Rita Assoreira Almendra
AuthID: R-000-K5V
TÃTULO: The Central Role of Empathy in Service Design
AUTORES: Rita Almendra; Fernando Moreira Da Silva;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2022, FONTE: AHFE International - Human Dynamics and Design for the Development of Contemporary Societies
AUTORES: Rita Almendra; Fernando Moreira Da Silva;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2022, FONTE: AHFE International - Human Dynamics and Design for the Development of Contemporary Societies
TÃTULO: Emotion: A Vital Component in Design Decision Making
AUTORES: Fernando Moreira Da Silva; Rita Almendra;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2022, FONTE: AHFE International - Human Dynamics and Design for the Development of Contemporary Societies
AUTORES: Fernando Moreira Da Silva; Rita Almendra;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2022, FONTE: AHFE International - Human Dynamics and Design for the Development of Contemporary Societies
TÃTULO: Enveloping a day – Persona visual mapping
AUTORES: Jose Silva; Rita Almendra; Tiago Navarro Marques; Daniel Raposo; João Neves;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2022, FONTE: AHFE International - Human Dynamics and Design for the Development of Contemporary Societies
AUTORES: Jose Silva; Rita Almendra; Tiago Navarro Marques; Daniel Raposo; João Neves;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2022, FONTE: AHFE International - Human Dynamics and Design for the Development of Contemporary Societies
TÃTULO: The Achievement of a Balanced and Consistent PhD Thesis - Journey Towards the PhD Proposal
AUTORES: Michele Santos; Rita Almendra;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2022, FONTE: AHFE International - Human Dynamics and Design for the Development of Contemporary Societies
AUTORES: Michele Santos; Rita Almendra;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2022, FONTE: AHFE International - Human Dynamics and Design for the Development of Contemporary Societies
TÃTULO: Accessible Digital Game on the UN Sustainable Development Goals in Brazil
AUTORES: Regina Heidrich; Sheisa Amaral Da Cunha Bittencourt; Rita Almendra;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2022, FONTE: AHFE International - Ergonomics In Design
AUTORES: Regina Heidrich; Sheisa Amaral Da Cunha Bittencourt; Rita Almendra;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2022, FONTE: AHFE International - Ergonomics In Design
TÃTULO: Using Diagrams to Explain Brand Concepts and Implement Visual Identities
AUTORES: Rogério Ribeiro; Daniel Raposo; Rita Almendra; João Neves;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2022, FONTE: AHFE International - Human Factors in Communication of Design
AUTORES: Rogério Ribeiro; Daniel Raposo; Rita Almendra; João Neves;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2022, FONTE: AHFE International - Human Factors in Communication of Design
TÃTULO: Design and the appropriation of 3D printing techniques in the management of an innovative product system in the field of wind musical instruments
AUTORES: Liliana Soares; Ermanno Aparo; Rita Almendra;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2022, FONTE: AHFE International - Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Intelligent Human Systems Integration (IHSI 2022) Integrating People and Intelligent Systems, February 22–24, 2022, Venice, Italy
AUTORES: Liliana Soares; Ermanno Aparo; Rita Almendra;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2022, FONTE: AHFE International - Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Intelligent Human Systems Integration (IHSI 2022) Integrating People and Intelligent Systems, February 22–24, 2022, Venice, Italy
TÃTULO: Applying Concepts of Inclusive Design in Sensory Product Design for Children
AUTORES: Moreira, L; Almendra, RA; Barata, TQF;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2021, FONTE: 7th Meeting of Research in Music, Arts and Design (EIMAD) in ADVANCES IN DESIGN, MUSIC AND ARTS, EIMAD 2020, VOLUME: 9
AUTORES: Moreira, L; Almendra, RA; Barata, TQF;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2021, FONTE: 7th Meeting of Research in Music, Arts and Design (EIMAD) in ADVANCES IN DESIGN, MUSIC AND ARTS, EIMAD 2020, VOLUME: 9
TÃTULO: It Takes Two to Tango—Research and Education Cross Pollination at Design Higher Education
AUTORES: Almendra, R; da Silva, FM;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2021, FONTE: Springer Series in Design and Innovation, VOLUME: 14
AUTORES: Almendra, R; da Silva, FM;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2021, FONTE: Springer Series in Design and Innovation, VOLUME: 14
TÃTULO: Play Time: Collaborative Design at the Service of Inclusive Leisure
AUTORES: Almendra, Rita Assoreira;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2021, FONTE: 12th Int Conf on Applied Human Factors and Ergon (AHFE) / Virtual Conf on Design for Inclus, Affect and Pleasurable Design, Interdisciplinary Practice in Ind Design, Kansei Engineering, and Human Factors for Apparel and Textile Engn in ADVANCES IN INDUSTRIAL DESIGN, AHFE 2021, VOLUME: 260
AUTORES: Almendra, Rita Assoreira;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2021, FONTE: 12th Int Conf on Applied Human Factors and Ergon (AHFE) / Virtual Conf on Design for Inclus, Affect and Pleasurable Design, Interdisciplinary Practice in Ind Design, Kansei Engineering, and Human Factors for Apparel and Textile Engn in ADVANCES IN INDUSTRIAL DESIGN, AHFE 2021, VOLUME: 260