A Multi-Factorial Observational Study on Sequential Fecal Microbiota Transplant in Patients with Medically Refractory Clostridioides Difficile Infection

Monaghan T.M.
Duggal N.A.
Rosati E.
Griffin R.
Hughes J.
Roach B.
Yang D.Y.
Wang C.
Wong K.
Saxinger L.
Franke A.
Li Y.
Wong G.K.S.
Polytarchou C.
Christodoulou N.
Hatziapostolou M.
Wang M.
Russell L.A.
Kao D.H.
Document Type
Year published
in Cells
Volume: 10, Issue: 11, Pages: 3234
Publication Identifiers
Pubmed: 34831456
Scopus: 2-s2.0-85119293584
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Monaghan T.M.;   2 Duggal N.A.;   3 Rosati E.;
4 Griffin R.;   5 Hughes J.;   6 Roach B.;
7 Yang D.Y.;   8 Wang C.;   9 Wong K.;
10 Saxinger L.;   11 Pučić-Baković M.;   12 Vučković F.;
13 Klicek F.;   14 Lauc G.;   15 Tighe P.;
16 Mullish B.H.;   17 Blanco J.M.;   18 McDonald J.A.K.;
19 Marchesi J.R.;   20 Xue N.;   21 Dottorini T.;
22 Acharjee A.;   23 Franke A.;   24 Li Y.;
25 Wong G.K.S.;   26 Polytarchou C.;   27 Yau T.O. ;
28 Christodoulou N.;   29 Hatziapostolou M.;   30 Wang M.;
31 Russell L.A.;   32 Kao D.H.;