The Secretome of Macrophages Has a Differential Impact on Spinal Cord Injury Recovery According to the Polarization Protocol

Lentilhas Graça, J
Santos, J
Afonso, J
Monteiro, A
Pinho, G
Mendes, M
Dias, S
Gomes, D
Lima, R
Fernandes, S
Fernandes, M
Serra, C
Rocha, A
Campos, J
Pinho, S
Monteiro, S
Manadas, B
Document Type
Year published
in Frontiers in Immunology, ISSN: 1664-3224
Volume: 15
Publication Identifiers
Scopus: 2-s2.0-85186567972
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 1664-3224
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Lentilhas Graça, J;   2 Santos, J;   3 Afonso, J;
4 Monteiro, A;   5 Pinho, G;   6 Mendes, M;
7 Dias, S;   8 Gomes, D;   9 Lima, R;
10 Fernandes, S;   11 Fernandes Amorim, F;   12 Pereira, M;
13 de Sousa, N;   14 Cibrão, R;   15 Fernandes, M;
16 Serra, C;   17 Rocha, A;   18 Campos, J;
19 Pinho, S;   20 Monteiro, S;   21 Manadas, B;
22 Salgado, J;   23 Almeida, D;   24 Silva, A;