Correction To: Changes to Virus Taxonomy and the Ictv Statutes Ratifed by the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (2023) (Archives of Virology, (2023), 168, 7, (175), 10.1007/S00705-023-05797-4)

Zerbini, FM
Lefkowitz, J
Adriaenssens, M
Dempsey, M
García, ML
Hendrickson, R
Oksanen, M
Robertson, L
Rubino, L
Sabanadzovic, S
Simmonds, P
Smith, B
Suzuki, N
Van Doorslaer, K
Vandamme, A
Varsani, A
Document Type
Year published
in Archives of Virology, ISSN: 0304-8608
Volume: 168, Issue: 11
Publication Identifiers
Scopus: 2-s2.0-85173959308
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0304-8608
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Zerbini, FM;   2 Siddell, G;   3 Lefkowitz, J;
4 Mushegian, R;   5 Adriaenssens, M;   6 Alfenas‑Zerbini, P;
7 Dempsey, M;   8 Dutilh, E;   9 García, ML;
10 Hendrickson, R;   11 Junglen, S;   12 Krupovic, M;
13 Kuhn, H;   14 Lambert, J;   15 Łobocka, M;
16 Oksanen, M;   17 Robertson, L;   18 Rubino, L;
19 Sabanadzovic, S;   20 Simmonds, P;   21 Smith, B;
22 Suzuki, N;   23 Van Doorslaer, K;   24 Vandamme, A;
25 Varsani, A;