Machine Learning Algorithm Improves the Detection of Nash (Nas-Based) and At-Risk Nash: A Development and Validation Study

Lee J.
Westphal M.
Vali Y.
Boursier J.
Petta S.
Ostroff R.
Alexander L.
Chen Y.
Fournier C.
Geier A.
Yunis C.
Schattenberg J.M.
Schuppan D.
Ratziu V.
Brass C.
Duffin K.
Zwinderman K.
Pavlides M.
Anstee Q.M.
Bossuyt P.M.
Document Type
Year published
in HEPATOLOGY, ISSN: 0270-9139
Volume: 78, Issue: 1, Pages: 258-271 (14)
Publication Identifiers
Pubmed: 36994719
Scopus: 2-s2.0-85163490526
Wos: WOS:001116331700007
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0270-9139
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Lee J.;   2 Westphal M.;   3 Vali Y.;
4 Boursier J.;   5 Petta S.;   6 Ostroff R.;
7 Alexander L.;   8 Chen Y.;   9 Fournier C.;
10 Geier A.;   11 Francque S.;   12 Wonders K.;
13 Tiniakos D.;   14 Bedossa P.;   15 Allison M.;
16 Papatheodoridis G.;   17 Cortez-Pinto H.;   18 Pais R.;
19 Dufour J.F.;   20 Leeming D.J.;   21 Harrison S.;
22 Cobbold J.;   23 Holleboom A.G.;   24 Yki-Järvinen H.;
25 Crespo J.;   26 Ekstedt M.;   27 Aithal G.P.;
28 Bugianesi E.;   29 Romero-Gomez M.;   30 Torstenson R.;
31 Karsdal M.;   32 Yunis C.;   33 Schattenberg J.M.;
34 Schuppan D.;   35 Ratziu V.;   36 Brass C.;
37 Duffin K.;   38 Zwinderman K.;   39 Pavlides M.;
40 Anstee Q.M.;   41 Bossuyt P.M.;