List of Contributors

Abreu, JB
Arjunan, A
Chen, H
Degtyarev, V
Dinis, PB
Hancock, G
Hennis, D
Hrico, N
Leng, J
Nethercot, D
Pham, C
Rahman, NA
Selvaraj, S
Wang, CJ
Williams, L
Wrzesien, A
Xu, L
Yu, C
Zhang, W
Document Type
Book Chapter
Year published
in Recent Trends in Cold-Formed Steel Construction
Pages: xi-xii
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Abreu, JB;   2 Arjunan, A;   3 Camotim, D;
4 Chen, H;   5 Degtyarev, V;   6 Dinis, PB;
7 Hancock, G;   8 Hennis, D;   9 Hrico, N;
10 Leng, J;   11 Li, Z;   12 Li, Y;
13 Lim, J;   14 Lu, W;   15 Madhavan, M;
16 Mahaffey, R;   17 Martins, AD;   18 Mynors, D;
19 Nethercot, D;   20 Pham, C;   21 Rahman, NA;
22 Selvaraj, S;   23 Wang, CJ;   24 Williams, L;
25 Wrzesien, A;   26 Xu, L;   27 Yu, C;
28 Zhang, W;