Co-Developing Guidance for Conservation: An Example for Seabirds in the North-East Atlantic in the Face of Climate Change Impacts

Häkkinen, H
Taylor, NG
Pettorelli, N
Sutherland, WJ
Aldará, J
Anker Nilssen, T
Aulert, C
van Bemmelen, RSA
Burnell, D
Cadiou, B
Payo Payo, A
Piec, D
Robin, F
Sørensen, IH
Stīpniece, A
Thompson, DL
Vulcano, A
Petrovan, S
Document Type
Year published
in Conservation Science and Practice, ISSN: 2578-4854
Volume: 5, Issue: 8
Publication Identifiers
Scopus: 2-s2.0-85162858683
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 2578-4854
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Häkkinen, H;   2 Taylor, NG;   3 Pettorelli, N;
4 Sutherland, WJ;   5 Aldará, J;   6 Anker Nilssen, T;
7 Aulert, C;   8 van Bemmelen, RSA;   9 Burnell, D;
10 Cadiou, B;   11 Campioni, L;   12 Clark, BL;
13 Dehnhard, N;   14 Dias, MP;   15 Enners, L;
16 Furness, RW;   17 Hallgrímsson Þ, G;   18 Hammer, S;
19 Hansen, ES;   20 Hario, M;   21 Hurling, S;
22 Jessopp, M;   23 Kleinschmidt, B;   24 Leivits, M;
25 Maniszewska, K;   26 Oppel, S;   27 Payo Payo, A;
28 Piec, D;   29 Ramos, JA;   30 Robin, F;
31 Sørensen, IH;   32 Stīpniece, A;   33 Thompson, DL;
34 Vulcano, A;   35 Petrovan, S;