Upper Limits for B Production in Π−-Tungsten Interactions at 194 Gev/C

Ereditato, A
Gorini, E
Strolin, P
Boumediene, A
Busson, P
Kluberg, L
Romana, A
Salmeron, R
Guanziroli, M
Hofer, H
Lecomte, P
Le Coultre, P
Suter, H
Telegdi, V
Viertel, G
Betev, B
Freudenreich, K
Wallace-Hadrill, J
Document Type
Year published
in Physics Letters B, ISSN: 0370-2693
Volume: 157, Issue: 5-6, Pages: 463-468
Publication Identifiers
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0370-2693
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Ereditato, A;   2 Gorini, E;   3 Strolin, P;
4 Bordalo, P;   5 Boumediene, A;   6 Busson, P;
7 Kluberg, L;   8 Romana, A;   9 Salmeron, R;
10 Varela, J;   11 Blaising, J;   12 Degré, A;
13 Juillot, P;   14 Morand, R;   15 Mours, B;
16 Winter, M;   17 Falciano, S;   18 Guanziroli, M;
19 Hofer, H;   20 Lecomte, P;   21 Le Coultre, P;
22 Suter, H;   23 Telegdi, V;   24 Viertel, G;
25 Betev, B;   26 Freudenreich, K;   27 Wallace-Hadrill, J;