TITLE: Genome-wide association study identifies variants at CLU and PICALM associated with Alzheimer's disease  Full Text
AUTHORS: Harold, D; Abraham, R; Hollingworth, P; Sims, R; Gerrish, A; Hamshere, ML; Pahwa, JS; Moskvina, V; Dowzell, K; Williams, A; Jones, N; Thomas, C; Stretton, A; Morgan, AR; Lovestone, S; Powell, J; Proitsi, P; Lupton, MK; Brayne, C; Rubinsztein, DC; Gill, M; Lawlor, B; Lynch, A; Morgan, K; Brown, KS; Passmore, PA; Craig, D; McGuinness, B; Todd, S; Holmes, C; Mann, D; Smith, AD; Love, S; Kehoe, PG; Hardy, J; Mead, S; Fox, N; Rossor, M; Collinge, J; Maier, W; Jessen, F; Schurmann, B; Van Den Bussche, H; Heuser, I; Kornhuber, J; Wiltfang, J; Dichgans, M; Frolich, L; Hampel, H; Hull, M; Rujescu, D; Goate, AM; Kauwe, JSK; Cruchaga, C; Nowotny, P; Morris, JC; Mayo, K; Sleegers, K; Bettens, K; Engelborghs, S; De Deyn, PP; Van Broeckhoven, C; Livingston, G; Bass, NJ; Gurling, H; McQuillin, A; Gwilliam, R; Deloukas, P; Al Chalabi, A; Shaw, CE; Tsolaki, M; Singleton, AB; Guerreiro, R; Muhleisen, TW; Nothen, MM; Moebus, S; Jockel, KH; Klopp, N; Wichmann, HE; Carrasquillo, MM; Pankratz, VS; Younkin, SG; Holmans, PA; O'Donovan, M; Owen, MJ; Williams, J; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2009, SOURCE: Nature Genetics, VOLUME: 41, ISSUE: 10
INDEXED IN: Scopus CrossRef
TITLE: Toward a successful clinical neuroproteomics: The 11th HUPO Brain Proteome Project workshop 3 March 2009, Kolymbari, Greece  Full Text
AUTHORS: Kim, YH; Marcus, K; Grinberg, LT; Goehler, H; Wiltfang, J; Stephan, C; Eisenacher, M; Hardt, T; Martens, L; Dunn, MJ; Park, YM; Meyer, HE;
PUBLISHED: 2009, SOURCE: Proteomics - Clinical Applications, VOLUME: 3, ISSUE: 9
INDEXED IN: Scopus CrossRef
TITLE: Consensus paper of the WFSBP task force on biological markers of dementia: The role of CSF and blood analysis in the early and differential diagnosis of dementia [Trabalho de consenso de força-tarefa da WFSBP sobre marcadores biológicos das demências: Contribuição da análise do LCR e do sangue para o diagnóstico precoce e diferencial das demências]
AUTHORS: Wiltfang, J; Lewczuk, P; Riederer, P; Grunblatt, E; Hock, C; Scheltens, P; Hampel, H; Vanderstichele, H; Iqbal, K; Galasko, D; Lannfelt, L; Otto, M; Esselman, H; Henkel, AW; Kornhuber, J; Blennow, K;
PUBLISHED: 2009, SOURCE: Revista de Psiquiatria Clinica, VOLUME: 36, ISSUE: SUPPL. 1
TITLE: World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry (WFSBP) guidelines for biological treatment of unipolar depressive disorders, part 1: Acute and continuation treatment of major depressive disorder [Diretrizes da World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry (WFSBP) para tratamento biológico de transtornos depressivos unipolares, 1a parte: Tratamento agudo e de continuação do transtorno depressivo maior]
AUTHORS: Bauer, M; Whybrow, PC; Angst, J; Versiani, M; Moller, HJ; Allain, H; Anderson, I; Ayuso Gutierrez, JL; Baldwin, D; Bech, P; Benkert, O; Berk, M; Bitter, I; Bourgeois, ML; Burrows, G; Cassano, G; Cetkovich Bakmans, M; Cookson, JC; Costa, DD; Gheroghe, MD; Heinze, G; Higuchi, T; Hirschfeld, RM; Hoschl, C; Holsboer Trachsler, E; Kasper, S; Katona, C; Keller, MB; Kulhara, P; Kupfer, DJ; Lecrubier, Y; Leonard, B; Licht, RW; Lingjaerde, O; Lublin, H; Mendlewicz, J; Mitchell, P; Paykel, ES; Puzynski, S; Rush, AJ; Rybakowski, JK; Schweitzer, I; Unutzer, J; Verstergaard, P; Vieta, E; Yamada, K; Wiltfang, J; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2009, SOURCE: Revista de Psiquiatria Clinica, VOLUME: 36, ISSUE: SUPPL. 2
TITLE: World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry (WFSBP) guidelines for biological treatment of unipolar depressive disorders, part 2: Maintenance treatment of major depressive disorder and treatment of chronic depressive disorders and subthreshold depressions [Diretrizes da World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry (WFSBP) para tratamento biológico de transtornos depressivos unipolares, 2a parte: Tratamento de manutenção do transtorno depressivo maior e tratamento dos transtornos depressivos crônicos e das depressões subliminares]
AUTHORS: Bauer, M; Whybrow, PC; Angst, J; Versiani, M; Moller, HJ; Allain, H; Anderson, I; Ayuso Gutierrez, JL; Baldwin, D; Bech, P; Benkert, O; Berk, M; Bitter, I; Bourgeois, ML; Burrows, G; Cassano, G; Cetkovich Bakmans, M; Cookson, JC; Costa, DD; Gheroghe, MD; Heinze, G; Higuchi, T; Hirschfeld, RM; Hoschl, C; Holsboer Trachsler, E; Kasper, S; Katona, C; Keller, MB; Kulhara, P; Kupfer, DJ; Lecrubier, Y; Leonard, B; Licht, RW; Lingjaerde, O; Lublin, H; Mendlewicz, J; Mitchell, P; Paykel, ES; Puzynski, S; Rush, AJ; Rybakowski, JK; Schweitzer, I; Unutzer, J; Verstergaard, P; Vieta, E; Yamada, K; Wiltfang, J; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2009, SOURCE: Revista de Psiquiatria Clinica, VOLUME: 36, ISSUE: SUPPL. 2
TITLE: Erratum: Genome-wide association study identifies variants at CLU and PICALM associated with Alzheimer's disease (Nature Genetics) (2009) 41 (1088-1093))
AUTHORS: Harold, D; Abraham, R; Hollingworth, P; Sims, R; Gerrish, A; Hamshere, ML; Pahwa, JS; Moskvina, V; Dowzell, K; Williams, A; Jones, N; Thomas, C; Stretton, A; Morgan, AR; Lovestone, S; Powell, J; Proitsi, P; Lupton, MK; Brayne, C; Rubinsztein, DC; Gill, M; Lawlor, B; Lynch, A; Morgan, K; Brown, KS; Passmore, PA; Craig, D; McGuinness, B; Todd, S; Holmes, C; Mann, D; Smith, AD; Love, S; Kehoe, PG; Hardy, J; Mead, S; Fox, N; Rossor, M; Collinge, J; Maier, W; Jessen, F; Schurmann, B; Van Den Bussche, H; Heuser, I; Kornhuber, J; Wiltfang, J; Dichgans, M; Frolich, L; Hampel, H; Hull, M; Rujescu, D; Goate, AM; Kauwe, JSK; Cruchaga, C; Nowotny, P; Morris, JC; Mayo, K; Sleegers, K; Bettens, K; Engelborghs, S; De Deyn, PP; Van Broeckhoven, C; Livingston, G; Bass, NJ; Gurling, H; McQuillin, A; Gwilliam, R; Deloukas, P; Al Chalabi, A; Shaw, CE; Tsolaki, M; Singleton, AB; Guerreiro, R; Muhleisen, TW; Nothen, MM; Moebus, S; Jockel, KH; Klopp, N; Wichmann, HE; Carrasquillo, MM; Pankratz, VS; Younkin, SG; Holmans, PA; O'Donovan, M; Owen, MJ; Williams, J; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2009, SOURCE: Nature Genetics, VOLUME: 41, ISSUE: 10
TITLE: Association of SORL1 gene variants with Alzheimer's disease  Full Text
AUTHORS: Heike Kölsch; Frank Jessen; Jens Wiltfang; Piotr Lewczuk; Martin Dichgans; Stefan J Teipel; Johannes Kornhuber; Lutz Frölich; Isabella Heuser; Oliver Peters; Birgitt Wiese; Hanna Kaduszkiewicz; Hendrik van den Bussche; Michael Hüll; Alexander Kurz; Eckhart Rüther; Fritz A Henn; Wolfgang Maier;
PUBLISHED: 2009, SOURCE: Brain Research, VOLUME: 1264
TITLE: Erratum: Genome-wide association study identifies variants at CLU and PICALM associated with Alzheimer's disease  Full Text
AUTHORS: Denise Harold; Richard Abraham; Paul Hollingworth; Rebecca Sims; Amy Gerrish; Marian L Hamshere; Jaspreet Singh Pahwa; Valentina Moskvina; Kimberley Dowzell; Amy Williams; Nicola Jones; Charlene Thomas; Alexandra Stretton; Angharad R Morgan; Simon Lovestone; John Powell; Petroula Proitsi; Michelle K Lupton; Carol Brayne; David C Rubinsztein; Michael Gill; Brian Lawlor; Aoibhinn Lynch; Kevin Morgan; Kristelle S Brown; Peter A Passmore; David Craig; Bernadette McGuinness; Stephen Todd; Clive Holmes; David Mann; David D Smith; Seth Love; Patrick G Kehoe; John Hardy; Simon Mead; Nick Fox; Martin Rossor; John Collinge; Wolfgang Maier; Frank Jessen; Britta Schürmann; Hendrik van den Bussche; Isabella Heuser; Johannes Kornhuber; Jens Wiltfang; Martin Dichgans; Lutz Frölich,; Harald Hampel; Michael Hüll; Dan Rujescu; Alison M Goate; John S K Kauwe; Carlos Cruchaga; Petra Nowotny; John C Morris; Kevin Mayo; Kristel Sleegers; Karolien Bettens; Sebastiaan Engelborghs; Peter P De Deyn; Christine Van Broeckhoven; Gill Livingston; Nicholas J Bass; Hugh Gurling; Andrew McQuillin; Rhian Gwilliam; Panagiotis Deloukas; Ammar Al-Chalabi; Christopher E Shaw; Magda Tsolaki; Andrew B Singleton; Rita Guerreiro; Thomas W Mühleisen; Markus M Nöthen; Susanne Moebus; Karl-Heinz Jöckel; Norman Klopp; H-Erich Wichmann; Minerva M Carrasquillo; Shane S Pankratz; Steven G Younkin; Peter A Holmans; Michael O'Donovan; Michael J Owen; Julie Williams; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2009, SOURCE: Nature Genetics - Nat Genet, VOLUME: 41, ISSUE: 10
TITLE: Körperliche Aktivität und Prävention der Alzheimerdemenz
AUTHORS: Weih, M; Abu-Omar, K; Esselmann, H; Gelbrich, G; Lewczuk, P; Rütten, A; Wiltfang, J; Kornhuber, J;
PUBLISHED: 2009, SOURCE: Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr - Fortschritte der Neurologie · Psychiatrie, VOLUME: 77, ISSUE: 03
TITLE: Vergleichende Sensitivität der neurochemischen Demenzdiagnostik im Liquor und rCBF im 99m Tc-SPECT bei Patienten mit Alzheimerdemenz
AUTHORS: Weih, M; Krinninger, M; Zimmermann, R; Lewczuk, P; Svitek, J; Schaller, G; Ü Degirmenci; Richter-Schmidinger, T; Wiltfang, J; Kuwert, T; Kornhuber, J; Schmidt, D;
PUBLISHED: 2009, SOURCE: Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr - Fortschritte der Neurologie · Psychiatrie, VOLUME: 77, ISSUE: 07
Página 36 de 54. Total de resultados: 534.