TÍTULO: Fault diagnosis method for three-phase high power factor rectifier based on a pattern recognition algorithm
AUTORES: Foito, D; Martins, JF; Pires, VF ; Maia, J;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2011, FONTE: 3rd IEEE International Conference on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives, PowerEng2011 in International Conference on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives
INDEXADO EM: Scopus CrossRef
TÍTULO: Analysis of an Electromagnetic Automobile Suspension System
AUTORES: Miguel Chaves; Jose Maia; Jorge Esteves;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2009, FONTE: International Conferece on Electrical Machines in ICEM: 2008 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ELECTRICAL MACHINES, VOLS 1- 4
TÍTULO: An Eigenvalue/Eigenvector 3D Current Reference Method for Detection and Fault Diagnosis in a Voltage Source Inverter
AUTORES: Foito, D; Martins, JF ; Fernao F Pires ; Maia, J;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2009, FONTE: 35th Annual Conference of the IEEE-Industrial-Electronics-Society (IECON 2009) in IECON: 2009 35TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF IEEE INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, VOLS 1-6
INDEXADO EM: Scopus WOS CrossRef
TÍTULO: Economic Aspects of a Domestic Micro-Generation System
AUTORES: Antonio Roque; Nuno Fontes; Jose Maia; Claudio Casimiro; Duarte M Sousa ;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2009, FONTE: 6th International Conference on the European Energy Market in 2009 6TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE EUROPEAN ENERGY MARKET
INDEXADO EM: Scopus WOS CrossRef
TÍTULO: Micro Generation - Solar and Wind Hybrid System
AUTORES: Fontes, N; Roque, A; Maia, J;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2008, FONTE: 5th International Conference on the European Electricity Market in 2008 5TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE EUROPEAN ELECTRICITY MARKET, VOLS 1 AND 2
INDEXADO EM: Scopus WOS CrossRef
Página 2 de 2. Total de resultados: 15.