Recent Fast Electron Energy Transport Experiments Relevant to Fast Ignition Inertial Fusion

Scott, RHH
Lancaster, KL
Green, JS
Robinson, APL
Sherlock, M
Evans, RG
Haines, MG
Kar, S
Zepf, M
Theobald, W
Stephens, RB
Valente, J
Takeda, K
Tanimoto, T
Kodama, R
Tanaka, KA
Document Type
Year published
in NUCLEAR FUSION, ISSN: 0029-5515
Volume: 49, Issue: 10, Pages: 104023 (8)
Publication Identifiers
Scopus: 2-s2.0-70349153837
Wos: WOS:000270388300024
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0029-5515
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Norreys, PA;   2 Scott, RHH;   3 Lancaster, KL;
4 Green, JS;   5 Robinson, APL;   6 Sherlock, M;
7 Evans, RG;   8 Haines, MG;   9 Kar, S;
10 Zepf, M;   11 Key, MH;   12 King, J;
13 Ma, T;   14 Yabuuchi, T;   15 Wei, MS;
16 Beg, FN;   17 Nilson, P;   18 Theobald, W;
19 Stephens, RB;   20 Valente, J;   21 Davies, JR;
22 Takeda, K;   23 Azechi, H;   24 Nakatsutsumi, M;
25 Tanimoto, T;   26 Kodama, R;   27 Tanaka, KA;