Expansion of Functional Personalized Cells with Specific Transgene Combinations

Lipps C.
Klein F.
Wahlicht T.
Seiffert V.
Butueva M.
Zauers J.
Truschel T.
Luckner M.
Köster M.
MacLeod R.
Korff T.
Opalka B.
Rebmann V.
Göthert J.R.
Ott M.
Schucht R.
Hauser H.
Wirth D.
May T.
Document Type
Year published
in Nature Communications
Volume: 9, Issue: 1
Publication Identifiers
Pubmed: 29520052
Scopus: 2-s2.0-85045451969
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Lipps C.;   2 Klein F.;   3 Wahlicht T.;
4 Seiffert V.;   5 Butueva M.;   6 Zauers J.;
7 Truschel T.;   8 Luckner M.;   9 Köster M.;
10 MacLeod R.;   11 Pezoldt J.;   12 Hühn J.;
13 Yuan Q.;   14 Müller P.P.;   15 Kempf H.;
16 Zweigerdt R.;   17 Dittrich-Breiholz O.;   18 Pufe T.;
19 Beckmann R.;   20 Drescher W.;   21 Riancho J.;
22 Sañudo C.;   23 Korff T.;   24 Opalka B.;
25 Rebmann V.;   26 Göthert J.R.;   27 Alves P.M.;
28 Ott M.;   29 Schucht R.;   30 Hauser H.;
31 Wirth D.;   32 May T.;