Urinary Proteomic Signature of Mineralocorticoid Receptor Antagonism by Spironolactone: Evidence from the Randomized-Controlled Homage and Priority Trials

Yu, Y
Rotbain-Curovic, V
Siwy, J
An, D
Tofte, N
González, A
Lindhardt, MK
Hansen, TW
Latosinska, A
Clark, AL
Verhamme, P
Nawrot, TS
Janssens, S
Cleland, JG
Zannad, F
Rossing, P
Díez, J
Mischak, H
Staessen, JA
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Yu, Y;   2 Rotbain-Curovic, V;   3 Siwy, J;
4 An, D;   5 Tofte, N;   6 González, A;
7 Lindhardt, MK;   8 Hansen, TW;   9 Latosinska, A;
10 Pedro Ferreira, J ;   11 Pellicori, P;   12 Ravassa, S;
13 Mariottoni, B;   14 Verdonschot, JA;   15 Ahmed, FZ;
16 Petutschnigg, J;   17 Rossignol, P;   18 Heymans, S;
19 Cuthbert, J;   20 Girerd, N;   21 Clark, AL;
22 Verhamme, P;   23 Nawrot, TS;   24 Janssens, S;
25 Cleland, JG;   26 Zannad, F;   27 Rossing, P;
28 Díez, J;   29 Mischak, H;   30 Staessen, JA;