Europa Biodiversity Observation Network: Integrating Data Streams to Support Policy

Junker, J
Fernández, N
Maes, J
Beja, P
Bonn, A
Breeze, T
Brotons, L
Bruehlheide, H
Tiimann, L
Valdez, J
Vallecillo, S
Van Grunsven, RHA
Van De Kerchove, R
Villero, D
Visconti, P
Weinhold, C
Zuleger, AM
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Pereira, HM;   2 Junker, J;   3 Fernández, N;
4 Maes, J;   5 Beja, P;   6 Bonn, A;
7 Breeze, T;   8 Brotons, L;   9 Bruehlheide, H;
10 Buchhorn, M;   11 Capinha, C;   12 Chow, C;
13 Dietrich, K;   14 Dornelas, M;   15 Dubois, G;
16 Fernandez, M;   17 Frenzel, M;   18 Friberg, N;
19 Fritz, S;   20 Georgieva, I;   21 Gobin, A;
22 Guerra, C;   23 Haande, S;   24 Herrando, S;
25 Jandt, U;   26 Kissling, WD;   27 Kühn, I;
28 Langer, C;   29 Liquete, C;   30 Lyche Solheim, A;
31 Martí, D;   32 Martin, JGC;   33 Masur, A;
34 McCallum, I;   35 Mjelde, M;   36 Moe, J;
37 Moersberger, H;   38 Morán-Ordóñez, A;   39 Moreira, F;
40 Musche, M;   41 Navarro, LM;   42 Orgiazzi, A;
43 Patchett, R;   44 Penev, L;   45 Pino, J;
46 Popova, G;   47 Potts, S;   48 Ramon, A;
49 Sandin, L;   50 Santana, J;   51 Sapundzhieva, A;
52 See, L;   53 Shamoun-Baranes, J;   54 Smets, B;
55 Stoev, P;   56 Tedersoo, L;   57 Tiimann, L;
58 Valdez, J;   59 Vallecillo, S;   60 Van Grunsven, RHA;
61 Van De Kerchove, R;   62 Villero, D;   63 Visconti, P;
64 Weinhold, C;   65 Zuleger, AM;