Mutational Correlates of Virological Failure in Individuals Receiving a Who-Recommended Tenofovir-Containing First-Line Regimen: An International Collaboration

Rhee S.Y.
Varghese V.
Holmes S.P.
Van Zyl G.U.
Steegen K.
Boyd M.A.
Cooper D.A.
Nsanzimana S.
Saravanan S.
Charpentier C.
Sigaloff K.C.E.
Sirivichayakul S.
Skhosana L.
Sunpath H.
Tang M.
Yang C.
Carmona S.
Gupta R.K.
Shafer R.W.
Document Type
Year published
in EBioMedicine, ISSN: 2352-3964
Volume: 18, Pages: 225-235 (10)
Publication Identifiers
Pubmed: 28365230
Scopus: 2-s2.0-85016506361
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 2352-3964
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Rhee S.Y.;   2 Varghese V.;   3 Holmes S.P.;
4 Van Zyl G.U.;   5 Steegen K.;   6 Boyd M.A.;
7 Cooper D.A.;   8 Nsanzimana S.;   9 Saravanan S.;
10 Charpentier C.;   11 de Oliveira T.;   12 Etiebet M.A.A.;
13 Garcia F.;   14 Goedhals D.;   15 Gomes P.;
16 Günthard H.F.;   17 Hamers R.L.;   18 Hoffmann C.J.;
19 Hunt G.;   20 Jiamsakul A.;   21 Kaleebu P.;
22 Kanki P.;   23 Kantor R.;   24 Kerschberger B.;
25 Marconi V.C.;   26 D'amour Ndahimana J.;   27 Ndembi N.;
28 Ngo-Giang-Huong N.;   29 Rokx C.;   30 Santoro M.M.;
31 Schapiro J.M.;   32 Schmidt D.;   33 Seu L.;
34 Sigaloff K.C.E.;   35 Sirivichayakul S.;   36 Skhosana L.;
37 Sunpath H.;   38 Tang M.;   39 Yang C.;
40 Carmona S.;   41 Gupta R.K.;   42 Shafer R.W.;