Imaging the Dome of Santa Maria Del Fiore Using Cosmic Rays

Guardincerri, E
Bacon, JD
Blasi, C
Bonechi, L
Chen, A
D'Alessandro, R
Durham, JM
Fine, M
Mauger, C
Newcomer, FM
Okasinski, J
Pizzico, T
Plaud-Ramos, K
Poulson, DC
Reilly, MB
Roberts, A
Saeid, T
Vaccaro, V
Van Berg, R
Document Type
Year published
in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, ISSN: 1364-503X
Volume: 377, Issue: 2137, Pages: 20180136
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ISSN: 1364-503X
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Guardincerri, E;   2 Bacon, JD;   3 Barros, N;
4 Blasi, C;   5 Bonechi, L;   6 Chen, A;
7 D'Alessandro, R;   8 Durham, JM;   9 Fine, M;
10 Mauger, C;   11 Mayers, G;   12 Morris, C;
13 Newcomer, FM;   14 Okasinski, J;   15 Pizzico, T;
16 Plaud-Ramos, K;   17 Poulson, DC;   18 Reilly, MB;
19 Roberts, A;   20 Saeid, T;   21 Vaccaro, V;
22 Van Berg, R;