TÍTULO: The effect of helium on plasma performance at ASDEX Upgrade and JET
AUTORES: Kappatou, A; Angioni, C; Sips, ACC; Lerche, E; Pütterich, T; Dunne, M; Neu, R; Giroud, C; Challis, C; Hobirk, J; Kim, HT; Nunes, I; Tsalas, M; Cave Ayland, K; Valcarcel, DF; Menmuir, S; Lebschy, A; Viezzer, E; McDermott, RM; Potzel, S; Ryter, F; Frassinetti, L; Delabie, E; Saarelma, S; Bernert, M; ...Mais
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2017, FONTE: 44th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics, EPS 2017 in 44th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, EPS 2017
TÍTULO: A Flexible System for the Control of External Magnetic Perturbations in the JET Tokamak  Full Text
AUTORES: Diogo Alves; Rui Coelho; Andre C Neto; Paul Smith; Daniel F Valcarcel; Peter Card; Robert Felton; Peter J Lomas; Paul McCullen;
INDEXADO EM: Scopus WOS CrossRef
TÍTULO: The development of safe high current operation in JET-ILW  Full Text
AUTORES: Fernanda G Rimini; Diogo Alves; Gilles Arnoux; Matteo Baruzzo; Eva Belonohy; Ivo Carvalho; Robert Felton; Emmanuel Joffrin; Peter Lomas; Paul McCullen; Andre Neto; Isabel Nunes; Cedric Reux; Adam Stephen; Daniel Valcarcel; Sven Wiesen; T. F. D. A. Contributors;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2015, FONTE: 28th Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT) in FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN, VOLUME: 96-97
INDEXADO EM: Scopus WOS CrossRef
TÍTULO: From use cases of the Joint European Torus towards integrated commissioning requirements of the ITER tokamak  Full Text
AUTORES: Neto, AC; Stephen, A; Sartori, F; Cavinato, M; Farthing, JW; Ranz, R; Saibene, G; Winter, A; Arnoux, G; Alves, D; Blackman, T; Boboc, A; Card, PJ; Dalley, S; Day, IE; De Tommasi, G; Drewelow, P; Elsmore, C; Ivings, E; Felton, R; Gerasimov, S; Goodyear, A; Heesterman, P; Hogben, C; Hotchin, S; Kinna, D; Lomas, PJ; Mailloux, J; McCullen, P; Rimini, FG; Shaw, SR; Valcarcel, DF; Waterhouse, J; Zastrow, KD; ...Mais
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2015, FONTE: 28th Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT) in FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN, VOLUME: 96-97
INDEXADO EM: Scopus WOS CrossRef
TÍTULO: Power handling of the JET ITER-like wall
AUTORES: Arnoux, G; Balboa, I; Clever, M; Devaux, S; De Vries, P; Eich, T; Firdaouss, M; Jachmich, S; Lehnen, M; Lomas, PJ; Matthews, GF; Ph Mertens; Nunes, I; Riccardo, V; Ruset, C; Sieglin, B; Valcarcel, DF; Wilson, J; Zastrow, KD;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2014, FONTE: 14th International Conference on Plasma-Facing Materials and Components for Fusion Applications, PFMC 2013 in PHYSICA SCRIPTA, VOLUME: T159
INDEXADO EM: Scopus WOS CrossRef
TÍTULO: ISTTOK control system upgrade  Full Text
AUTORES: Ivo S Carvalho ; Paulo Duarte; Horacio Fernandes ; Daniel F Valcarcel; Pedro J Carvalho; Carlos Silva; Andre S Duarte; Andre Neto; Jorge Sousa ; Antonio J N Batista ; Bernardo B Carvalho ;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2013, FONTE: 27th Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT) in FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN, VOLUME: 88, NÚMERO: 6-8
INDEXADO EM: Scopus WOS CrossRef
TÍTULO: Calorimetry of the JET ITER-Like Wall components  Full Text
AUTORES: Devaux, S; Arnoux, G; Corre, Y; Gardarein, JL; Gaspar, J; Jacquet, P; Marcotte, F; Matthews, G; Beaumont, P; Cramp, S; Dalley, S; Kinna, D; Horton, A; Lomas, P; Ph. Mertens; Riccardo, V; Valcarcel, D;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2013, FONTE: 20th International Conference on Plasma-Surface Interactions in Controlled Fusion Devices (PSI) in JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MATERIALS, VOLUME: 438, NÚMERO: SUPPL
INDEXADO EM: Scopus WOS CrossRef
TÍTULO: A protection system for the JET ITER-like wall based on imaging diagnostics  Full Text
AUTORES: Arnoux, G; Devaux, S; Alves, D; Balboa, I; Balorin, C; Balshaw, N; Beldishevski, M; Carvalho, P; Clever, M; Cramp, S; J.-L de Pablos; de la Cal, E; Falie, D; Garcia-Sanchez, P; Felton, R; Gervaise, V; Goodyear, A; Horton, A; Jachmich, S; Huber, A; Jouve, M; Kinna, D; Kruezi, U; Manzanares, A; Martin, V; McCullen, P; Moncada, V; Obrejan, K; Patel, K; Lomas, PJ; Neto, A; Rimini, F; Ruset, C; Schweer, B; Sergienko, G; Sieglin, B; Soleto, A; Stamp, M; Stephen, A; Thomas, PD; Valcárcel, DF; Williams, J; Wilson, J; K.-D Zastrow; JET-EFDA Contributors, ; ...Mais
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2012, FONTE: 19th Topical Conference on High-Temperature Plasma Diagnostics in REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS, VOLUME: 83, NÚMERO: 10
INDEXADO EM: Scopus WOS CrossRef
TÍTULO: Vessel thermal map real-time system for the JET tokamak  Full Text
AUTORES: Alves, D; Felton, R; Jachmich, S; Lomas, P; McCullen, P; Neto, A; Valcarcel, DF; Arnoux, G; Card, P; Devaux, S; Goodyear, A; Kinna, D; Stephen, A; D Zastrow;
INDEXADO EM: Scopus WOS CrossRef
Página 1 de 2. Total de resultados: 17.