Fabio Emanuel Pais Januario
AuthID: R-002-N34
TÃTULO: Multi-Agent Approach for Resilience Enhancement in Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks
AUTORES: Pablo Januario; Alberto Cardoso ; Paulo Gil;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2017, FONTE: Joint 17th World Congress of International-Fuzzy-Systems-Association / 9th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems (IFSA-SCIS) in 2017 JOINT 17TH WORLD CONGRESS OF INTERNATIONAL FUZZY SYSTEMS ASSOCIATION AND 9TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOFT COMPUTING AND INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS (IFSA-SCIS)
AUTORES: Pablo Januario; Alberto Cardoso ; Paulo Gil;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2017, FONTE: Joint 17th World Congress of International-Fuzzy-Systems-Association / 9th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems (IFSA-SCIS) in 2017 JOINT 17TH WORLD CONGRESS OF INTERNATIONAL FUZZY SYSTEMS ASSOCIATION AND 9TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOFT COMPUTING AND INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS (IFSA-SCIS)
TÃTULO: A Multi-Agent Framework for Resilient Enhancement in Networked Control Systems
AUTORES: Fábio Januário; Alberto Cardoso ; Paulo Gil;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2017, FONTE: 9th International Conference on Computer and Automation Engineering, ICCAE 2017 in Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer and Automation Engineering, ICCAE '17, Sydney, Australia, February 18-21, 2017, VOLUME: Part F127852
AUTORES: Fábio Januário; Alberto Cardoso ; Paulo Gil;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2017, FONTE: 9th International Conference on Computer and Automation Engineering, ICCAE 2017 in Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer and Automation Engineering, ICCAE '17, Sydney, Australia, February 18-21, 2017, VOLUME: Part F127852
TÃTULO: Resilience Enhancement in Cyber-Physical Systems: A Multiagent-Based Framework
AUTORES: Fábio Emanuel Pais Januário; Joaquim Leitão; Alberto Cardoso ; Paulo Gil;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2017, FONTE: Multi-agent Systems
AUTORES: Fábio Emanuel Pais Januário; Joaquim Leitão; Alberto Cardoso ; Paulo Gil;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2017, FONTE: Multi-agent Systems
TÃTULO: Detection and accommodation of outliers in Wireless Sensor Networks within a multi-agent framework Full Text
AUTORES: Paulo Gil; Martins, H; Januario, F;
AUTORES: Paulo Gil; Martins, H; Januario, F;
TÃTULO: Security Challenges in SCADA Systems over Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks
AUTORES: Januario, F; Carvalho, C; Alberto Cardoso ; Paulo Gil;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2016, FONTE: 8th International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems and Workshops (ICUMT) in 2016 8TH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON ULTRA MODERN TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND CONTROL SYSTEMS AND WORKSHOPS (ICUMT), VOLUME: 2016-December
AUTORES: Januario, F; Carvalho, C; Alberto Cardoso ; Paulo Gil;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2016, FONTE: 8th International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems and Workshops (ICUMT) in 2016 8TH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON ULTRA MODERN TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND CONTROL SYSTEMS AND WORKSHOPS (ICUMT), VOLUME: 2016-December
TÃTULO: Security challenges in SCADA systems over Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks
AUTORES: Fábio Januário; Carolina Carvalho; Alberto Cardoso ; Paulo Gil;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2016, FONTE: 8th International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems and Workshops, ICUMT 2016, Lisbon, Portugal, October 18-20, 2016
AUTORES: Fábio Januário; Carolina Carvalho; Alberto Cardoso ; Paulo Gil;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2016, FONTE: 8th International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems and Workshops, ICUMT 2016, Lisbon, Portugal, October 18-20, 2016

TÃTULO: A distributed multi-agent approach for resilient supervision over a IPv6 WSAN infrastructure
AUTORES: Fabio Januario; Amancio Santos ; Luis Palma ; Alberto Cardoso ; Paulo Gil;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2015, FONTE: IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT) in 2015 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY (ICIT), VOLUME: 2015-June, NÚMERO: June
AUTORES: Fabio Januario; Amancio Santos ; Luis Palma ; Alberto Cardoso ; Paulo Gil;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2015, FONTE: IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT) in 2015 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY (ICIT), VOLUME: 2015-June, NÚMERO: June
TÃTULO: A Machine Learning Technique in a Multi-Agent Framework for Online Outliers Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks
AUTORES: Hugo Martins; Fabio Januario; Luis Palma ; Alberto Cardoso ; Paulo Gil;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2015, FONTE: 41st Annual Conference of the IEEE-Industrial-Electronics-Society (IECON) in IECON 2015 - 41ST ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE IEEE INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS SOCIETY
AUTORES: Hugo Martins; Fabio Januario; Luis Palma ; Alberto Cardoso ; Paulo Gil;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2015, FONTE: 41st Annual Conference of the IEEE-Industrial-Electronics-Society (IECON) in IECON 2015 - 41ST ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE IEEE INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS SOCIETY
TÃTULO: A distributed multi-agent approach for resilient supervision over a IPv6 WSAN infrastructure
AUTORES: Fábio Januário; Amâncio Santos ; Luís Brito Palma ; Alberto Cardoso ; Paulo Gil;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2015, FONTE: IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, ICIT 2015, Seville, Spain, March 17-19, 2015
AUTORES: Fábio Januário; Amâncio Santos ; Luís Brito Palma ; Alberto Cardoso ; Paulo Gil;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2015, FONTE: IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, ICIT 2015, Seville, Spain, March 17-19, 2015

TÃTULO: A General Distributed Architecture for Resilient Monitoring over Heterogeneous Networks
AUTORES: Fabio Januario; Alberto Cardoso ; Paulo Gil;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2014, FONTE: 5th IFIP WG 5.5/SOCOLNET Doctoral Conference on Computing, Electrical and Industrial Systems (DoCEIS) in TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATION FOR COLLECTIVE AWARENESS SYSTEMS, VOLUME: 423
AUTORES: Fabio Januario; Alberto Cardoso ; Paulo Gil;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2014, FONTE: 5th IFIP WG 5.5/SOCOLNET Doctoral Conference on Computing, Electrical and Industrial Systems (DoCEIS) in TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATION FOR COLLECTIVE AWARENESS SYSTEMS, VOLUME: 423