Understanding Clinical Outcomes and Factors Influencing Mortality in Intensive Care Unit Patients with Covid-19-Associated Candidemia

Mert, A
Yilmaz, M
Al Maslamani, M
Ayoade, F
El Kholy, A
Rashid, N
Baljic, R
Dascalu, C
Sincan, G
Kizmaz, YU
Madendere, B
Erdem, H
Document Type
Year published
in MYCOSES, ISSN: 0933-7407
Volume: 67, Issue: 1
Publication Identifiers
Pubmed: 38214425
Wos: WOS:001135697400001
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0933-7407
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Aydin, S;   2 Mert, A;   3 Yilmaz, M;
4 Al Maslamani, M;   5 Rahimi, BA;   6 Ayoade, F;
7 El Kholy, A;   8 Belitova, M;   9 Sengel, BE;
10 Jalal, S;   11 Albayrak, A;   12 Alatawi, JA;
13 Szabo, BG;   14 Ganeshan, RS;   15 Nsutebu, E;
16 Poojary, A;   17 Akkoyunlu, Y;   18 Alkan, S;
19 Elik, DB;   20 Eser Karlidag, G;   21 Santos, L;
22 Moroti, R;   23 Altin, N;   24 Guerbuez, E;
25 Ulusoy, TU;   26 Sipahi, OR;   27 Caskurlu, H;
28 Esmaoglu, A;   29 Lakatos, B;   30 El Sayed, NM;
31 Marino, A;   32 Cascio, A;   33 Mihai, A;
34 Dumitru, IM;   35 Pshenichnaya, N;   36 Ripon, RK;
37 Makek, MJ;   38 Rashid, N;   39 Baljic, R;
40 Dascalu, C;   41 Sincan, G;   42 Kizmaz, YU;
43 Madendere, B;   44 Erdem, H;