Disease-Modifying Therapies in Managing Disability Worsening in Paediatric-Onset Multiple Sclerosis: a Longitudinal Analysis of Global and National Registries

Sharmin, S
Roos, I
Malpas, CB
Iaffaldano, P
Simone, M
Filippi, M
Kubala Havrdova, E
Ozakbas, S
Brescia Morra, V
Alroughani, R
Barnett, M
Oh, J
Nasuelli, D
Ramo-Tello, C
Al-Harbi, T
Fioretti, C
Bucello, S
Cargnelutti, D
Vukusic, S
Document Type
Year published
in The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health, ISSN: 2352-4642
Volume: 8, Issue: 5, Pages: 348-357
Publication Identifiers
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ISSN: 2352-4642
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Sharmin, S;   2 Roos, I;   3 Malpas, CB;
4 Iaffaldano, P;   5 Simone, M;   6 Filippi, M;
7 Kubala Havrdova, E;   8 Ozakbas, S;   9 Brescia Morra, V;
10 Alroughani, R;   11 Zaffaroni, M;   12 Patti, F;
13 Eichau, S;   14 Salemi, G;   15 Di Sapio, A;
16 Inglese, M;   17 Portaccio, E;   18 Trojano, M;
19 Amato, MP;   20 Kalincik, T;   21 Horakova, D;
22 Prat, A;   23 Girard, M;   24 Duquette, P;
25 Boz, C;   26 Pozzilli, C;   27 Cocco, E;
28 Gallo, P;   29 Yamout, B;   30 Khoury, SJ;
31 Lugaresi, A;   32 Onofrj, M;   33 Lus, G;
34 Clerici, VT;   35 Maniscalco, GT;   36 Romano, S;
37 Tortorella, C;   38 Valentino, P;   39 Rovaris, M;
40 Shaygannejad, V;   41 Ferraro, D;   42 Vianello, M;
43 Grammond, P;   44 Bergamaschi, R;   45 Gallo, A;
46 Cavalla, P;   47 Sa, MJ;   48 Lechner-Scott, J;
49 Pesci, I;   50 Buzzard, K;   51 Gouider, R;
52 Mrabet, S;   53 Aguglia, U;   54 Conte, A;
55 Avolio, C;   56 Bellantonio, P;   57 John, N;
58 Cartechini, E;   59 De Robertis, F;   60 Ferraro, E;
61 Weinstock-Guttman, B;   62 Barcella, V;   63 Van der Walt, A;
64 Butzkueven, H;   65 Coniglio, MG;   66 Granella, F;
67 Kuhle, J;   68 Marfia, GA;   69 Laureys, G;
70 Van Hijfte, L;   71 Maimone, D;   72 Gazzola, P;
73 Blanco, Y;   74 Turkoglu, R;   75 Montepietra, S;
76 Spitaleri, D;   77 van Pesch, V;   78 Gerlach, O;
79 Prevost, J;   80 Ampapa, R;   81 Soysal, A;
82 Altintas, A;   83 Rini, A;   84 Solaro, C;
85 Protti, A;   86 Foschi, M;   87 Surcinelli, A;
88 Gatto, M;   89 Mascoli, N;   90 De Riz, M;
91 Realmuto, S;   92 Rossi, P;   93 Totaro, R;
94 Barnett, M;   95 Oh, J;   96 Nasuelli, D;
97 Ramo-Tello, C;   98 Sanchez-Menoyo, JL;   99 Al-Harbi, T;
100 Fioretti, C;   101 Bucello, S;   102 Cargnelutti, D;
103 Vukusic, S;