TÍTULO: Taxi-aware map: Identifying and predicting vacant taxis in the city
AUTORES: Phithakkitnukoon, S; Veloso, M; Bento, C ; Biderman, A; Ratti, C;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2010, FONTE: 1st International Joint Conference on Ambient Intelligence, AmI 2010 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), VOLUME: 6439 LNCS
INDEXADO EM: Scopus CrossRef: 27
TÍTULO: Taxi-Aware Map: Identifying and Predicting Vacant Taxis in the City
AUTORES: Santi Phithakkitnukoon; Marco Veloso; Carlos Bento; Assaf Biderman; Carlo Ratti;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2010, FONTE: 1st International Joint Conference on Ambient Intelligence in AMBIENT INTELLIGENCE, VOLUME: 6439
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