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Digital Guardian Angel Supported by an Artificial Intelligence System to Improve Quality of Life, Well-Being, and Health Outcomes of Patients With Cancer (Oncorelief): Protocol for a Single Arm Prospective Multicenter Pilot Study (Preprint)
Travado, L
·Scherrer, A
·Kosmidis, T
·Venios, S
·Laras, PE
·Oestreicher, G
·Moehler, M
·Parolini, M
·Passardi, A
Martinelli, G
·Petracci, E
·Zingaretti, C
·Diamantopoulos, S
·Plakia, M
·Vassiliou, C
·Mousa, S
·Zifrid, R
·Sullo, FG
·Gallio, C
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Name Order | Nome | Name Order | Nome | Name Order | Nome | ||
1 | Reis, J; | 2 | Travado, L; | 3 | Scherrer, A; | ||
4 | Kosmidis, T; | 5 | Venios, S; | 6 | Laras, PE; | ||
7 | Oestreicher, G; | 8 | Moehler, M; | 9 | Parolini, M; | ||
10 | Passardi, A; | 11 | Meggiolaro, E; | 12 | Martinelli, G; | ||
13 | Petracci, E; | 14 | Zingaretti, C; | 15 | Diamantopoulos, S; | ||
16 | Plakia, M; | 17 | Vassiliou, C; | 18 | Mousa, S; | ||
19 | Zifrid, R; | 20 | Sullo, FG; | 21 | Gallio, C; |