Pedro Tiago Coelho Nunes
AuthID: R-000-S32
TÃTULO: Renal transplantation in a short bowel syndrome patient Full Text
AUTORES: Nunes, P; Roseiro, A; Mota, A; Furtado, L;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2003, FONTE: 6th Congress of the Portuguese-Society-of-Transplantation/1st Luso-Brazilian Congress of Transplantation in TRANSPLANTATION PROCEEDINGS, VOLUME: 35, NÚMERO: 3
AUTORES: Nunes, P; Roseiro, A; Mota, A; Furtado, L;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2003, FONTE: 6th Congress of the Portuguese-Society-of-Transplantation/1st Luso-Brazilian Congress of Transplantation in TRANSPLANTATION PROCEEDINGS, VOLUME: 35, NÚMERO: 3