Integration of Thermo-Electric Coolers into the Cms Mtd Sipm Arrays for Operation Under High Neutron Fluence

Lustermann, W
Stachon, K
Reales Gutiérrez, G
Benaglia, A
De Guio, F
Ghezzi, A
Lucchini, MT
Malberti, M
Palluotto, S
Heering, A
Karneyeu, A
Musienko, Y
Wayne, M
Anderson, T
Cox, B
Perez Lara, CE
Ledovskoy, A
White, S
Schmidt, I
Document Type
Year published
in Journal of Instrumentation, ISSN: 1748-0221
Volume: 18, Issue: 8
Publication Identifiers
Scopus: 2-s2.0-85169551437
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 1748-0221
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Bornheim, A;   2 Lustermann, W;   3 Stachon, K;
4 Reales Gutiérrez, G;   5 Benaglia, A;   6 De Guio, F;
7 Ghezzi, A;   8 Lucchini, MT;   9 Malberti, M;
10 Palluotto, S;   11 Tabarelli De Fatis, T;   12 Benettoni, M;
13 Carlin, R;   14 Tosi, M;   15 Rossin, R;
16 Meridiani, P;   17 Paramatti, R;   18 Santanastasio, F;
19 Silva, JC;   20 Varela, J;   21 Heering, A;
22 Karneyeu, A;   23 Musienko, Y;   24 Wayne, M;
25 Anderson, T;   26 Cox, B;   27 Perez Lara, CE;
28 Ledovskoy, A;   29 White, S;   30 Schmidt, I;