The First Miocene Fossils from Coastal Woodlands in the Southern East African Rift

Aumaitre, G
Bamford, MK
Bourlès, DL
Pinto, M
Presnyakova, D
Püschel, TA
Regala, FT
Sier, M
da Silva, MJF
Stalmans, M
Carvalho, S
Document Type
Year published
in ISCIENCE, ISSN: 2589-0042
Volume: 26, Issue: 9
Publication Identifiers
Pubmed: 37701811
Scopus: 2-s2.0-85169915709
Wos: WOS:001076445500001
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 2589-0042
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Bobe, R;   2 Aldeias, V;   3 Alemseged, Z;
4 Anemone, RL;   5 Archer, W;   6 Aumaitre, G;
7 Bamford, MK;   8 Biro, D;   9 Bourlès, DL;
10 Boyd, MD;   11 Braun, DR;   12 Capelli, C;
13 Coelho, JD;   14 Habermann, JM;   15 Head, JJ;
16 Keddadouche, K;   17 Kupczik, K;   18 Lebatard, AE;
19 Lüdecke, T;   20 Macoa, A;   21 Martínez, FI;
22 Mathe, J;   23 Mendes, C;   24 Paulo, LM;
25 Pinto, M;   26 Presnyakova, D;   27 Püschel, TA;
28 Regala, FT;   29 Sier, M;   30 da Silva, MJF;
31 Stalmans, M;   32 Carvalho, S;