pinori, C; Piredda, G; Plano, R; Poppleton, A; Poropat, P; Raghavan, R; Reucroft, S; Roberts, K; Rohringer, H; Roth, A; Salicio, J; Schulte, R; Sellden, B; Sessa, M; Shankar, K; Squarcia, S; Stamer, P; Stopchenko, V; Struczinski, W; Subramanian, A; Sudhakar, K; Touboul, MC; Trevisan, U; Troncon, C; Tsurugai, T; Uvarov, V; Ventura, L; Vilain, P; Vlasov, E; Voltolini, C; Vonck, B; Whyman, BM; Wickens, J; Wright, P; Yamagata, T; Zumerle, G; ...Mais
PUBLICAÇÃO: 1987, FONTE: Z. Phys. C - Particles and Fields - Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields, VOLUME: 34, NÚMERO: 2
Página 62 de 64. Total de resultados: 632.