Impacts of the Common Agricultural Policy (Cap) on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services

Pe'er, G
Lakner, S
Müller, R
Passoni, G
Bontzorlos, V
Clough, D
Azam, C
Berger, J
Bezák, P
Kleemann, J
Sahrbacher, A
Schindler, S
Schleyer, C
Schmidt, J
Schüler, S
Sirami, C
von Meyer-Höfer, M
Zinngrebe, Y
Document Type
Proceedings Paper
Year published
in Proceedings of the 5th European Congress of Conservation Biology
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Pe'er, G;   2 Lakner, S;   3 Müller, R;
4 Passoni, G;   5 Bontzorlos, V;   6 Clough, D;
7 Moreira, F;   8 Azam, C;   9 Berger, J;
10 Bezák, P;   11 Bonn, A;   12 Hansjürgens, B;
13 Hartmann, L;   14 Kleemann, J;   15 Lomba, A;
16 Sahrbacher, A;   17 Schindler, S;   18 Schleyer, C;
19 Schmidt, J;   20 Schüler, S;   21 Sirami, C;
22 von Meyer-Höfer, M;   23 Zinngrebe, Y;