Carcinogenicity of Acrolein, Crotonaldehyde, and Arecoline

Beland, FA
Lachenmeier, DW
Phillips, DH
Chung, F
Dorman, DC
Elmore, SE
Hammond, SK
Krstev, S
Linhart, I
Turner, MC
El Ghissassi, F
Middleton, D
Miranda-Filho, A
Chung, F
Liu, Y
Vega, S
Mattock, H
Schubauer-Berigan, MK
Guyton, KZ
Document Type
Year published
in The Lancet Oncology, ISSN: 1470-2045
Volume: 22, Issue: 1, Pages: 19-20
Publication Identifiers
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ISSN: 1470-2045
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Marques, MM;   2 Beland, FA;   3 Lachenmeier, DW;
4 Phillips, DH;   5 Chung, F;   6 Dorman, DC;
7 Elmore, SE;   8 Hammond, SK;   9 Krstev, S;
10 Linhart, I;   11 Long, AS;   12 Mandrioli, D;
13 Ogawa, K;   14 Pappas, JJ;   15 Parra Morte, JM;
16 Talaska, G;   17 Tang, M;   18 Thakur, N;
19 van Tongeren, M;   20 Vineis, P;   21 Grosse, Y;
22 Benbrahim-Tallaa, L;   23 Suonio, E;   24 Turner, MC;
25 El Ghissassi, F;   26 Middleton, D;   27 Miranda-Filho, A;
28 Chung, F;   29 Liu, Y;   30 Vega, S;
31 Mattock, H;   32 Schubauer-Berigan, MK;   33 Guyton, KZ;