TÍTULO: Dielectric, infrared, and Raman response of undoped (formula presented) ceramics: Evidence of polar grain boundaries
AUTORES: Rychetský, I; Yuzyuk, Y; Gorshunov, BP; Savinov, M; Chaves, MR; Volkov, AA; Waser, R; Gregora, I; Petzelt, J; Kamba, S; Bovtun, V; Pokorný, J; Ostapchuk, T; Porokhonskyy, V; Vaněk, P; Hoffmann Eifert, S; Dressel, M; Almeida, A; Pronin, AV; Rafaja, D;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2001, FONTE: Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, VOLUME: 64, NÚMERO: 18
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