The Earliest Unambiguous Neanderthal Engravings on Cave Walls: La Roche-Cotard, Loire Valley, France

Marquet, JC
Freiesleben, TH
Thomsen, KJ
Murray, AS
Calligaro, M
Macaire, JJ
Robert, E
Lorblanchet, M
Aubry, T
Gautret, P
O'Farrell, M
Peyrouse, JB
Thamo Bozso, E
Verdin, P
Wojtczak, D
Oberlin, C
Jaubert, J
Document Type
Year published
in PLOS ONE, ISSN: 1932-6203
Volume: 18, Issue: 6
Publication Identifiers
Pubmed: 37343032
Scopus: 2-s2.0-85163056997
Wos: WOS:001017401300024
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 1932-6203
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Marquet, JC;   2 Freiesleben, TH;   3 Thomsen, KJ;
4 Murray, AS;   5 Calligaro, M;   6 Macaire, JJ;
7 Robert, E;   8 Lorblanchet, M;   9 Aubry, T;
10 Bayle, G;   11 Breheret, JG;   12 Camus, H;
13 Chareille, P;   14 Egels, Y;   15 Guillaud, E;
16 Guerin, G;   17 Gautret, P;   18 Liard, M;
19 O'Farrell, M;   20 Peyrouse, JB;   21 Thamo Bozso, E;
22 Verdin, P;   23 Wojtczak, D;   24 Oberlin, C;
25 Jaubert, J;