Risk Factors for Infection, Predictors of Severe Disease and Antibody Response to Covid-19 in Patients with Rheumatic Diseases in Portugal – a Multicentre, Nationwide Study

Cruz-Machado, AR
Barreira, SC
Bandeira, M
Veldhoen, M
Gomes, A
Serrano, M
Duarte, C
Rato, M
Fernandes, BM
Garcia, S
Almeida, D
Mazeda, C
Cunha Santos, F
Pinto, P
Sousa, M
Parente, H
Sequeira, G
Santos, MJ
Romão, VC
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Cruz-Machado, AR;   2 Barreira, SC;   3 Bandeira, M;
4 Veldhoen, M;   5 Gomes, A;   6 Serrano, M;
7 Duarte, C;   8 Rato, M;   9 Fernandes, BM;
10 Garcia, S;   11 Pinheiro, F;   12 Bernardes, M;
13 Madeira, N;   14 Miguel, C;   15 Torres, R;
16 Bento Silva, A;   17 Pestana, J;   18 Almeida, D;
19 Mazeda, C;   20 Cunha Santos, F;   21 Pinto, P;
22 Sousa, M;   23 Parente, H;   24 Sequeira, G;
25 Santos, MJ;   26 Fonseca, JE;   27 Romão, VC;