EUCLID: Covariance of Weak Lensing Pseudo-Cℓ Estimates

Upham, RE
Brown, ML
Whittaker, L
Amara, A
Auricchio, N
Bonino, D
Branchini, E
Brescia, M
Camera, S
Cardone, VF
Fabbian, G
Polenta, G
Renzi, A
Joachimi, B
Hall, A
Loureiro, A
Sellentin, E
Document Type
Year published
in Astronomy & Astrophysics, ISSN: 0004-6361
Volume: 660, Pages: A114
Publication Identifiers
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ISSN: 0004-6361
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Upham, RE;   2 Brown, ML;   3 Whittaker, L;
4 Amara, A;   5 Auricchio, N;   6 Bonino, D;
7 Branchini, E;   8 Brescia, M;   9 Brinchmann, J ;
10 Capobianco, V;   11 Carbone, C;   12 Carretero, J;
13 Castellano, M;   14 Cavuoti, S;   15 Cimatti, A;
16 Cledassou, R;   17 Congedo, G;   18 Conversi, L;
19 Copin, Y;   20 Corcione, L;   21 Cropper, M;
22 Da Silva, A;   23 Degaudenzi, H;   24 Douspis, M;
25 Dubath, F;   26 Duncan, CAJ;   27 Dupac, X;
28 Dusini, S;   29 Ealet, A;   30 Farrens, S;
31 Ferriol, S;   32 Fosalba, P;   33 Frailis, M;
34 Franceschi, E;   35 Fumana, M;   36 Garilli, B;
37 Gillis, B;   38 Giocoli, C;   39 Grupp, F;
40 Haugan, SVH;   41 Hoekstra, H;   42 Holmes, W;
43 Hormuth, F;   44 Hornstrup, A;   45 Jahnke, K;
46 Kermiche, S;   47 Kiessling, A;   48 Kilbinger, M;
49 Kitching, T;   50 Kümmel, M;   51 Kunz, M;
52 Kurki-Suonio, H;   53 Ligori, S;   54 Lilje, PB;
55 Lloro, I;   56 Marggraf, O;   57 Markovic, K;
58 Marulli, F;   59 Meneghetti, M;   60 Meylan, G;
61 Moresco, M;   62 Moscardini, L;   63 Munari, E;
64 Niemi, SM;   65 Padilla, C;   66 Paltani, S;
67 Pasian, F;   68 Pedersen, K;   69 Pettorino, V;
70 Pires, S;   71 Poncet, M;   72 Popa, L;
73 Raison, F;   74 Rhodes, J;   75 Rossetti, E;
76 Saglia, R;   77 Sartoris, B;   78 Schneider, P;
79 Secroun, A;   80 Seidel, G;   81 Sirignano, C;
82 Sirri, G;   83 Stanco, L;   84 Starck, J;
85 Tallada-Crespí, P;   86 Tavagnacco, D;   87 Taylor, AN;
88 Tereno, I;   89 Toledo-Moreo, R;   90 Torradeflot, F;
91 Valenziano, L;   92 Wang, Y;   93 Zamorani, G;
94 Zoubian, J;   95 Andreon, S;   96 Baldi, M;
97 Camera, S;   98 Cardone, VF;   99 Fabbian, G;
100 Polenta, G;   101 Renzi, A;   102 Joachimi, B;
103 Hall, A;   104 Loureiro, A;   105 Sellentin, E;