Set Ambitious Goals for Biodiversity and Sustainability

Díaz S.
Zafra-Calvo N.
Purvis A.
Verburg P.H.
Obura D.
Leadley P.
Chaplin-Kramer R.
De Meester L.
Dulloo E.
Martín-López B.
Shannon L.
Shin Y.J.
Snelgrove P.V.R.
Spehn E.M.
Strassburg B.
Subramanian S.M.
Tewksbury J.J.
Watson J.E.M.
Zanne A.E.
Document Type
Year published
in Science, ISSN: 00368075
Volume: 370, Issue: 6515, Pages: 411-413 (2)
Publication Identifiers
Pubmed: 33093100
Scopus: 2-s2.0-85094579831
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 00368075
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Díaz S.;   2 Zafra-Calvo N.;   3 Purvis A.;
4 Verburg P.H.;   5 Obura D.;   6 Leadley P.;
7 Chaplin-Kramer R.;   8 De Meester L.;   9 Dulloo E.;
10 Martín-López B.;   11 Shaw M.R.;   12 Visconti P.;
13 Broadgate W.;   14 Bruford M.W.;   15 Burgess N.D.;
16 Cavender- Bares J.;   17 DeClerck F.;   18 Fernández-Palacios J.M.;
19 Garibaldi L.A.;   20 Hill S.L.L.;   21 Isbell F.;
22 Khoury C.K.;   23 Krug C.B.;   24 Liu J.;
25 Maron M.;   26 McGowan P.J.K.;   27 Pereira H.M.;
28 Reyes-García V.;   29 Rocha J.;   30 Rondinini C.;
31 Shannon L.;   32 Shin Y.J.;   33 Snelgrove P.V.R.;
34 Spehn E.M.;   35 Strassburg B.;   36 Subramanian S.M.;
37 Tewksbury J.J.;   38 Watson J.E.M.;   39 Zanne A.E.;