Daniel José da Costa Barbosa
AuthID: R-000-XB4
TÃTULO: Texture classification of images from Endoscopic Capsule by using MLP and SVM-A comparative approach
AUTORES: Lima, CS; Correia, JH ; Ramos, J; Barbosa, D;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2009, FONTE: World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering in WORLD CONGRESS ON MEDICAL PHYSICS AND BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING, VOL 25, PT 5, VOLUME: 25, NÚMERO: 5
AUTORES: Lima, CS; Correia, JH ; Ramos, J; Barbosa, D;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2009, FONTE: World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering in WORLD CONGRESS ON MEDICAL PHYSICS AND BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING, VOL 25, PT 5, VOLUME: 25, NÚMERO: 5

TÃTULO: A multi-scale comparison of texture descriptors extracted from the wavelet and curvelet domains for small bowel tumor detection in capsule endoscopy exams
AUTORES: Barbosa, DJDC; Ramos, J; Lima, CS;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2009, FONTE: World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering: Image Processing, Biosignal Processing, Modelling and Simulation, Biomechanics in IFMBE Proceedings, VOLUME: 25, NÚMERO: 4
AUTORES: Barbosa, DJDC; Ramos, J; Lima, CS;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2009, FONTE: World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering: Image Processing, Biosignal Processing, Modelling and Simulation, Biomechanics in IFMBE Proceedings, VOLUME: 25, NÚMERO: 4

TÃTULO: Automatic detection of small bowel tumors in capsule endoscopy based on color curvelet covariance statistical texture descriptors.
AUTORES: Barbosa, DJ; Ramos, J; Correia, JH; Lima, CS;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2009, FONTE: Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference, VOLUME: 2009
AUTORES: Barbosa, DJ; Ramos, J; Correia, JH; Lima, CS;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2009, FONTE: Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference, VOLUME: 2009

TÃTULO: Detecting abnormalities in endoscopic capsule images using color wavelet features and feed-forward neural networks
AUTORES: Carlos S Lima; Daniel Barbosa; Jaime Ramos; Adriano Tavares; Luis Carvalho; Luis Monteiro;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2008, FONTE: 14th Annual Scientific Conference on Web Technology, New Media Communications and Telematics Theory, Methods, Tools and Applications Medical Imaging and D-TV in EUROMEDIA '2008
AUTORES: Carlos S Lima; Daniel Barbosa; Jaime Ramos; Adriano Tavares; Luis Carvalho; Luis Monteiro;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2008, FONTE: 14th Annual Scientific Conference on Web Technology, New Media Communications and Telematics Theory, Methods, Tools and Applications Medical Imaging and D-TV in EUROMEDIA '2008

TÃTULO: Automatic Segmentation of the Second Cardiac Sound by Using Wavelets and Hidden Markov Models
AUTORES: Lima, CS; Barbosa, D;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2008, FONTE: 30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE-Engineering-in-Medicine-and-Biology-Society in 2008 30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Vols 1-8
AUTORES: Lima, CS; Barbosa, D;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2008, FONTE: 30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE-Engineering-in-Medicine-and-Biology-Society in 2008 30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Vols 1-8
TÃTULO: Classification of Endoscopic Capsule Images by Using Color Wavelet Features, Higher Order Statistics and Radial Basis Functions
AUTORES: Lima, CS; Barbosa, D; Ramos, J; Tavares, A ; Monteiro, L; Carvalho, L;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2008, FONTE: 30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE-Engineering-in-Medicine-and-Biology-Society in 2008 30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Vols 1-8
AUTORES: Lima, CS; Barbosa, D; Ramos, J; Tavares, A ; Monteiro, L; Carvalho, L;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2008, FONTE: 30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE-Engineering-in-Medicine-and-Biology-Society in 2008 30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Vols 1-8

TÃTULO: Detection of Small Bowel Tumors in Capsule Endoscopy Frames Using Texture Analysis based on the Discrete Wavelet Transform
AUTORES: Daniel J C Barbosa; Jaime Ramos; Carlos S Lima;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2008, FONTE: 30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE-Engineering-in-Medicine-and-Biology-Society in 2008 30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Vols 1-8
AUTORES: Daniel J C Barbosa; Jaime Ramos; Carlos S Lima;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2008, FONTE: 30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE-Engineering-in-Medicine-and-Biology-Society in 2008 30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Vols 1-8