Symptomatic and Restorative Therapies in Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorders

Abboud, H
Salazar-Camelo, A
George, N
Planchon, SM
Matiello, M
Mealy, MA
Goodman, A
Alroughani, R
Altintas, A
Apiwattanakul, M
Siritho, S
Smith, TJ
de Castillo, IS
Tenembaum, S
Villoslada, P
Wuerfel, J
Wingerchuk, D
Yamout, B
Yeaman, M
Document Type
Year published
in Journal of Neurology, ISSN: 0340-5354
Volume: 269, Issue: 4, Pages: 1786-1801
Publication Identifiers
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0340-5354
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Abboud, H;   2 Salazar-Camelo, A;   3 George, N;
4 Planchon, SM;   5 Matiello, M;   6 Mealy, MA;
7 Goodman, A;   8 Alroughani, R;   9 Altintas, A;
10 Apiwattanakul, M;   11 Asgari, N;   12 Paolilo, RB;
13 Bennett, J;   14 Bichuetti, DB;   15 Blaschke, TF;
16 Boyko, A;   17 Broadley, S;   18 Carnero Contentti, E;
19 Cohen, JA;   20 Delgado-Garcia, G;   21 Basuroski, ID;
22 Flores-Rivera, J;   23 Fujihara, K;   24 Havla, J;
25 Hellwig, K;   26 Hor, JY;   27 Huda, S;
28 Iorio, R;   29 Jarius, S;   30 Kimbrough, D;
31 Kister, I;   32 Kleiter, I;   33 Kissani, N;
34 Lana-Peixoto, M;   35 Leite, MI;   36 Levy, M;
37 Maiga, Y;   38 Mao-Draayer, Y;   39 Mariotto, S;
40 Melamed, E;   41 Neubrand, VE;   42 Oreja-Guevara, C;
43 Palace, J;   44 Pröbstel, A;   45 Qian, P;
46 Quan, C;   47 Riley, C;   48 Ringelstein, M;
49 Sa, MJ;   50 Siritho, S;   51 Smith, TJ;
52 de Castillo, IS;   53 Tenembaum, S;   54 Villoslada, P;
55 Wuerfel, J;   56 Wingerchuk, D;   57 Yamout, B;
58 Yeaman, M;