Jose Fernando Ferreira Mendes
AuthID: R-000-8A7
TÃTULO: A Unified Approach to Percolation Processes on Multiplex Networks
AUTORES: Gareth J Baxter; Davide Cellai; Sergey N Dorogovtsev; Alexander V Goltsev; José F F Mendes;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2016, FONTE: Understanding Complex Systems
AUTORES: Gareth J Baxter; Davide Cellai; Sergey N Dorogovtsev; Alexander V Goltsev; José F F Mendes;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2016, FONTE: Understanding Complex Systems
TÃTULO: Social networking for pervasive adaptation
AUTORES: Roger M Whitaker; Stuart M Allen; Marco Conti; Jon Crowcroft; Robin Dunbar; Pietro Lio; Jose Fernando Mendes; Refik Molva; Andrea Passarella; Ioannis Stavrakakis;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2008, FONTE: Proceedings - 2nd IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems Workshops, SASOW 2008
AUTORES: Roger M Whitaker; Stuart M Allen; Marco Conti; Jon Crowcroft; Robin Dunbar; Pietro Lio; Jose Fernando Mendes; Refik Molva; Andrea Passarella; Ioannis Stavrakakis;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2008, FONTE: Proceedings - 2nd IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems Workshops, SASOW 2008
TÃTULO: On chaos of a cubic p-adic dynamical system
AUTORES: Farrukh Mukhamedov; José F F Mendes;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2008, FONTE: Progress in Nonlinear Differential Equations and Their Application, VOLUME: 75
AUTORES: Farrukh Mukhamedov; José F F Mendes;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2008, FONTE: Progress in Nonlinear Differential Equations and Their Application, VOLUME: 75
TÃTULO: Accelerated growth of networks
AUTORES: Sergei Dorogovtsev; Jose F Mendes;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2005, FONTE: Handbook of Graphs and Networks: From the Genome to the Internet
AUTORES: Sergei Dorogovtsev; Jose F Mendes;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2005, FONTE: Handbook of Graphs and Networks: From the Genome to the Internet