Inter-Laboratory Variation in Dna Damage Using a Standard Comet Assay Protocol (Vol 27, Pg 665, 2012)

Forchhammer, L
Ersson, C
Loft, S
Möller, L
Godschalk, RWL
van Schooten, FJ
Jones, GDD
Higgins, JA
Cooke, M
Mistry, V
Allione, A
Stepnik, M
Komorowska, M
Corcuera, LA
de Cerain, AL
Laffon, B
Valdiglesias, V
Moller, P
Document Type
Year published
in MUTAGENESIS, ISSN: 0267-8357
Volume: 28, Issue: 2, Pages: 241-241 (1)
Publication Identifiers
Wos: WOS:000315220200015
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0267-8357
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Forchhammer, L;   2 Ersson, C;   3 Loft, S;
4 Möller, L;   5 Godschalk, RWL;   6 van Schooten, FJ;
7 Jones, GDD;   8 Higgins, JA;   9 Cooke, M;
10 Mistry, V;   11 Karbaschi, M;   12 Collins, AR;
13 Azqueta, A;   14 Phillips, DH;   15 Sozeri, O;
16 Routledge, MN;   17 Nelson Smith, K;   18 Riso, P;
19 Porrini, M;   20 Matullo, G;   21 Allione, A;
22 Stepnik, M;   23 Komorowska, M;   24 Teixeira, JP ;
25 Costa, S;   26 Corcuera, LA;   27 de Cerain, AL;
28 Laffon, B;   29 Valdiglesias, V;   30 Moller, P;