Alexandra Margarida Pinto Marques
AuthID: R-000-09D
TÃTULO: Co-culture of endothelial and smooth muscle cells for the development of blood vessel constructs
AUTORES: Szymczyk, W; Araujo, JV; Martins, A ; Pinho, E; Neves, N ; Marques, AP; Reis, RL ;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2008, FONTE: Annual Tissue-Engineering-and-Regenerative-Medicine-International-Society-European-Chapter Meeting in TISSUE ENGINEERING PART A, VOLUME: 14, NÚMERO: 5
AUTORES: Szymczyk, W; Araujo, JV; Martins, A ; Pinho, E; Neves, N ; Marques, AP; Reis, RL ;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2008, FONTE: Annual Tissue-Engineering-and-Regenerative-Medicine-International-Society-European-Chapter Meeting in TISSUE ENGINEERING PART A, VOLUME: 14, NÚMERO: 5

TÃTULO: The presence of chitosan at the surface influences the interaction of biomolecules and cells with chitosan-poly (bultylene succinate) blend
AUTORES: Coutinho, DF; Pashkuleva, IH; Alves, CM ; Marques, AP; Neves, NM ; Reis, RL ;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2008, FONTE: Annual Tissue-Engineering-and-Regenerative-Medicine-International-Society-European-Chapter Meeting in TISSUE ENGINEERING PART A, VOLUME: 14, NÚMERO: 5
AUTORES: Coutinho, DF; Pashkuleva, IH; Alves, CM ; Marques, AP; Neves, NM ; Reis, RL ;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2008, FONTE: Annual Tissue-Engineering-and-Regenerative-Medicine-International-Society-European-Chapter Meeting in TISSUE ENGINEERING PART A, VOLUME: 14, NÚMERO: 5

TÃTULO: Manifold Learning for Premature Ventricular Contraction Detection
AUTORES: Bernardete Ribeiro ; Henirques, JH; Marques, AM; Antunes, MA;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2008, FONTE: 35th Annual Conference on Computers in Cardiology in COMPUTERS IN CARDIOLOGY 2008, VOLS 1 AND 2, VOLUME: 35
AUTORES: Bernardete Ribeiro ; Henirques, JH; Marques, AM; Antunes, MA;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2008, FONTE: 35th Annual Conference on Computers in Cardiology in COMPUTERS IN CARDIOLOGY 2008, VOLS 1 AND 2, VOLUME: 35
TÃTULO: In vivo tissue response to natural-origin biomaterials
AUTORES: Santos, TC; Marques, AP; Reis, RL ;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2008, FONTE: Natural-Based Polymers for Biomedical Applications
AUTORES: Santos, TC; Marques, AP; Reis, RL ;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2008, FONTE: Natural-Based Polymers for Biomedical Applications
TÃTULO: Natural-based polymers for biomedical applications
AUTORES: Reis, RL ; Neves, NM; Mano, JF; Gomes, ME; Marques, AP; Azevedo, HS;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2008, FONTE: Natural-Based Polymers for Biomedical Applications
AUTORES: Reis, RL ; Neves, NM; Mano, JF; Gomes, ME; Marques, AP; Azevedo, HS;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2008, FONTE: Natural-Based Polymers for Biomedical Applications
TÃTULO: Cover Picture: Surface Engineered Carboxymethylchitosan/Poly(amidoamine) Dendrimer Nanoparticles for Intracellular Targeting (Adv. Funct. Mater. 12/2008) Full Text
AUTORES: Joaquim M Oliveira; Noriko Kotobuki; Alexandra P Marques; Rogério P Pirraco; Johan Benesch; Motohiro Hirose; Silgia A Costa; João F Mano; Hajime Ohgushi; Rui L Reis;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2008, FONTE: Adv. Funct. Mater. - Advanced Functional Materials, VOLUME: 18, NÚMERO: 12
AUTORES: Joaquim M Oliveira; Noriko Kotobuki; Alexandra P Marques; Rogério P Pirraco; Johan Benesch; Motohiro Hirose; Silgia A Costa; João F Mano; Hajime Ohgushi; Rui L Reis;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2008, FONTE: Adv. Funct. Mater. - Advanced Functional Materials, VOLUME: 18, NÚMERO: 12
TÃTULO: Micro-nano composite mesh scaffold in mouse MPC osteogenic differentiation
AUTORES: Martins, A ; Pinho, ED; Malafaya, PB ; Marques, AP; Reis, RL ; Neves, NM ;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2007, FONTE: Conference of the Tissue-Engineering-and-Regenerative-Medicine-International-Society (TERMIS-EU) in TISSUE ENGINEERING, VOLUME: 13, NÚMERO: 7
AUTORES: Martins, A ; Pinho, ED; Malafaya, PB ; Marques, AP; Reis, RL ; Neves, NM ;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2007, FONTE: Conference of the Tissue-Engineering-and-Regenerative-Medicine-International-Society (TERMIS-EU) in TISSUE ENGINEERING, VOLUME: 13, NÚMERO: 7

TÃTULO: Monocytes stimulate stem cell proliferation and early osteogenic differentiation in a co-culture system
AUTORES: Pirraco, RP; Marques, AP; Reis, RL ;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2007, FONTE: Conference of the Tissue-Engineering-and-Regenerative-Medicine-International-Society (TERMIS-EU) in TISSUE ENGINEERING, VOLUME: 13, NÚMERO: 7
AUTORES: Pirraco, RP; Marques, AP; Reis, RL ;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2007, FONTE: Conference of the Tissue-Engineering-and-Regenerative-Medicine-International-Society (TERMIS-EU) in TISSUE ENGINEERING, VOLUME: 13, NÚMERO: 7

TÃTULO: Influence of the O/C ratio in the behaviour of TiCxOy thin films Full Text
AUTORES: Fernandes, AC; Vaz, F ; Rebouta, L ; Pinto, A; Alves, E ; Parreira, NMG; Ph. Goudeau; Le Bourhis, E; Riviere, JP;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2007, FONTE: 5th Asian/European International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering in SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY, VOLUME: 201, NÚMERO: 9-11
AUTORES: Fernandes, AC; Vaz, F ; Rebouta, L ; Pinto, A; Alves, E ; Parreira, NMG; Ph. Goudeau; Le Bourhis, E; Riviere, JP;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2007, FONTE: 5th Asian/European International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering in SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY, VOLUME: 201, NÚMERO: 9-11