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Kant Et L'humain
Paulo Jesus
·Elisabeth Lefort
·Mai Lequan
·Giovanni Pietro Basile
·Angelo Cicatello
·Jean Ferrari
·Lisa Franck
·Brigitte Geonget
·Sophie Grapotte
Elena Partene
·Arnaud Pelletier
·Claude Piche
·Margit Ruffing
·Charlotte Sabourin
·Nuria Sanchez Madrid
·Claudia Serban
·Frederic Seyler
·Fernando Silva
Book Cover
Publication Identifiers
Openlibrary: OL32827459M
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Name Order | Nome | Name Order | Nome | Name Order | Nome | ||
1 | Paulo Jesus; | 2 | Elisabeth Lefort; | 3 | Mai Lequan; | ||
4 | Diogo Sardinha; | 5 | Giovanni Pietro Basile; | 6 | Angelo Cicatello; | ||
7 | Jean Ferrari; | 8 | Lisa Franck; | 9 | Brigitte Geonget; | ||
10 | Sophie Grapotte; | 11 | Monique Hulshof; | 12 | Didier Hurson; | ||
13 | Dimitri Lang; | 14 | Luc Langlois; | 15 | Elisabeth Lefort; | ||
16 | Guillaume Lejeune; | 17 | Gualtiero Lorini; | 18 | Gennaro Luise; | ||
19 | Diane Morgan; | 20 | Helke Panknin-Schappert; | 21 | Elena Partene; | ||
22 | Arnaud Pelletier; | 23 | Claude Piche; | 24 | Margit Ruffing; | ||
25 | Charlotte Sabourin; | 26 | Nuria Sanchez Madrid; | 27 | Soraya N Sckell; | ||
28 | Claudia Serban; | 29 | Frederic Seyler; | 30 | Fernando Silva; |